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5. Pitfalls and Best Practices

File metadata and controls

149 lines (121 loc) · 4.49 KB

Note: All 8 questions in this quiz are based on the InSecureumToken contract shown below. This is the same contract you see for all the 8 questions in this quiz. The InSecureumToken contract implements a token contract which allows users to buy tokens by depositing Ether (at a certain conversion ratio), and transfer tokens.

pragma solidity 0.7.0;

contract InSecureumToken {

mapping(address => uint) private balances;

uint public decimals = 10**18; // decimals of the token
uint public totalSupply; // total supply
uint MAX_SUPPLY = 100 ether; // Maximum total supply

event Mint(address indexed destination, uint amount);

function transfer(address to, uint amount) public {
   // save the balance in local variables
   // so that we can re-use them multiple times
   // without paying for SLOAD on every access
   uint balance_from = balances[msg.sender];
   uint balance_to = balances[to];
   require(balance_from >= amount);
   balances[msg.sender] = balance_from - amount;
   balances[to] = safeAdd(balance_to, amount);

/// @notice Allow users to buy token. 1 ether = 10 tokens
/// @dev Users can send more ether than token to be bought, to donate a fee to the protocol team.
function buy(uint desired_tokens) public payable {
   // