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A PowerShell 5.0 console utility that uses a simple json configuration file to manage plugins, theming, module autoloading, module upgrading, module cleanup, and other chores so that you can be more productive in the shell.



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A PowerShell 5.0 console utility that uses a simple json configuration file to manage turn your PowerShell profile into a plugin-capable, themed, module autoloading, function repo storing experience. OhMyPsh is meant to make you and your teams more productive in the shell.


I've tested out several custom PowerShell console modules and each had great features but none really met all my needs. In response to this I smashed up several projects in an effort to make a worthy customizable PowerShell experience. The result is OhMyPsh (the name is an obvious reference to the venerable Oh-my-zsh shell wrapper for zsh in Linux land).

The short description of what this module does is that OhMyPsh allows for a far more dynamic PowerShell profile. It allows you to source in functions from anywhere automatically that can easily be removed from your session. It can apply and revert console or Powershell host settings or be used as an ad hoc scheduler to run scripts ever nth session (or any other logic you can script out for that matter).

The name of this module is a purposeful tip of the hat to Robby Russell's excellent oh-my-zsh project. I've attempted to take the best ideas from oh-my-zsh like plugins and themes. But due to inherent differences between PowerShell and other shells I was able to mostly eliminate the use of environmental variables and really contain the OhMyPsh shell experience. I've actually designed this module with the following principles in mind:

  • Little to no use of environmental variables for maintaining shell configuration state
  • Try as much as possible to have all settings be reversable (so if you unload OhMyPsh you get the exact same shell and modules that you started with).
  • Extremely flexible and easy to expand upon plugin system



For this module to be useful you will need to have a modern version of PowerShell. Anything 5 or greater should suffice. You will also want to ensure that you aren't using a super dated version of PowerShellGet and PackageManagement. These modules are often not actually tied to the powershell gallery on a default Windows 10 install so they may actually never get updated! So fix that by manually running install-module/update-module in an admin console as covered here.

Install-Module -Name PowerShellGet -Force Update-Module -Name PowerShellGet

Then install OhMyPsh from the Powershell Gallery (PS 5.0, Preferred method)

install-module OhMyPsh

Or manually install if really need to for some odd reason:

iex (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("")

Or, if you are looking to develop this project further, clone this repository to your local machine, extract, go to the .\releases\OhMyPsh directory and import the module to your session to test, but not install this module.


OhMyPsh includes several appealing features for both the beginning and seasoned PowerShell user. This includes (but is not limited to):

  • Automatic module installation
  • Colorized and custom formatted output (via the ezout plugin)
  • Automatic module updating and cleaning (again, via plugins)
  • Very easy addition, loading, and unloading of plugins and modules
  • Theming (psreadline, ezout, powerline, your imagination)
  • Persistent custom profile settings (simple json file stored in your profile path)
  • Automatic dot sourcing of personal functions from any location
  • A good amount of cool plugins baked right in the base install

Read on to see how to use some of these features.


Here is a general guide on some of the things you can do with this module.

Quick Start

The starting profile of OhMyPsh is rather plain (I have to keep it this way for the build process not to freak out). If you want to get up and running ASAP with a good default setup this code block will suffice:

install-module OhMyPsh
import-module OhMyPsh
'psreadline','ezout','banner','qod','psdefaultparams','moduleupgrade','moduleclean' | Add-OMPPlugin
Set-OMPTheme powerline

This will install the module, load it for the first time, enable a handlful of my favorite plugins and set a default theme. Along the way, any missing modules should automatically get installed on your system (psgit and powerline specifically).

This now also does a few more fun things for you like setup a few psreadline settings (F1 to open a new help window about the current PowerShell command among other things).

By default, we don't futz with your powershell profile but if you wanted to load OhMyPsh everytime you launched a new console you can add something like the following to your Powershell profile.

Open your profile for editing....

notepad.exe $Profile

Add the following at the end....

if ($Host.Name -eq 'ConsoleHost') {
    if (Get-Module OhMyPsh -ListAvailable) {
        Import-Module OhMyPsh

Here is my own profile if anyone is interested. I basically do the same thing but add a few extras for troubleshooting profile issues. I try to remove all extras that may get autopopulated from things like chocolatey or git in favor of using OhMyPsh plugins instead.

## Detect if we are running powershell without a console.
try {
catch {

# Everything in this block is only relevant in a console. This keeps nonconsole based powershell sessions clean.
if ($_ISCONSOLE) {
    ##  Check SHIFT state ASAP at startup so we can use that to control verbosity :)
    try {
	Add-Type -Assembly PresentationCore, WindowsBase
        if ([System.Windows.Input.Keyboard]::IsKeyDown([System.Windows.Input.Key]::LeftShift) -or [System.Windows.Input.Keyboard]::IsKeyDown([System.Windows.Input.Key]::RightShift)) {
            $VerbosePreference = "Continue"
    catch {
        # Maybe this is a non-windows host?

    ## Set the profile directory variable for possible use later
    Set-Variable ProfileDir (Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Parent) -Scope Global -Option AllScope, Constant -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    # Start OhMyPsh only if we are in a console
    if ($Host.Name -eq 'ConsoleHost') {
        if (Get-Module OhMyPsh -ListAvailable) {
            Import-Module OhMyPsh
<# Chocolatey profile
Removed, we can control chocolatey tab completion with the OhMyPsh chocolatey plugin instead.


## And finally, relax the code signing restriction so we can actually get work done
Import-module Microsoft.PowerShell.Security
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned Process


Plugins in OhMyPsh are PowerShell scripts that import functions/variables/aliases into your session in a seamless manner. These are extremely powerful and versitile with only a nominal amount of effort to create and deploy. Several plugins are included with the module for your convenience. You can get a list of available plugins and if they are loaded with the following command:

╔ #239 ~:
╚═══╕ Get-OMPPlugin

Name              Loaded
----              ------
banner            True
consoleui         False
fileutils         False
fzf               True
helpers           True
moduleclean       True
moduleupgrade     True
net               False
o365              True
powerline         True
psdefaultparams   True
psgit             True
psreadline        True
qod               True
vagrant           False
vmware            False

Builtin Plugins

Arguably, plugins are what make OhMyPsh neat. I've packaged up several useful (or sometimes just amusing) plugins as examples of what this module can do with nominal effort. A good portion of these plugins are a mini-collection of functions that could also be modules if you wanted to go that route. But some of these plugins can really enhance your PowerShell console session experience. Here is a description of some of them.


I'm listing this one first for a reason. Several other plugins and features simply don't exist without this module running. PowerShell 5.0 loads psreadline by default in every new PowerShell session. This plugin doesn't really serve to ensure that the module is loaded (though it does do that as well) but rather acts as a holding place for psreadline customizations you want applied across the board.

This plugin also puts logic around loading prior session history into new sessions (the default is 50 items).

You should feel free to modify your psreadline configuration to suit your needs.

Join-Path (Get-OMPPlugin psreadline).Path 'Load.ps1'

Or if you just want to modify some of the psreadline options and don't care about the history stuff I've added:

(Get-OMPProfileSetting)['pluginconfig_psreadline'] | clip

That will put the configuration on your clipboard to paste into whatever editor to modify. Then just assign it back.

Set-OMPProfileSetting -Name 'pluginconfig_psreadline' -Value '#whatever'

This plugin does add a few variables to the OhMyPsh user profile

--PSReadlineHistoryPath-- - You may want to modify this to live on Onedrive or Dropbox. The default location is in Split-Path $PROFILE

PSReadlinePersistantHistoryCount - This determines how many previous history items are loaded into a fresh session. The default is 50.

PSReadlineHistoryLoaded - This is used to track if history was loaded or not. This will prevent multiple import/exports of OhMyPsh from screwing up your history buffer. It gets set to $false when the entire session is killed and gets set to true again the next time OhMyPsh loads up in another session. (Note, multiple sessions thusly do not load the history from one another but you can still use the psreadline history search buffer to find entries from other sessions).


This is a simple plugin to show a pretty system info banner when you startup OhMyPsh. The banner looks something like the following:

Dom:<Short Domain> | Host:<ComputerName> | Logon Svr:<DC>
PS:5 | Elevated:FALSE | Execution Policy:Bypass
User:zloeber | IP:10.0.x.x/24 | GW:10.0.x.x

Uptime (hardware boot): 3 days / 0 hours / 9 minutes
Uptime (system resume): 0 days / 1 hours / 56 minutes

This is just a small group of console related functions that get imported into your OhMyPsh session.


This takes the bits of code that the chocolately installer rudely crams at the end of your powershell profile and turns it into a managed plugin. This essentially gives the choco command tab completion.


Adds a function for installing a conemu theme to the current conemu.xml file. At first load this plugin will use git to clone a repo of themes from Every time this plugin loads it will automatically check for updates and download them transparently. To add a theme to conemu (Windows only of course) run the imported function

Install-ConemuTheme -Operation:Add -Theme:<tab complete>


Install-ConemuTheme -Operation:Remove -Theme:<Tab complete>

If tab complete doesn't work then you may need to manually supply the path to your conemu config xml file with -ConfigPath.


Simply put, using this plugin makes you look like a wizard at the console. This is actually a module disguised as a plugin as it hasn't been plublished to PowerShellGet yet. I've made some minor changes and included the underlying fzf.exe binary to encapsulate this all into a nice package. The underlying module, psfzf, wraps around fzf.exe which is a fuzzy logic console application. Here are a few small things you can do with this plugin.

  • Ctrl+F = Search through your history in a cool new way (try invoke-FuzzyHistory to do the same but also launch the results!)
  • Alt+C = Change your current directory like a boss!
  • Alt+A = Parse through your argument history.

This is best combined with psreadline for the coolest results but you can also use the commands it exports (get-command -Module psfzf)


Another small plugin with several helper functions and aliases you may find useful. View these with Get-OMPLoadedFunction


This will prompt you for automatic removal of 'old' modules from your system. This only targets powershellget sourced modules and only will prompt for removal of those that have multiple versions installed. The following OhMyPsh profile variable is used to determine how frequently this occurs (in OhMyPsh module loads):

ModuleAutoCleanFrequency - Default is every 8 times OhMyPsh is loaded.

NOTE: the underlying function isn't heavily optimized and can take a while to process!


This will prompt you for automatic upgrade of 'old' modules on your system. This only targets powershellget sourced modules and only will prompt for upgrades of those that have upgrades available. The following OhMyPsh profile variable is used to determine how frequently this occurs (in OhMyPsh module loads):

ModuleAutoUpgradeFrequency - Default is every 7 times OhMyPsh is loaded.

NOTE: The underlying function isn't heavily optimized and can take a while to process!


Provides the ability to track all output from all streams (including verbose/debug/warning/error/stadard) to another file via nlog binaries. Can be useful in some scenarios.


Another small plugin with several o365 functions and aliases you may find useful for connecting to s4b online, exchange online, exchange on premise, and with or without MFA. This one plugin is what spurred the entire OhMyPsh project as I wanted my team to have the funtions at their disposal in any session. View the imported functions with Get-OMPLoadedFunction after the plugin has been added.


This is an example of how you might use OhMyPsh to muck with your setting in a fairly safe manner. It will load several useful PSDefaultParameters settings like popping out a help window when using get-help and autosizing Format-Table output.


Displays a quote of the day. Nuff said.

