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File metadata and controls

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YZWebCall Demo with Alamofire

Minimal coding for API calls using alamofier, YZWebCall Allow user to create it's API call method and return response in block.


  • Install Alamofier via pod and add YZWebCall.swift file in your project.

  • if your base url if fixed then set it to _baseUrl in YZWebCall

let _baseUrl = // Your base path
  • First you want to create your own api method under ApiCall extention. in this you need to add your relative path, request param if needed, and pass WSBlock in method argument for hundle respose. YZWebCall provide methods like getRequest, postRequest, and uploadImage for multipart request.
// MARK: - API Call extention
extension YZWebCall{
    // Demo 
    func simpleGetApiCall(block: @escaping WSBlock){
        let relPath = // Your api relative path
        let _ = getRequest(relPath: relPath, param: nil, block: block)
    // If you make another api call then create second method
    func simpleGetApiCall2(userID: String, block: @escaping WSBlock){
        let relPath = // Your api relative path
        let param = ["userID" : userID]
        let _ = getRequest(relPath: relPath, param: param, block: block)
  • Now you can call your api form anywhere in your project and get respose in it's own block { (json, statusCode) in
  // Your code
  // josn is responce data
  // statusCode is http responce status code.
  • Also you can dowanload file with YZWebCall in simplest way, you need to create one more method for dowanload file, simple as api call.
// MARK: - API Call extention
extension YZWebCall{
  // api call 1
  // api call 2

  func dowanlodFileCall(progressBlock: @escaping WSProgress, resBlock: @escaping WSFileBlock){
      let relPath = "Your path"
      dowanloadFile(relPath: relPath, saveFileWithName: "file.png", progress: progressBlock, block: resBlock)
  • Now you can call dowanlodFileCall method from your any controller and get dowanload progeress block and dowanload completion block with dowanloaded image path { (progress) -> ()? in
    // progress of dowanload
}) { (path, isComplete) in
    // completion or failur. with dowanloade file path

Other API Usages

  • YZWebCall.swift allow you make your webcall simple and esier. set your http header in headers in 'YZWebCall' file. also it allow to set parameter encoding like. (Josn, xml), default set to urlencoding.
var headers: HTTPHeaders = [
  "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
var paramEncode: ParameterEncoding = URLEncoding.default
  • YZWebCall has one more important method to set Authorization in http header. it accept tokern in string argument. "")
  • Remove Authorization from http header
  • It Also provied reachability block for internet. it called when internet seems to be down or avalable. you can hundel no internet event in following code.
func addInterNetListner(){
        networkManager.listener = { (status) in
            if status == NetworkReachabilityManager.NetworkReachabilityStatus.notReachable{
              // Your Code
              // Your Code
  • If you want to check fot internet at any point then it also provide one mothod for check internet status in boolen.
let isAvail =