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Installation Working Tested on Ubuntu

Why should I self host?

Self-hosting gives you the whole power over the service and the data. You can set up a server for your own personal use or share it with friends and family. Or, why not go further and share it with the whole world?

When you self-host you make internet stronger and more censorship resistant. If one Yotter instance goes down for any reason, there will be all other instances online and ready to host new users.


First Steps

You will need a server of your own, it is recomended to rent a VPS server on any service you like. Minimum requirements for ~100 users are 2GB of RAM and a Linux Server. It is better if the server is dedicated as whole to Yotter as it will improve performance and security.

Everything that appears between < > needs to be changed by you. So for example if you see <password> you should change it for yourPassword without keeping the < >.

Set up a user

First of all, you will need to set up a new user on the server. For security reasons you should never use a root user to set up a service. If you already have a non-root user you can use that one and skip the following steps.

We will create a user named ubuntu as I will be setting this up on an ubuntu machine. So, if you choose a different username make sure you replace it on future commands. We will create and login to the user as follows:

# adduser --gecos "" ubuntu
# usermod -aG sudo ubuntu
# su ubuntu
$ cd

If you now type pwd and hit enter, you shuould see that the current path is /home/<user>/

Now you should be logged in. Make sure to set up a good password. It is recommended to use ssh keys to log-in remotelly and disable the password login on all users.



1. Pre-Configuration

  1. Install docker:

Instructions for Ubuntu 20.04LTS. For any other systems there are plenty of guides on the internet.

  1. Install docker-compose:

General instructions for all Linux systems

  1. You can check it was installed with docker-compose --version

  2. Install nginx if not installed.

  • sudo apt install nginx

2. Setting up Yotter

  1. Run the following commands on your server:
git clone && cd Yotter
docker-compose up -d
chown -R www-data:www-data /var/run/ytproxy

You may need to use sudo for turning up the docker-compose

  1. Configure nginx as a reverse proxy to your docker container:

    • Create a new nginx configuration file:

      • sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/yotter
    • Paste the content of this file to the config file.

      • Change <> by your domain.
    • Generate a ssl certificate:

      • Follow Let's Encrypt guide (Recommended)
        • Only steps 3, 5, 6 and 7a (first command only) are needed.
    • Reload nginx:

      • sudo service nginx reload
  2. You are now ready to use Yotter on your domain!

    • Note that you will need to set up your domain DNS to resolve to your server IP.
Extra step:

How Update with Docker

$ docker-compose down
$ docker pull ytorg/yotter
$ docker-compose up -d

sudo may be needed.

Manual installation

Step 1: Base setup

  1. Connect to your server via SSH or direct access.

    • ssh ubuntu@<ipaddress>
    • (Recommended) Set up password-less login with ssh-keys.
  2. Install base dependencies:

  • sudo apt-get -y update

  • sudo apt-get -y install python3 python3-venv python3-dev

  • sudo apt-get -y install mysql-server supervisor nginx git

When installing MySQL-server it will prompt for a root password. This is the password for the root user of MySQL. Set up a password of your like, this will be the MySQL databases master password and will be required later, so don't forget it!

If after the MySQL-server installation you have not been prompted to create a password for the root user, run sudo mysql_secure_installation

  1. Clone this repository and acccess folder:
  • git clone

  • cd Yotter

  1. Create a Python virtual environment and populate it with dependencies:
  • python3 -m venv venv

  • source venv/bin/activate

  • pip install wheel

  • pip install cryptography

  • pip install -r requirements.txt

You can edit the yotter-config.json file. Check out all the options here

  1. Install gunicorn (production web server for Python apps) and pymysql: pip install gunicorn pymysql

  2. Set up the database tables:

  • flask db init
  • flask db migrate
  • flask db upgrade
  1. Set up .env
    1. (PRE) Generate a random string and copy it to clipboard: python3 -c "import uuid; print(uuid.uuid4().hex)"

    2. Create a .env file on the root folder of the project (/home/ubuntu/Yotter/.env):


Make sure you change <RandomString> for the previously generated random string. You can paste it as is, without any "" or ''. Also change <db-password>. <db-password> should be different from the password of the database root user (the one you set up on step 1.2). This password will be needed later.

Step 2: Setting up the MySQL Database:

  • Open the MySQL prompt line (Use the previously set MySQL root password!) mysql -u root -p

Note that you are being prompted for the password of the MySQL root user, the one you set up on step 1.2, not the password you wrote on the .env file. The password on the .env is the password for the MySQL Yotter database.

If you still have problems with the root user password try running sudo mysql and then run this query: ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY '<YOUR_PASSWORD>';. This changes the password for the MySQL user root by <YOUR_PASSWORD>

Now you should be on the MySQL prompt line (mysql>). So let's create the databases:

Change <db-password> for a password of your like. It will be the password for the dabase user yotter. Don't choose the same password as the root user of MySQL for security.

The password <db-password> for the yotter user needs to match the password that you included in the DATABASE_URL variable in the .env file. If you want to change it, you can change it now.

mysql> create database yotter character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;
mysql> create user 'yotter'@'localhost' identified by '<db-password>';
mysql> grant all privileges on yotter.* to 'yotter'@'localhost';
mysql> flush privileges;
mysql> quit;

If your set up was correct, you should now be able to run:

  • flask db upgrade

If you get "No such command" error, run source env/bin/activate and try again.

Step 3: Setting up Gunicorn and Supervisor

When you run the server with flask run, you are using a web server that comes with Flask. This server is very useful during development, but it isn't a good choice to use for a production server because it wasn't built with performance and robustness in mind. Instead of the Flask development server, for this deployment I decided to use gunicorn, which is also a pure Python web server, but unlike Flask's, it is a robust production server that is used by a lot of people, while at the same time it is very easy to use. ref

  • Start yotter under Gunicorn and check it has no errors:

gunicorn -b localhost:8000 -w 4 yotter:app

Once you see that no errors appear, you can stop gunicorn by pressing Ctrl+C.

The supervisor utility uses configuration files that tell it what programs to monitor and how to restart them when necessary. Configuration files must be stored in /etc/supervisor/conf.d. Here is a configuration file for Yotter, which I'm going to call yotter.conf ref.

  • Create a yotter.conf file on /etc/supervisor/conf.d/:

You can run sudo nano /etc/supervisor/conf.d/yotter.conf and paste the text below:

Make sure to fit any path and user to your system.

command=/home/ubuntu/Yotter/venv/bin/gunicorn -b localhost:8000 -w 4 yotter:app

After you write this configuration file, you have to reload the supervisor service for it to be imported: sudo supervisorctl reload

Step 4: Set up Nginx, http3 proxy and HTTPS

The Yotter application server powered by gunicorn is now running privately port 8000. Now we need to expose the application to the outside world by enabling public facing web server on ports 80 and 443, the two ports too need to be opened on the firewall to handle the web traffic of the application. I want this to be a secure deployment, so I'm going to configure port 80 to forward all traffic to port 443, which is going to be encrypted. ref.

First we will get and set up the http3-ytproxy. For this we will need to install go but if you are on Ubuntu 20.04 or you have snap installed you can just run sudo snap install --classic go to get go installed.

Then you will need to run the following commands:

cd $HOME
git clone
cd http3-ytproxy
go build -ldflags "-s -w" main.go
mv main http3-ytproxy
mkdir socket
chown -R www-data:www-data socket

Now we will configure a systemd service to run the http3-ytproxy. For this you will need to sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/http3-ytproxy.service to start a the nano text editor. Now copy and paste this and save:

IMPORTANT: You may need to change some paths to fit your system!

Description=Sleep service



# make sure log directory exists and owned by syslog
ExecStartPre=/bin/mkdir -p /var/log/http3-ytproxy
ExecStartPre=/bin/chown syslog:adm /var/log/http3-ytproxy
ExecStartPre=/bin/chmod 755 /var/log/http3-ytproxy

IMPORTANT NOTE: Some distros have the Nginx user as nginx instead of www-data, if this is the case you should change the User= and Group= variables from the service file.

Now you are ready to enable and start the service:

sudo systemctl enable http3-ytproxy.service
sudo systemctl start http3-ytproxy.service

If you did everything ok you should see no errors when running sudo journalctl -f -u http3-ytproxy.

Now we will set up Nginx. To do so:

  • sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default

Create a new Nginx site, you can run sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/yotter

And write this on it:

server {
    server_name  <yourdomain>;

    location / {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:8000;

   location /static {
        # handle static files directly, without forwarding to the application
        alias </path/to>/Yotter/app/static;
        expires 30d;
    location ~ (^/videoplayback$|/videoplayback/|/vi/|/a/|/ytc/) {
        proxy_pass http://unix:/home/ubuntu/http3-ytproxy/socket/http-proxy.sock;
        add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;
        sendfile on;
        tcp_nopush on;
        aio_write on;
        aio threads=default;
        directio 512;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Connection "";

Note: You may need to change the proxy-pass line to fit your system. It should point to the socket created on the http3-ytproxy/socket folder.

