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File metadata and controls

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Miscellaneous general-purpose library modules. Nothing extraordinary.

What it is

API documentation can be found here.

  • meld.d: Combining two structs/classes of the same type into a union set of their members' values. Also works with arrays and associative arrays. A melding strategy can be supplied as a template parameter for fine-tuning behaviour, but in general non-init values overwrite init ones.
// Aggregate
struct Foo
    string s;
    int i;

Foo source;
source.s = "some string";

Foo target;
target.i = 42;

assert(target.s == "some string");
assert(target.i == 42);

// Array
auto sourceArr = [ 123, 0, 789, 0, 456, 0 ];
auto targetArr = [ 0, 456, 0, 123, 0, 789 ];
assert(targetArr == [ 123, 456, 789, 123, 456, 789 ]);

// Associative array
string[string] sourceAA = [ "a":"a", "b":"b" ];
string[string] targetAA = [ "c":"c", "d":"d" ];

assert(targetAA == [ "a":"a", "b":"b", "c":"c", "d":"d" ]);
  • objmanip.d: Struct/class manipulation, such as setting a member field by its string name.
struct Foo
    string s;
    int i;
    bool b;
    immutable double pi = 3.14;

Foo foo;
bool success;

success = foo.setMemberByName("s", "some string");
assert(foo.s == "some string");

success = foo.setMemberByName("i", "42");
assert(foo.i == 42);

success = foo.setMemberByName("b", "true");
assert(foo.b == true);

success = foo.setMemberByName("pi", "3.15");

success = foo.setMemberByName("i", 999);  // Now works with non-string values
assert(foo.i == 999);
  • deltastrings.d: Expressing the differences between two instances of a struct or class of the same type, as either assignment statements or assert statements.
struct Foo
    string s;
    int i;
    bool b;

Foo altered;
altered.s = "some string";
altered.i = 42;

Appender!(char[]) sink;

// Generate assignment statements by passing `No.asserts`
sink.formatDeltaInto!(No.asserts)(Foo.init, altered);

assert(sink[] ==
`s = "some string";
i = 42;


// As above but prepend the name "altered" before the members
sink.formatDeltaInto!(No.asserts)(Foo.init, altered, 0, "altered");

assert(sink[] ==
`altered.s = "some string";
altered.i = 42;


// Generate assert statements by passing `Yes.asserts`
sink.formatDeltaInto!(Yes.asserts)(Foo.init, altered, 0, "altered");

assert(sink[] ==
`assert((altered.s == "some string"), altered.s);
assert((altered.i == 42),!string);
  • typecons.d: So far only UnderscoreOpDispatcher. When mixed into some aggregate, it generates an opDispatch that allows for accessing and mutating any (potentially private) members of it whose names start with an underscore. Arrays are appended to.
struct Foo
    int _i;
    string _s;
    bool _b;
    string[] _add;
    alias wordList = _add;

    mixin UnderscoreOpDispatcher;

Foo f;
f.i = 42;         // f.opDispatch!"i"(42);
f.s = "hello";    // f.opDispatch!"s"("hello");
f.b = true;       // f.opDispatch!"b"(true);
f.add("hello");   // f.opDispatch!"add"("hello");
f.add("world");   // f.opDispatch!"add"("world");

assert(f.i == 42);
assert(f.s == "hello");
assert(f.wordList == [ "hello", "world" ]);

    Returns `this` by reference, so we can chain calls.
auto f2 = Foo()

assert(f2.i == 9001);
assert(f2.s == "world");
assert(f2.wordList == [ "hello", "world" ]);
  • traits.d: Various traits and cleverness.
mixin template MyMixin()
    mixin MixinConstraints!(MixinScope.struct_ | MixinScope.class_);

    void foo() {}
    int i;

struct Bar
    mixin MyMixin;  // ok

class Baz
    mixin MyMixin; // also ok

void baz()
    mixin MyMixin;  // static assert 0, wrong mixin scope type
  • serialisation.d: Functions and templates for serialising structs into an .ini file-like format, with entries and values separated into two columns by whitespace.
struct Foo
    string s;
    int i;
    bool b;
    double pi;

Foo foo;
foo.s = "some string";
foo.i = 42;
foo.b = true;
foo.pi = 3.14159;

Appender!(char[]) sink;
immutable justified = sink[].justifiedEntryValueText;

assert(justified ==
s               some string
i               42
b               true
pi              3.14159

File file = File("config.conf", "w");

// Later...

Foo newFoo;

assert(newFoo.s == "some string");
assert(newFoo.i == 42);
assert(newFoo.b == true);
assert(newFoo.pi == 3.14159);
  • string.d: String manipulation functions and templates.
enum line = "Word split by spaces \\o/";
string slice = line;  // mutable

immutable first = slice.advancePast(" ");
assert(first == "Word");

immutable second = slice.advancePast(" ");
assert(second == "split");

immutable third = slice.advancePast(" ");
assert(third == "by");
assert(slice == "spaces \\o/");

    If the optional Yes.inherit is passed, the whole slice is returned
    in case the delimiter isn't found, otherwise it throws.
immutable fourth = slice.advancePast("?", Yes.inherit);
assert(fourth == "spaces \\o/");
assert(slice.length == 0);

enum quoted = `author "John Doe" title "Foo Bar" tag1 tag2 tag3 tag4`;
string authorHeader;
string author;
string titleHeader;
string title;
string[] overflow;

immutable results = quoted.splitInto(authorHeader, author, titleHeader, title, overflow);
assert(results == SplitResults.overrun);
assert(author == "John Doe");
assert(title == "Foo Bar");
assert(overflow == [ "tag1", "tag2", "tag3", "tag4" ]);

immutable intoArray = quoted.splitWithQuotes();
assert(intoArray.length == 8);
assert(intoArray[1] == "John Doe");
assert(intoArary[3] == "Foo Bar");
assert(intoArray[4..8] == [ "tag1", "tag2", "tag3", "tag4" ]);
  • conv.d: Conversion functions and templates.
// Credit for Enum goes to Stephan Koch ( Used with permission.
// Generates less bloat than `` on larger enums. Restrictions apply.

enum Foo { abc, def, ghi }

immutable someAbc =;
immutable someDef = Foo.def;
immutable someGhi = Foo.ghi;

assert(Enum!Foo.toString(someAbc) == "abc");
assert(Enum!Foo.toString(someDef) == "def");
assert(Enum!Foo.toString(someGhi) == "ghi");

immutable otherAbc = Enum!Foo.fromString("abc");
immutable otherDef = Enum!Foo.fromString("def");
immutable otherGhi = Enum!Foo.fromString("ghi");
  • json.d: Convenience wrappers around a Phobos JSONValue, which can be unwieldy. Not a JSON parser implementation.
  • container.d: Container things, so far only a primitive FIFO Buffer (queue) and a LIFO CircularBuffer.
  • common.d: Things that don't have a better home yet.
  • numeric.d: Functions and templates that calculate or manipulate numbers in some way.
  • uda.d: Some user-defined attributes used here and there.


  • nothing right now, ideas needed

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This project is licensed under the Boost Software License 1.0 - see the LICENSE_1_0.txt file for details.