This parses a simple txt file which can be updated or moved. The file location is stored in the OhMyPsh variable that this plugin adds aptly called 'QuoteDirectory'


Imports the vagrant-status module functions into your session. Can be used for custom prompts if so desired.


Imports the VMware module if it exists. As the vmware module likes to be a bastard and change your prompt this plugin will load the module then change it right back the way you had it. Take that you prompt hijacker! I tend to add and remove this plugin as required to do my job as the vmware PowerCLI module is pretty large.

Plugin Logic

Plugins reside in a directory of the same name as the plugin itself. There can be multiple root paths that are searched for plugins but, by default, the plugins folder within the module is used. If you want to add additional plugin paths (or change the existing one) you can modify the OMPPluginRootPaths profile setting (Set-OMPProfileSetting).

A plugin folder has the following structure:

--PluginName (directory)
  --src (directory)
    --SomeDirectory (directory)

A plugin Load.ps1 file consists of five distinct scriptblocks and a directory of optionally dot sourced files. The scriptblocks are as follows:

  1. PreLoad
  2. PostLoad
  3. Config
  4. Unload
  5. Shutdown

When a plugin loads it first checks the plugin folder for the Load.ps1 file which contains the scriptblock definitions. Preload occurs before files are dot sourced from the src directory, PostLoad occurs afterwards. Then if a profile configuration for the plugin is defined it gets run (otherwise the default config scriptblock is run and added to the profile). When the plugin is removed from a profile (via Remove-OMPPlugin) the Unload scriptblock is invoked. Finally, when the OhMyPsh module is unloaded then the Shutdown scriptblock is invoked.

So, in order, this occurs for each plugin:

  1. Invoke the Preload scriptblock
  2. Find and invoke every .ps1 file in the plugin src subdirectory
  3. Invoke the Postload scriptblock
  4. Does a config scriptblock exist in the user's profile for the plugin? If so invoke it. If not invoke the default config scriptblock and save it to the user's profile.
  5. Optionally, if the plugin is removed via Remove-OMPPlugin the Unload scriptblock is invoked.
  6. Optionally, if you close your powershell session or unload OhMyPsh the Shutdown scriptblock (in the Load.ps1 file) is invoked.

NOTE: When a plugin is 'added' to a profile a new profile configuration item is created if it doesn't already exist. This will be called pluginconfig_<pluginname> and will contain the 'Config' scriptblock contents. This is to allow for plugin upgrades that will not overwrite any custom settings you may want to keep. This setting does NOT get removed when you remove the plugin.

NOTE: It is important to be aware that all scriptblock code is run in the module context and so anything that you want to flow back to the user session must be scoped globally. This includes functions and aliases. currently only global functions that get brought into the global session will be tracked by OhMyPsh and automatically removed when the plugin or module are unloaded. You can also import stand-alone functions that will get automatically converted to the global scope via Add-OMPPersonalFunction.

++EXAMPLE PLUGIN++ - Run some task every 5th time you load OhMyPsh

Perhaps you need your ego stroked a bit so you you decide to tell yourself how great you are every five times you load OhMyPsh. Easy stuff, first create your template plugin:

New-OMPPlugin -Name 'egoboost' New-OMPPluginManifest -Name 'egoboost' -Description 'Remind me every 5th session how great I am'

Next update the returned plugin.ps1 file path with the following code:

$Freq = 5
$TotalRuns = Get-OMPProfileSetting -Name:OMPRunCount
if (($TotalRuns % $Freq) -eq 0)) {
    Write-Verbose "Total OMP run count is a multiple of the egoboost frequency setting ($Freq)"
    Write-Output "I'm Good Enough, I'm Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like Me!"

Test and then add the new plugin to your persistent session:

Add-OMPPlugin -Name 'egoboost' -Force -NoProfileUpdate
Add-OMPPlugin -Name 'egoboost' -Force

Unload and reload the module a few times to be given your positive affirmation.