Make sure to replace <yourdomain> by the domain you are willing to use for your instance (i.e You can now edit yotter-config.json and set isInstance to true.

You will also need to change the </path/to> after alias to fit your system. You have to point to the Yotter folder, in this set up it would be /home/ubuntu as it is the location where we cloned the Yotter app. This alias is created to handle static files directly, without forwarding to the application.

Once done, you can run sudo service nginx reload. If everything so far went OK, you can now set the isInstance to true on the yotter-config.json file.

Now you need to install an SSL certificate on your server so you can use HTTPS. If you are running Ubuntu 20LTS or already have snap installed, you can proceed as follows:

  1. sudo snap install --classic certbot

Note that you will have to create an 'A Record' on the DNS of your domain to point to the IP of your server for this next step. If you don't know how to do it, this guide might help you as on most services the procedure is similar. Now we will run certbot and we need to tell that we run an nginx server. Here you will be prompted which domain you want to create and install the certificate for, select your domain:

  1. sudo certbot --nginx

Follow this instructions to install certbot and generate an ssl certificate so your server can use HTTPS

Finally, once this is done, you should edit the yotter nginx config and change the listen 443 ssl; line to listen 443 ssl http2;

Updating the server

Updating the server should always be pretty easy. These steps need to be run on the Yotter folder and with the python virtual env activated.

(venv) $ git pull
(venv) $ sudo supervisorctl stop yotter
(venv) $ flask db migrate
(venv) $ flask db upgrade
(venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
(venv) $ sudo supervisorctl start yotter
  • IMPORTANT: Make sure you have all set up on yotter-config.json once you finish the update.

Configure the server

You will find in the root folder of the project a file named yotter-config.json. This is the global config file for the Yotter server.

Currently available config is:

  • serverName: Name of the server. Format:
  • nitterInstance: Nitter instance that will be used when fetching Twitter content. Format must be https://<NitterInstance.tld>/
  • maxInstanceUsers: Max users on the instance. When set to 0 it closes registrations.
  • serverLocation: Location of the server.
  • restrictPublicUsage: When set to false the instance allows non-registered users to use some routes (i.e /watch?v=..., /ytsearch, /channel...). See this section
  • isInstance: If your installation is on a server using Nginx, it must be True. Only false if running on a local machine. See this link
  • maintenance_mode: Activates a message on the server warning users of maintenance mode.
  • show_admin_message: Shows a message from the admin with title as admin_message_title and body as admin_message
  • admin_user: Username of the admin user.
  • max_old_user_days: Maximum days for a user to be inactive, otherwise will be deleted if admin uses the action.
  • donation_url: Adds a link to a donation method for the instance.

Other configurations

Removing log-in restrictions

(NOT TESTED - COULD CRASH THE APP) Note that some routes make usage of the current_user variable to look if the current user is following some user or not, if you remove the restriction for such routes the app will crash. This will be solved on future releases.

For the example, let's allow for anyone to watch a video on our instance. Even if they aren't registered users. First we need to find the route that we want to allow, you can do it by navigating to the page and taking a look at the URL. Anything after the first / is the app route. When we're watching a video, the route is /watch?v=<videoId>.

Now on the file we will search for the code that the server runs when we navigate to that route. You can use the Find function on your text editor and search for /watch. Now, you will see that right below the definition of the route, @app.route('/watch'), there is a @login_required line. If you delete that line, no restriction will now be applied to that route.

But you must know that videos and images are proxied through the instance. So we will need to allow another route. For video streaming, the route is /stream and for images it is /img. So you just need to delete the login_required from those two other routes.

You can now reload the server and you will see that, without logging in, you can now watch videos.

Increasing the channel name max size on the database (Only installations older than 2020.09.20)

On older versions the character limit for a Youtube suscritpion was 30. This caused some problems with channels that had a longer string for the channel name. Since 2020.09.20 version, this problem was solved, but for older installation the problem persists even if you update to the latest github version.

To solve this, we will need to modify our database and set up new character limits. Don't worry, it's easy.

First you need to open the MySQL prompt. This can be done wiht mysql -u root -p. It will prompt you the mysql database root user password, note that it is NOT the sudo password. Once you're in the MySQL prompt (mysql>) you can execute these commands:

  1. connect yotter; - This will connect you to the yotter database.
  2. ALTER TABLE channel MODIFY COLUMN channelName VARCHAR(100); - This alters the field channelName from the table channel and sets its limit to 100 characters.
  3. quit;