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87 lines (56 loc) · 2.62 KB


File metadata and controls

87 lines (56 loc) · 2.62 KB


This repository holds engineering artifacts for a PLUS language processor which parses PLUS (based on PlantUML) and produces Protocol Verifier job definitions formatted as JSON.


plus2json requires some files to be generated (Antlr-based parser and schema gen). To generate the necessary files run:

python dev
For this build to work, the WORKSPACE variable must be set to an Eclipse workspace containing the plus BridgePoint project. The antlr4-tools python package must also be installed.


To run plus2json in the repository, run:

python -m plus2json

To print usage and help, run:

python -m plus2json -h


To run unit tests, run:

python -m unittest


usage: python plus2json.pyz <command> [-v] [-h] [--debug] [--pretty-print] [-o dir]  [filenames ...]

plus2json is a utility for processing PLUS job definitions and producing JSON ouptut for congifuring and testing the protocol verifier.

  --job                 Ouput PLUS job definition
  --play                Generate runtime event data

Global Options:
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit
  --debug               Enable debug logging
  -p, --pretty-print    Print human readable debug output
  -o dir, --outdir dir  Path to output directory
  filenames             Input .puml files

Play Options:
  --integer-ids         Use deterministic integer IDs

    # load Tutorial_1.puml and print a human readable version of the definition to the console
    python plus2json.pyz job Tutorial_1.puml --pretty-print

    # convert Tutorial_1.puml into JSON and output to the console
    python plus2json.pyz job Tutorial_1.puml

    # convert all .puml files in the 'puml' directory and write each to a JSON file in 'job_definitions'
    python plus2json.pyz job -o job_definitions puml/*.puml
    # load Tutorial_1.puml and print a human readable stream of events to the console
    python plus2json.pyz play Tutorial_1.puml --pretty-print

    # load Tutorial_1.puml and print a JSON stream of events to the console
    python plus2json.pyz play Tutorial_1.puml

    # load all .puml files in the 'puml' directory and write steam of events for each to a JSON file in 'job_definitions'
    python plus2json.pyz play -o job_definitions puml/*.puml

Package for release

To package the plus2json.pyz bundle, run:


Data Model

This is the structure of the job definition. PLUS .puml files are parsed, and instances of these classes are created and linked.

PLUS Job Definition