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Releases: xirsoi/ancientreligions


14 Apr 14:15
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2019-04-08 v0.43.2 "Ariovistus"

Ariovistus was the leader of the Suebi tribe when they were hired by the Sequani to fight the Aedui. After the war was won he demanded a third of the Sequani territory and threatened to take another third by force if they didn't comply.


  • Compatability with CK2 3.1
  • Promethean, Britannic, and Atenic can build Grand Universities and Great Libraries despite not technically being reformed.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented characters from getting the right crown jewels.
  • The Archdruid should now only use the Circle of Druids if Druidic has Hierarchical Leadership.


  • The dynamic name for the religious head title should work better now.
  • Egyptian sub-group religions can always build pyramids.


10 Mar 04:43
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2019-03-09 v0.43.1 "Sequani"

The Sequani were a tribe in ancient Gaul. Before Caesar's conquest they allied with the Arverni against the Aedui. They hired a German tribe, the Suebi, to help them. Unfortunately they were betrayed, losing 1/3 of their territory and their independence to the Suebi. Strabo posited that the Sequani derived their name from Sequana, but their territory isn't in that river's watershed. It is more likely their name derives from Souconna, the modern Saone, which marked their western border.


  • Britannic, Promethean, and Atenic should now all be considered reformed for most purposes.
    • Please let me know if I missed something!
  • Fixed some more bugs that i've forgotten about.
  • Disabled the "change god names on reformation" effect because it turns out to be most definitely broken.


  • Toned down "Clans of Dannu", removing the OP "Heroic Religion" troop modifier and stopped forcing True-Cognatic succession.
  • The religious head title for Druidic is now called the Archdruid(dess), the King-tier theocracy Great Druid(ess), and the Emperor-tier theocracy is Myrdynn.
    • I'm open to ideas for having a different temporal head name.
  • New society background image for the Unseelie Petitioners courtesy of Maal.


  • Fixed missing localisation for the Circle of Dryads.
  • Changed Arch-Dryad to Archdryad.


  • Fixed bug where Prometheans couldn't join the Hermetic Society.
  • New society background image for The Coven courtesy of Maal.


  • Toned down "Children of the Nile", removing the OP "Egyptian Warriors" troop modifier and stopped forcing True-Cognatic succession.
    • Polygamy is back, rather than giving concubines.
    • Ladies still get their boy toys.
  • The Champions of the Sun have a new custom background and emblem, thanks Maal!
  • If you choose Temporal Leadership when reforming to Kemetic, the religious head title will be referred to as Aai-Pharaoh, like an emperor.
  • Kemetic gets the appropriate CoAs again.
  • New society background image for the Fangs of Apep courtesy of Maal.


10 Feb 00:35
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2019-02-09 v0.43.0 "Sequana"

Sequana is a Celtic river goddess popular in Gaul. She was the patron of the river that bore her name, now known as the Seine. A shrine near the source of the river holds a Roman era statue of the goddess, revealing her popularity even after Caesar's conquest. Hundreds of votive offerings to Sequana have been found at the bottom of the river near the shrine.


  • Fixed many, many, many bugs.
  • Thanks to Maal for the warrior society backgrounds!
    • Check out his mods The Great Trade League and Fighters Guilds!


  • Living Legend bloodline event has been fixed. Those of you with many duplicate bloodlines can keep them as compensation for your troubles.
  • Added new Torques as Celtic crown jewels. These will replace crowns (but take the neck slot), and Celts will get the swords Christians and Norse get.
  • Added new unique Doctrine for Celtic, "Clans of Dannu", which grants Equality, Animism, haruspicy, and the Heroic Religion unit modifiers.
    • Crappy Animism morale bonus not applied.
  • The Celtic Warrior Lodge, "The Band of Camulos", has been added. Camulos is a Briton war and storm god.
    • Special leader trait is "Raider".
      • +50% Imprison Enemy Commander
      • +20% in Hill Terrain
      • +20% Morale Offence


  • Missing localisation was added for events involving a vassalized Arch-Dryad and having free investiture after the Arch-Dryad has been created.
  • Fixes bug with events where the Arch-Dryad gives artifacts to favored rulers.
  • Britannic characters will also use the new torques as crown jewels.
  • The Britannic Warrior Lodge, "The Champions of Andraste", has been added. Andraste is the Sanctaidd ("Archangel") of Victory.
    • Special leader trait is "Lancer".
      • +20% Plains and Farmland Terrains.
      • +20% to Light and Heavy Cavalry.


  • Bug fixes and new events for the Artemis event chain from (formerly!) retired CK2 modder cybrxkhan. Thanks!
  • Removed custom Roman cultural buildings in favor of the ones provided by vanilla.


  • Skeptic and Epicurean monastic orders have been added.
    • They're mostly copies of the Stoics, with small tweaks here and there.
    • Most anyone who has access to the Stoics will also have access to these societies.
    • The relevant neoplatonist traits have been factored into all three societies.
  • All three Neoplatonist societies favor Learning, but each also favors another attribute.
    • The 0.5 x Learning bonus has been replaced with a 0.3 x Learning + 0.2 x the other attribute
    • Stoics favor and grant Diplomacy.
    • Skeptics favor and grant Intrigue.
    • Epicureans favor and grant Stewardship.
  • Removed Promethean from Lets. Get. PAGAN!, as it's now a heresy of a reformed religion, which makes things buggy.
  • Restored The Coven as a satanist society for Prometheans.

Titan Cult:

  • The Titan Warrior Lodge, "The Warriors of Perses", has been added. Perses is the Titan of Devastation.
    • Special leader trait is "Ravager".
      • +20% in Mountain Terrain.
      • +20% for Light and Heavy Infantry.
  • Made The Coven the satanist society of the Titan Cult.
  • Removed Atenic from Lets. Get. PAGAN! as, even though it's a heresy of unreformed Hellenic, things get weird if it becomes the orthodoxy before Hellenism reforms.
    • For the same reason, the Titan Cult has been removed from alternate start scenarios.


  • Added unique Egyptian Doctrine "Children of the Nile", which includes Ancestor Veneration, Equality, Stability, and the Defensive troop bonuses.
    • Eldership succession is available but not enforced.
  • Special Egyptian variant of Ancestor Veneration will mark the venerated ancestor as a "Demigod", and get a special Demigod trait.
    • This will be the case even if you take Ancestor Veneration directly instead of taking Children of the Nile.
  • Kemetic keeps Divine Blood by default, so holy family based synergies will apply when you reform.
  • The Egyptian/Atenic Warrior Lodge, "The Champions of the Sun", has been added.
    • Special leader trait is "Sandstrider".
      • +20% in Desert and Plains Terrains.
      • +10% Speed
      • +10% Retreat
      • +20% Siege


  • Removed Atenic from Lets. Get. PAGAN!, as it's now a heresy of a reformed religion, which makes things buggy.


19 Dec 03:03
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2018-12-18 v0.42.4 "Tasgetius"

Tasgetius was a king of the Gaulish Carnutes tribe (carnutes meaning "the horned ones", possibly a connection to Cernunnos). Tasgetius was appointed to kingship by Julius Caeser himself. The puppet king was assassinated in three years.


  • Living Legend bloodline event will only fire once.
    • Also made it so you can still become a Living Legend even if you already have the bloodline. You'll only get the trait in that case.
  • Britannic's can get their crusader trait (Morrigan) again.


  • Fixed bug where the "arriving in the GHW target lands" event repeats infinitely for Kemetics, reapplying the "Might Bull of Montu" trait each time.


16 Dec 04:39
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2018-12-15 v0.42.3 "Carnutes"

The Carnutes were a tribe of Celts in Gaul that contemporary scholars believed to represent the economic and religious heartland of the Celtic peoples. Julius Ceasar established the Carnutes as a protectorate and selected one of their number as king. Less than five years later this king was assassinated and all the Romans in Carnute territory were slaughtered. This rebellion is what sparked the full-scale revolt led by Vercingetorix. Their capitol eventually became the city of Chartres.


  • Fixed gender law reverting to Agnatic on title holder change even with Enatic Clans.
  • "Random with Heresies" no longer spawns Aztec religion but will spawn Hellenic.
  • Gaulish and Neo-Coptic will only spawn in Random and Full Random worlds.


  • Creating Britannia while Celtic or Druidic and either Breton, Welsh, or Pictish will now grant the Blood of Arthur Pendragon bloodline, in addition to the Pendragon nickname.
  • Druidic and Britannic can use the Holy War CB again.
  • Celtic Holy Orders convert to Druidic on reformation.


  • Fixed typo for Hellenic holy scripture.
  • Sacred Band and Hellenic Legion Holy Orders convert to reformed on reformation.
  • Becoming the Chosen of Artemis now grants a bloodline.


  • Anubis and Horus Guard Holy Orders will convert to Kemetic on reformation.
  • Coptic has been renamed to Neo-Coptic, to distinguish it from the vanilla one.
  • Kemetic can use the Holy War CB again.
  • Fixed issue where Egyptian/Kemetic rulers could get artifacts irrelevant to them.


  • The Meryatenate no longer causes you to have the wrong government.
  • Atenic can use the Holy War CB again.
  • Fixed issue where Atenic rulers could get artifacts irrelevant to them.


11 Dec 04:34
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2018-12-10 v0.42.2 "Herne"

Herne the Hunter is a ghost story told by Shakespeare about a phantom that haunted the woods of Windsor. According to the legend, he has the antlers of a stag and rides through the forest rattling his chains to keep people away from his oak tree.


  • Added new random world religion icons.
    • They're a Boar and a Bell; regular, reformed, and reformed heresy versions.
    • Had to in order to make the icons appear correctly in a random world.
  • Added a new shattered world option for religions, Random with Heresies.
    • Sits between Random and Full Random, allows heresies but bars reformed religions from spawning (including the heresies of reformed religions).
    • e.g. Fraticelli will spawn, but Britannic Pagan will not.


  • Organize Red Dragon Knights and Organize Sons of Gwydion now compatible with a Temporal Head.
  • AI only decisions assign_bard and assign_druid should no longer be visible.
  • When becoming a Living Legend, you are awarded a new bloodline instead of the trait.
    • The trait still exists in the files for compatibility.


  • Fixed bad references to the Pontifex Maximus.
    • This fixes the Organize Sacred Band decision.
  • For fun, the Titan Cult is now a heresy of unreformed Hellenic (as opposed to reformed).
    • Titan Cult will become a heresy of the reformed faith on reformation though.


  • Egyptian Pagan is now simply called "Egyptian" to match the other pagan religions.


  • Atenism no longer requires Iqta government.
    • Both Feudal and Tribal Atenic rulers will have to deal with decadence.


08 Dec 16:59
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2018-12-08 v0.42.1 "Manannan"

Manannan "mac Lir" (son of the sea), is the god of the sea. One of the gods said to rule the otherworld, he is said to ferry souls to the afterlife. He is ascribed several powerful artifacts and magical abilities, including the gift of prophecy. He also plays small but important roles in several legends, often as the foster father of the hero, such as Lugh of the Long Spear.


  • CK2 3.1 compatability
  • Fixes crash bug when doing anything involving the Commander minor title.
  • Fixes bug with Flamen Dialis minor title.


  • Reformation will now modify god names if Dogmatic, Agnatic Clans, or Enatic Clans have been chosen.
  • Added Rhiannon and Sequana as goddesses and removed The Horned One and Angus.
    • The localisation keys are still there, so this won't break anything if you're The Sword of Angus or something.


