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SQLServer Native Data Connector


This a very work in progress Native Data Connector for SQLServer made in the Hasura Hackathon August 2023. It is a fork of postgres-ndc and aims to follow the conventions established there.

Things we have:

  • basic queries
  • filtering
  • basic ordering
  • relationships
  • variables
  • sorting

Things we definitely don't have:

  • database introspection
  • explain queries
  • reinstate benchmarks

The best view of progress is probably /crates/ndc-sqlserver/tests/, and look at which tests are still commented out. If you'd to contribute, a very good start would be to uncomment one and try to fix any query errors.



  1. Install rustup.
  2. Install additional tools:
    • cargo install cargo-watch cargo-insta
    • rustup component add rust-analyzer
    • rustup component add clippy
    • rustup component add rustfmt
  3. Install just
  4. Install Docker
  5. Install protoc. Here are a few options:
    • brew install protobuf
    • apt-get install protobuf-compiler
    • dnf install protobuf-compiler
  6. Clone v3-engine in a directory near this one:
    (cd .. && git clone


cargo build


Run the sqlserver agent with:

just run


  1. Start the sample chinook sqlserver db, compile, run tests, and rerun server on file changes: just dev
  2. Query the connector via curl:
    curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      --data "@crates/ndc-sqlserver/tests/goldenfiles/select_where_variable.json" \
     http://localhost:8080/query \
     | jq

Among the docker containers is a Jaeger instance for tracing/debugging, accessible at




We can produce a flamegraph using just flamegraph using flamegraph-rs. Follow the installation instructions.


See ./benchmarks/component/

A benchmark history can be viewed here.

General structure



  1. Run just dev (or just run)

  2. Run just run-engine

  3. Connect to GraphiQL at http://localhost:3000 and run a query:

    query {
      AlbumByID(AlbumId: 35) {

    (or just test-integrated)

Write a database execution test

  1. Create a new file under crates/ndc-sqlserver/tests/goldenfiles/<your-test-name>.json
  2. Create a new test in crates/ndc-sqlserver/tests/ that looks like this:
    async fn select_5() {
        let result = common::test_query("select_5").await;
  3. Run the tests using just dev
  4. Review the results using cargo insta review

Write a SQL translation snapshot test

  1. Create a new folder under crates/query-engine/tests/goldenfiles/<your-test-name>/
  2. Create request.json and tables.json files in that folder to specify your request
  3. Create a new test in crates/query-engine/tests/ that looks like this:
    async fn select_5() {
        let result = common::test_translation("select_5").await;
  4. Run the tests using just dev
  5. Review the results using cargo insta review

Testing metrics

We have a Prometheus / Grafana set up in Docker. Run just start-metrics to start them, you can then navigation to localhost:3001 for Grafana, or localhost:9090 for Prometheus.


Run just lint to run clippy linter

run just lint-apply to attempt to autofix all linter suggestions


Check your formatting is great with just format-check.

Format all Rust code with just format.