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RESTful API with data persistence built in Java using Spring and Spring Data JPA

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Dining Reviews in Java

An allergy-specific restaurant review API built to solidfy the fundamentals of Java and Spring


RESTful Dining Review API with data persistence built in Java using Spring and Spring Data JPA with Hibernate.
This sample Dining Review API is designed for folks with allergies. Users indicate interest in any or all of three categories - peanut, egg, dairy. Restaurants are rated in each category and have an overall rating which is the average of all review scores. Reviews contain username and optional scores for peanut, egg, dairy, as well as an optional commentary.


You will need an Integrated Develepor Environment (IDE) such as IntelliJ IDE, or VS Code and a Java Development Kit (JDK) version 8 or higher. From the command line:

git clone <project name>
cd <project name>
npm install

Open project in IDE, run local server to curl endpoints


The Model consists of four classes - User, Restaurant, DiningReview, and AdminReviewStatus.

  • User, Restaurant, and DingingReview classes have an auto-generated id, date type Long
Code samples from DiningReview and AdminReviewStatus Classes
@Table(name = "REVIEWS")
public @Data
class DiningReview {
  @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
  private Long id;
  @Column(name = "USERNAME")
  private String username;
  @Column(name = "RESTAURANT")
  private Long restaurant; // represented by the restaurant id
  @Column(name = "PEANUTSCORE")
  private Integer peanutScore;
  @Column(name = "EGGSCORE")
  private Integer eggScore;
  @Column(name = "DAIRYSCORE")
  private Integer dairyScore;
  @Column(name = "COMMENTARY")
  private String commentary;
  @Column(name = "REVIEW_STATUS")
  private AdminReviewStatus adminReviewStatus;


public enum AdminReviewStatus {


Three controllers - UserController, RestaurantController, DiningReviewController

Code samples from UserController
// creates / saves a new user
 public User createUser(@RequestBody User user) {
     if (userRepository.getByUsername(user.getUsername()) != null && userRepository.findById(user.getId()).isPresent()) {
         System.out.print("\nUser already exists");
         throw new ResponseStatusException(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, "User already exists");
     if (userRepository.getByUsername(user.getUsername()) != null) {
         System.out.print("\nUsername not available");
         throw new ResponseStatusException(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, "Username not available");

// returns users with peanut allergy interest
 public Iterable <User> findByPeanutInterestTrue() {
     return this.userRepository.getByPeanutInterestTrue();
Code samples from RestaurantController
// returns restaurant Optional or ResponseStatusException
  public Optional<Restaurant> getRestaurantByName(@PathVariable("name") String name) {
      Optional<Restaurant> restaurantOptional = this.restaurantRepository.findByNameContaining(name);
      if (restaurantOptional.isEmpty()) {
          System.out.print("No Restaurants found by that name.");
          throw new ResponseStatusException(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND, "No Restaurants found with that name.");
      } else return restaurantOptional;

 // creates and saves a new restaurant
  public Restaurant createNewRestaurant(@RequestBody Restaurant restaurant) {
      if (restaurantRepository.findByNameContaining(restaurant.getName()).isEmpty()) {
          Restaurant newRestaurant =;
          System.out.print("\nNew restaurant created! id: " +  newRestaurant.getId() + ", name: " + newRestaurant.getName());
          return newRestaurant;
      } else throw new ResponseStatusException(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, "Restaurant may already exist...");

 // returns List of restaurants with overall rating greater than or equal to requested
 public List<Restaurant> getByOverallGreaterThanEqual(@PathVariable("overallRating") Double overallRating) {
     List<Restaurant> restaurantsToReturn = this.restaurantRepository.findByOverallRatingGreaterThanEqual(overallRating);
     if (restaurantsToReturn.isEmpty()) {
         System.out.print("\nSorry, no restaurants found with that overall rating.");
         throw new ResponseStatusException(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND, "Sorry, no restaurants found with that overall rating.");
     } else return restaurantsToReturn;
Code samples from DiningReviewController
// returns review list with requested min dairy score
 public Iterable<DiningReview> getReviewsByDairyScoreGreaterThanEqual(@PathVariable("dairyScore") Integer dairyScore) {
     Iterable<DiningReview> resultList = diningReviewRepository.findByDairyScoreGreaterThanEqual(dairyScore);
     if (resultList != null) {
         return diningReviewRepository.findByDairyScoreGreaterThanEqual(dairyScore);
     } else return new ArrayList<>();