  • Accounted for Kemetic (reformed egyptian) in several places that were missed in the Cernunnos update.
  • Reformation will now modify god names if Dogmatic, Agnatic Clans, or Enatic Clans have been chosen.


02 Dec 15:42
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2018-12-02 v0.42.0 "Cernunnos"

Cernunnos is the Horned God, a deity of fertility, life, animals, and the underworld. Worshipped throughout Gaul and Celtiberia, Cernunnos was one of a small number of almost universally worshipped Celtic gods. His most famous appearances are on the Pillar of the Boatman, a carved column found in a Roman temple in Paris; and the Gundestrup Cauldron, a fantastic example of iron age silverwork found in a peat bog near Gundestrup, Denmark.


  • CK2 3.1 compatability
  • Crusades and Jihads can now be called in a Paganified world if the player is a member of the religion.
    • For example, the Pope can call Crusades if there is a Catholic player.
  • Holy Orders are no longer vassalizable.
  • Most Holy Orders now have the standard mechanics from vanilla (making donations/loans, building castles, etc.)
  • Note: I've written a somewhat experimental new mechanism to implement these features, so they won't be exactly as vanilla.
  • The decisions are now targeted, so right-click the grandmaster of the order to use them.
  • Added more possible immortal mystics, some of which will have ancient religions and/or cultures.
    • Nestor the Wise, Greek Hellenic Pagan, master of diplomacy
    • (random) the Spartan, Greek Hellenic Pagan, master of war.
    • (random) the Fearless, Gaulish Celtic Pagan, master of war.
    • Cleopatra the Alchemist, Coptic Kemetic Pagan, master spy.
    • Seneca the Younger, Roman Promethean Pagan, master scholar.
    • Lucan the Younger, Roman Hellenic Pagan, master scholar.


  • Fixes bug where the Unfit King Beta game rule was being ignored.
  • Gaulish Queens will henceforth be known as Riga, and Empresses as Vercingetoriga.
  • There are now Celtic artifacts to be found when searching for artifacts (Monks & Mystics feature):
    • Tier 5: Silver Hand of Nuada, Spear of Lugh
    • Tier 4: Skull of Brigid, Horn of Bran Galed, Crown of Myrdynn (temporal religious head)
    • Tier 3: Tusk of Torc Triath
    • Tier 2: Torque of Boudicca, Old Carnyx, Horned Helm, Battersea shield
    • Tier 1: Generic tier 1 religious artifacts
  • Also introducing a new heresy, Britannic Pagan!

Britannic Pagan:

  • A matriarchal and monotheistic religion based on the Romano-British goddess Britannia, a personification of the isles themselves.
  • Borrows heavily from Catholicism, using the College of Cardinals (Circle of Dryads), a system of Saints and Sanctaidd (Angels), and a new Thumoideachais mechanic (baptism) I've created.
  • The Arch-Dryad is the head of the Britannic Church, a position formable by decision for a King or Emperor ruling Middlesex with sufficient cash and piety. There must also be at least 16 Dryads in existence to form the Church of Britannia.
  • Dryad, Bad Dryad, and Child of a Dryad traits have all been added. Only priestesses get the Dryad trait.
  • The Thumoideachais mechanic allows a ruler to request a priest to officiate a Britannic baptism with a targetted decision.
    • The Thumoideachais must be held before the child turns 3.
    • If a child reaches the age of 3 without a Tumtha, they become Sych, "dry". This is a mark of shame for a Britannic and will worsen relations with other members of the faith and the Church in particular.
  • A fertility festival called Imbolg has been added for Britannics. It's based on the Welsh festival of the same name held in honor of St Brigid.
    • Brigid is a Saint to the Britannic as well and features heavily in the flavor text.
  • The Knights of Saint Boudicca are the Britannic holy order and will be formed shortly after the Arch-Dryad is created.
  • Britannic rulers are restricted to Enatic, Enatic-Cognatic, and Absolute Cognatic succession laws.
    • Council voting behavior has been updated to ensure that Britannic councilors will behave appropriately.
  • Britannic rulers are forbidden from lowering the status of women laws and will never choose to vote in favor of doing so.
  • There are now Britannic artifacts to be found when searching for artifacts (Monks & Mystics feature):
    • Tier 5: Y Tair Tonau "The Three Waves" (trident of britannia), Helm of Britannia, Shield of Britannia
    • Tier 4: Skull of Brigid, Horn of Bran Galed
    • Tier 3: Tusk of Torc Triath
    • Tier 2: Torque of Boudicca, Old Carnyx, Horned Helm, Battersea shield
    • Tier 1: Generic tier 1 religious artifacts


