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MapHubs is a collaborative platform for sharing and organzing mapping data, and telling stories with maps.

MapHubs is a modern open-source web mapping stack, built with Mapbox GL graphics-based map rendering using vector tiles (, PostGIS ( and GDAL ( for data storage/processing, and Next.js ( and React ( for the web application, along with many other smaller open-source libraries including CKEditor ( for the story editor

FOSSA Status


Web: Docker Repository on Quay

Assets: Docker Repository on Quay

Database: Docker Repository on Quay

Running MapHubs

MapHubs runs as a stack of Docker containers (see list below) using either docker-compose or Docker Cloud


Installing dependencies

git clone
cd maphubs
npm install

Local configuration

Before running maphubs locally, you will need to update the environment config variables

  • In env/dev/secret copy each of the sample files

MapHubs is made of multiple components: a database, the web application (this project), a vector tile server, and a screenshot service. The easiest way to run everything is with Docker.


The db-server directory contains instructions on running your own postgresql database with the appropriate table schema using Docker.

Vector Tile Server

Screenshot Service


To run the server, use the following command:

npm start


GPL-v2 see LICENSE.txt

FOSSA Status

Previous versions of this code (< v0.8.x) contained a fork of Macrocosm licensed under GPL-v2