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147 lines (104 loc) · 4.59 KB

ZetaForge Contributing Guide

Thank you for your interest in contributing to ZetaForge! There are many ways you can contribute to ZetaForge, such as:

  • contributing to ZetaForge documentations,
  • reporting bugs by creating Issues,
  • helping us improve the code and fix bugs,
  • submitting a Pull Request (PR),
  • answering usage questions and discussing issues with other users,
  • and, sharing your ZetaForge Pipelines and Blocks with the community through ZetaForge Discord channel.

Every small improvement you contribute will help push the boundaries of AI a bit further, and will help us all grow faster!


Feel free to suggest changes or updates to the documentations.

The documentation is based on Material for MKDocs. To install the pip package, run the following command:

pip install mkdocs-material

The Material for MKDocs package comes with a live preview sever that allows you to preview your changes as you make modifications. To start the live preview server, run the following command in your terminal:

mkdocs serve

The preview will be available at localhost:8000.

Create New Issues

ZetaForge Issues page is kept up-to-date with bugs, improvements, and feature requests. If you face a bug or want to add a feature request, please read our Issues list before creating a new one.

When creating a new issue, make sure that your issue is addressing a single, modular bug or feature request. Please link related issues together rather than combining multiple issues.

If you want to work on an existing issue, please assign it to yourself.

We use labels to organize issues; filter issues by labels to quickly find what you are looking for. Please add labels to your issues when you create one to help us organize issues more effectively.


To run ZetaForge in developer mode, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository and install the requirements:
git clone
cd zetaforge
pip install .
  1. Set up the necessary Kubernetes configurations:
python -m zetaforge.forge_cli setup
  1. Start the Go server:
go run .

Note: You will need to install gcc (tested on GCC 10.3.0) for building the Go server locally if you are on Windows.

  1. Open another terminal window and run the following commands to start the frontend:
cd frontend
npm install
npm run dev

If you wish to teardown your containers, run the following command:

python -m zetaforge.forge_cli teardown

Submitting a Pull Request (PR)

Before submitting a PR, please make sure to check if there are any open or closed pull requests related to your intended submission. If there were no pull requests related to what you have in mind, please submit your PR by following these steps:

1- Fork ZetaForge and download your forked repository to your local machine:

git clone [your-forked-repo-url]

2- Add the original ZetaForge repository as the remote.

git remote add upstream

3- Sync the code from the main repository to your local machine and push it back to your forked remote repository.

# Pull the latest code from the upstream branch
git fetch upstream

# Switch to the main branch
git checkout main

# Merge the updates from the upstream branch into main, synchronizing the local main branch with the upstream
git merge upstream/main

# Additionally, sync the local main branch to the remote branch of your forked repository
git push origin main

4- Create a new branch in your forked repository. Please use meaningful names.

git checkout -b my-new-branch main

5- Make your modifications and commit your changes with meaningful commit messages.

git commit -m "your commit message"

6- Push your changes to your GitHub repository.

git push origin my-new-branch

7- Submit a pull request to the main branch on the GitHub repository page.

Share Your Work

If you like to show your genius to the community, feel free to post your ZetaForge Block or Pipeline on ZetaForge Discord channel with a short description of what your Pipeline does. Demo videos are always appreciated! You can meet other community members who are interested in the same repositories as yourself, too!

Getting Help

If you need help, we are there for you! Post your questions or take part in discussions by joining our Discord channel: