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File metadata and controls

199 lines (171 loc) · 12.7 KB

How it works

GoElites comes on All-In-One basis, which means that everything that we believe player needs in-game is included in one package and is loaded without any additional settings required. Every module, however, is highly customizable and can be adjusted in accordance with user's preferences using in-game menu. Every module can also be disabled. This allows us to keep GoElites easy-to-setup and easy-to-use without taking a toll on precious CPU and RAM.

Default hotkeys

Key Action
Left Shift Open GoElites menu.
Spacebar Combo.
X Lasthit.
C Mixed.
V Lane Clear.
Z Flee.
NUM 1 Block move in Combo.
F9 Reload GoElites.
Left Mouse Button On enemy champion: focus selected target; On anything else: remove target selection.


Option Purpose
Disable all drawings Hides all the GoElites-related drawings, including text, awareness, circles, etc.
Tower ranges Displays tower ranges when your champion is near the tower, just as in League of Legends tutorial.
Zoom Hack Allows you to lift zoom limitations (does not change zoom by itself; zoom is adjusted via default key set in League of Legends menu).
Glow Enabled Enables the use of glow. Needs to be enabled in order for other glow drawings to be displayed.
Glow My Hero Displays a glow around your hero for better clarity on battlefield.
Glow Minions Displays a glow around minions which can be last-hitted.
Glow Selected Target Displays a glow around the target selected to be focused.

Skin Changer

If enabled, replaces your current skin with the one you've selected in the menu.


This is a client-side setting and thus your skin can only be seen by you.

Awareness & Trackers

Option Purpose
Show hidden objects Displays location and timers where invisible objects are placed, such as wards, Shaco boxes, Teemo mushrooms, etc.
Damage indicators Displays the approximate damage you can deal to an enemy with your combo.
Enemy auto-attack range Displays a circle around enemy champion which represents their auto-attack range.
Recall tracker Displays a tracker which shows up when enemy champion starts recalling.
Minimap: Minimap Hack Displays last seen location of an enemy champion on minimap.
Minimap: Glow on missing enemy Displays a glowing transparent enemy champion model on his last seen location.
Minimap: Minimap Circles Displays circles around missing enemy icons on minimap representing their possible location according to their movement speed.
Spell tracker: Show spell LVL Displays dots on spell tracker representing the spell level.
Spell tracker: Ally Enables spell tracker for ally champions.
Spell tracker: Enemy Enables spell tracker for enemy champions.
Spell tracker: Localplayer Enables spell tracker for your champion.
Spell tracker: HP Bar X,Y Allows you to change spell tracker location relative to healthbar location. Note: default values are 0, 0.
HUD Displays HUD with the following information on enemy champions: summoner spells, current or last seen level, current or last seen hp and mana, time missing, ultimate availability.
HUD: Position X,Y Allows you to change HUD location on the screen.
HUD: Scale Allows you to change HUD scale. Note: default value is 60.
Gank alert Displays a line which shows the distance to an ally, enemy champions which are close to you but don't fit on screen. The bolder the line, the closer the distance. Green lines represent ally champions, red lines represent enemy champions.
Gank alert: Only Enemy Enables gank alert for enemy champions only.
Gank alert: Only Junglers Enables gank alert for champions with Smite only.
Waypoints: Show enemy click Shows the location of an enemy champion movement waypoint.
Waypoints: Show ally click Shows the location on an ally champion movement waypoint.

Nickname Changer

If enabled, allows you to change nicknames for both allies and enemies.


Disabling the option after changing one's nickname won't revert the change.

Target Selector

Option Purpose
Enable selected target focus Allows you to choose the target you're willing to focus with the Left Mouse Button click. Put the target on top of the priority list.
ONLY selected target Forces Orbwalker to attack only selected target, ignoring other champions.
Focus important buffs Forces Orbwalker to focus champions who carry red/blue buffs over champions who don't
Modes: Auto Chooses target depending on the mix of criterias, will also focus targets who are =<30% HP.
Modes: Low HP Chooses the lowest HP target to be focused first.
Modes: Most AD Chooses the target with the highest AD to be focused first.
Modes: Most AP Chooses the target with the highest AP to be focused first.
Modes: Closest Chooses the closest target to be focused first.
Modes: Near Mouse Chooses the target closest to the cursor to be focused first.
Modes: LessAttack Chooses the target that is the easiest to kill with autoattacks.
Modes: LessCast Chooses the target with the most skills up to be targeted first.
Modes: Priority list Chooses target according to the priority list.
Priority list On priority list, champions with 1 will be focused last, champions with 5 will be focused first.


Option Purpose
Combo Toggles orbwalker to ignore minions or structures. Executes Combo from champion script settings.
Mixed If no last-hittable minion within auto-attack range, attack enemy champion. Executes Harrass from champion script settings.
LaneClear If no enemy champion within auto-attack range, attack structures and minions in order to clear lane in the most efficient manner. Executes Lane Clear from champion script settings.
LastHit Toggles orbwalker to ignore enemy champions. Lasthits minions within auto-attack range.
Combo no-move Toggles orbwalker to not move when executing Combo.
Flee Ignores enemy minions and champions. Executes Flee from champion script settings.
Hold area radius Sets a radius of a circular area around your champion which, when cursor is within it's area, will toggle Orbwalker not to move.
Disable auto-attack lvl Disables autoattacks in Combo after reaching set champion level. Note: 0 = disable.
Support mode Ignores minions when ally champion is around.
Drawings: Draw player range Displays your champion attack range.
Drawings: Hold area Displays hold area radius drawing.
Advance: WindUp time Sets a time in milliseconds before your next autoattack's executed.
Advance: Auto adjust LastHit Automatically adjusts WindUp time according to your ping.
Advance: Attack plants Toggles orbwalker to attack plants.