// creates and saves and new DiningReview with ResponseStatusExceptions for invalid user and restaurant id
 public DiningReview createNewDiningReview(@RequestBody DiningReview diningReview) {
     if (restaurantRepository.findById(diningReview.getRestaurant()).isEmpty()) {
         throw new ResponseStatusException(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, "Restaurant does not exist");
     if (userRepository.getByUsername(diningReview.getUsername()) == null) {
         throw new ResponseStatusException(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, "User does not exist");
     DiningReview newReview = diningReview;
 // returns all reviews sorted by username
 public Iterable<DiningReview> getAllDiningReviewsSorted() {
     return diningReviewRepository.findAll("username"));
// The following three endpoints return an Iterable of reviews by AdminReviewStatus Pending, Approved, Rejected
 public Iterable<DiningReview> getPendingReviews() {
     return this.diningReviewRepository.findByAdminReviewStatus(AdminReviewStatus.PENDING);
 public Iterable<DiningReview> getApprovedReviews() {
     return this.diningReviewRepository.findByAdminReviewStatus(AdminReviewStatus.APPROVED);
 public Iterable<DiningReview> getRejectedReviews() {
     return this.diningReviewRepository.findByAdminReviewStatus(AdminReviewStatus.REJECTED);
 // approves a pending review
 public DiningReview approveReview(@PathVariable("id") Long id) {
     Optional<DiningReview> reviewToChangeOptional = diningReviewRepository.findById(id);
     if (reviewToChangeOptional.isEmpty()) {
         System.out.print("Review does not exist");
         throw new ResponseStatusException(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND, "Review id does not exist");
     } else {
         DiningReview reviewToChange = reviewToChangeOptional.get();
         return reviewToChange;
 // deletes a rejected review
 public DiningReview deleteRejectedDiningReview(@PathVariable("id") Long id) {
     Optional<DiningReview> reviewToDeleteOptional = diningReviewRepository.findById(id);
     if (!reviewToDeleteOptional.isPresent()) {
         return null;
     DiningReview reviewToDelete = reviewToDeleteOptional.get();
     System.out.print("\nid: " + id + " has been successfully deleted");
     return reviewToDelete;


Repositories for User, Restaurant, DiningReview

Code sample from User Repository
public interface UserRepository extends CrudRepository<User, Long> {
  User getByUsername(String username);
  Iterable <User> getByPeanutInterestTrue();
  Iterable <User> getByEggInterestTrue();
  Iterable <User> getByDairyInterestTrue();
Code sample from Restaurant Repository
public interface RestaurantRepository extends CrudRepository<Restaurant, Long> {
  List<Restaurant> findAll(Sort name);
  List<Restaurant> findByNameContaining(String name);
  List<Restaurant> findByOverallRatingGreaterThanEqual(Double overallRating);
  List<Restaurant> findByPeanutRatingGreaterThanEqual(Integer peanutRating);
  List<Restaurant> findByEggRatingGreaterThanEqual(Integer eggRating);
  List<Restaurant> findByDairyRatingGreaterThanEqual(Integer dairyRating);
Code sample from DiningReview Repository
public interface DiningReviewRepository extends CrudRepository<DiningReview, Long> {
  Iterable<DiningReview> findByAdminReviewStatus(AdminReviewStatus adminReviewStatus);
  Iterable<DiningReview> findByPeanutScoreGreaterThanEqual(Integer peanutScore);
  Iterable<DiningReview> findByEggScoreGreaterThanEqual(Integer eggScore);
  Iterable<DiningReview> findByDairyScoreGreaterThanEqual(Integer dairyScore);

Tech Stack

Java Spring Hibernate IntelliJ IDE


Beth Meeker GH
Beth Meeker avatar


RESTful API with data persistence built in Java using Spring and Spring Data JPA







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