NOTE! Exported functions from plugins will not be shown with get-command -module OhMyPsh. If you want to get a quick view of the functions that are in your session because of plugins then use the following command:


Dot Sourced Personal Functions

Rather than have to change a function you wrote just to work as a plugin (defining with a global scope) you can simply add it directly to be dot sourced in OhMyPsh. There are still some restrictions around how to do this though. Generally a fully formed left-justified function (using the actual function definition) within a ps1 file will be detected and automatically loaded into the global scope. As with plugins, these functions will get 'tracked' by OhMyPsh via a simple notepropery on the function object so it can be later removed when OhMyPsh is unloaded.

These get saved in your OhMyPsh profile as individual ps1 files that will automatically get loaded the next time you start OhMyPsh (and get removed when OhMyPsh is unloaded).

Be careful as this was really meant for just function definitions in ps1 files. The whole ps1 file will get invoked no matter what you have in it though so use at your own discretion.

You can add personal function files or entire directories of them with Add-OMPPersonalFunction

NOTE: I'd be a poor example if I didn't say that grouping several similar functions into a module is the preferred method of script distribution over using OhMyPsh personal functions or plugins. But sometimes you just have a mix of one off functions you need to always have loaded and available. This module allows you to do so in an unloadable manner.

Profile Configuration

A fairly plain default configuration is provided out of the box with this module. You can see all current settings with the following function:


You can easily modify all of these settings without ever having to open the json save file in an editor. Use the Set-OMPProfileSetting function (which includes tab completion for all settings via the 'Name' Parameter BTW). These settings will instantly save to your persistent profile.

++EXAMPLE++ - Enable verbose output when loading your module

Set-OMPProfileSetting -Name:OMPDebug -Value:$false

You are also able to add and remove custom profile settings with Add-OMPProfileSetting and Remove-OMPProfileSetting commands. This allows for some rather creative plugins to be deployed. Take a look at the moduleupgrade and moduleclean plugins for a good example of how this is used.


Themes are simply customized PSColor hash definitions and/or a prompt that get imported as a ps1 file. Set your theme with Set-OMPTheme.

++EXAMPLE++ - Set the theme to 'norm'

Set-OMPTheme -Name:norm

PSColor Customization

** This has been removed in favor of dynamically loaded format type files created with ezout. **

Some Known Issues

There are several areas of improvement that can be made:

  • Probably should autoremove plugins from a profile if they fail to load
  • Add script-signing support and validation
  • Add plugin dependancy checking when unloading plugins.
  • Safer input validation of input to pscolor
  • Turn pscolor into a plugin instead of being integrated.
  • I started a module variable for storing prompt colors that probably should be eliminated in favor of psreadline variables or anything else (Get-OMPPromptColor/Set-OMPPromptColor). This is used in the highly-stylized 'jaykul' theme.
  • I should have some Pester tests for plugin authoring purposes (among other things)
  • Figure out a way to get original aliases reimported when the module unloads. For now a script is created and message is displayed on how to re-import yourself if required.
  • So much more I'm guessing :)

Further Information

The entire module is pure powershell and is hosted on github for your convenience. Note that there is some embedded C# code in one function and maybe more in other plugins but this is pretty rare.


Please feel free to contribute by opening new issues or providing pull requests. For the best development experience, open this project as a folder in Visual Studio Code and ensure that the PowerShell extension is installed.

  • [Visual Studio Code]
  • [PowerShell Extension]

This module can be a bit of a pain to build and test with the tenatious way that it tries to maintain persistency (via automatic loading of the json configuration file). You can load the module with a different path if desired so that your own user profile configuration file is not used.

Import-Module .\OhMyPsh.psm1 -ArgumentList '.\'

Other Information

Author: Zachary Loeber


Related Projects/Credits


A PowerShell 5.0 console utility that uses a simple json configuration file to manage plugins, theming, module autoloading, module upgrading, module cleanup, and other chores so that you can be more productive in the shell.







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