  • As with vanilla, Hellenic Pagan is now unreformed and reformable.
  • Disabled the Myrmidon mercenary company in favor of the vanilla holy order of the same name.
    • I'll add a new merc company for hellenes eventually!
  • The Philosopher event chain is now more likely to fire and the max demense size requirement is relaxed to 230.
    • Various conditions will also increase the odds of the event firing, such as being in a defensive war and your religion having a low MA (<50%).
  • There are now Hellenic artifacts to be found when searching for artifacts (Monks & Mystics feature):
    • Tier 5: Nimean Lionskin, Kronium, Bloody Robes of Caesar, Aethon's Feather
    • Tier 4: Hector's Armor, Odysseus' Bow, Death Mask of Agamemnon, Crown of Theseus
    • Tier 3: Skull of Alexander, Alexander's Armor, Golden Amphora, Sphinx Claw, Golden Apple
    • Tier 2: Corinthian Helm, Petrified Tongue of an Oracle, Silver Amphora, Fragment of Achilles Shield
    • Tier 1: Generic tier 1 religious artifacts
  • Disabled my Roman cultural conversion events, as there is some evidence they are responsible for the CTD bugs some have experienced.
    • Those with Holy Fury can still do the Roman Renaissance event chain that comes with the DLC.


  • Kemetic Pagan is now unreformed and reformable.
    • The unreformed religion has no religious head, and will be referred to as Egyptian Pagan.
    • The reformed one now has the holy orders and "Rebuild Luxor" decision.
    • The Paragon Cult of Amun will now be created on reformation.
    • Crown of Upper and Lower Egypt (temporal religious head) has been added.
    • Nile River events have been modified to be less spammy.


  • Made it more clear that forming the Meryatenate requires that Akhetaten is restored.
    • The Sunburst Crown is given to the Meryaten when the title is formed.


10 Jun 13:54
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2018-06-10 v0.41.3 "Cardea"

Cardea was the ancient Roman goddess of the hinge, doors, and winds. She was closely associated with the fundemental Roman city planning concept of "cardo", which described the main north-south street of a settlement or army camp. This is where the English "cardinal" (as in directions) comes from.


  • Fixes bug allowing an incomplete and in development decision to be visible, despite it doing nothing.
  • Characters who took this decision will be refunded their money when you load the game with this update!


  • Druids of the Circle will not be referred to as Cardinals when they are elected anymore.


  • The decision icon for organizing the Sacred Band should work properly now.


17 May 00:56
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2018-05-16 v0.41.2 "Aura"

Aura was a minor goddess of the breeze. Sometimes the plural Aurae was used, implying a race of nymphs. According to Nonnus, she was the daughter of the Titan Lelantos and the mother, by Dionysus, of Iacchus, a minor deity connected with the Eleusinian mysteries.


  • Compatability with CK2 2.8.2


  • Organizing the Fianna is more accessible than previously, specifically to British Emperors.


  • Fixes bug that prevented the "Lost in a Sandstorm" event from firing.
  • Also fixed the death sound for this event.