Option Purpose
Start at lvl Sets a level since which Leveler will be executed
1 - 3 Represents the priority of spell levelling. 1 - levels first, 3 - levells last. R is levelled out of order.


Option Purpose
Potions Enables the automatical use of potions when champion HP =<50%.
Summoners Enables the use of summoner spells with some extent of customizability.
Offensive Enables the use of offensive items.
Defensive Enables the use of defensive items.
Clean Enables the use of cleanse spells and items with some extent of customizability.
Wards Enables the use of wards.

Activator: Supported Items


1. KS — killsteal.
2. LowHP — item will be used when your HP is low.
3. Combo — item will be used right away in combo on prioritized target.
4. N/A — no customization, option to enable/disable the use of an item only.

Category Name Options
Offensive Blade of the Ruined King (BotRK) KS; LowHP; Combo.
Bilgewater Cutlass (Cutlass) KS; Combo.
Hextech Gunblade (Hextech) KS; Combo.
Hextech Protobelt-01 (Protobelt) KS; Combo.
Hextech GLP-800 (GLP800) KS; Combo.
Youmuu's Ghostblade (Youmuus) KS (?); Combo.
Ravenous Hydra (Hydra 2) N/A
Titanic Hydra (Hydra Titanic) N/A
Defensive Frost Queen's Claim (Frost Queen) N/A
Redemption N/A
Randuin's Omen (Randuin) N/A
Face of the Mountain N/A
Seraph's Embrace N/A
Locket of the Iron Solari (Solari) N/A
Zhonya's Hourglass (Zhonya) N/A
Cleanse Quicksilver Sash Cleanse Stun; Snare; Charm; Fear&Flee; Suppression; Taunt; Blind; Polymorph.
Mercurial Scimitar Cleanse Stun; Snare; Charm; Fear&Flee; Suppression; Taunt; Blind; Polymorph.
Wards Totem Ward Auto Ward Bush; Use only in Combo.
Control Ward Auto Ward Bush; Use only in Combo.
Stealth Ward Auto Ward Bush; Use only in Combo.
Farsight Ward Auto Ward Bush; Auto Blue Ward; Use only in Combo.


Option Purpose
Config: Collision Mode Enables skillshot collision check. Can be set to check minion, champion collision or both.
Config: Block Spells Mode Enables Evade to use spells that block skillshots instead of dodging.
Config: Block Attacks Mode Enables Evade to use skills that block auto-attack instead of dodging (e.g. Pantheon Passive).
Config: Force Fastest Point Toggles Evade to always choose the fastest route to dodge the spell, disregarding other conditions.
Config: Reaction time Sets a delay before Evade will dodge the spell.
Config: IgnoreReactionTime Toggles Evade to ignore the set reaction time.
Config: Disable circular spells dodging Toggles Evade to dodge only linear skillshots.
Config: Disable FOW dodging Toggles Evade to ignore skillshots which were thrown out of the Fog of War.
Config: Disable dodging if shielded Toggles Evade not to dodge skillshots when under magic shield.
Config: Double click to remove Enables an ability to ignore the skillshot after double LMB click on it's drawing.
Config: Enable Evade Sets a key to toggle Evade ON/OFF.
Config: Dodge Only Dangerous Toggles Evade to dodge only spells which are set as dangerous.
Evading spells: SpellName Enables the use of SpellName to dodge skillshots if cannot dodge by walking. Danger level is a value that the skillshot needs to have in order to make Evade use SpellName to dodge it.
Spells: SpellName Toggles Evade to dodge certain skillshots. Danger level can be adjusted here. Even if spell is disabled, drawings will still be shown unless disabled aswell.
Humanizer settings: Spell Detection Delay Sets a delay in milliseconds before Evade will start to dodge the skillshot.
Humanizer settings: Maximum angle Sets the maximum angle degree between your waypoint route and dodging route.
Humanizer settings: Dont Dodge If Alt-Tab Disables Evade from execution when League of Legends window is not active.
Humanizer settings: Ignore Skillshots Not Visible OnScreen Toggles Evade to ignore skillshots which are cast to the location which is not visible on screen.
Humanizer settings: Dont Dodge If Player Is Not Visible OnScreen Disables dodging when your champion is not on the screen.
Humanizer settings: Ignore FOW Exit Toggles script not to use skills on the target that just left FOW.
Humanizer settings: Minimal Visiblity Time Sets for how much time targets need to remain in vision before shooting skillshots.
Drawing settings: Line Width Sets the width of Evade drawings' lines.
Drawing settings: Draw Evade Status Shows whether the Evade is enabled under your champion.
Drawing settings: Draw Evade Point Shows a pointer which indicates the evasion route.


Option Purpose
Block action out screen Toggles not to perform any script actions when your champion is not on your screen.
Click time ms Sets the delay between click commands in milliseconds.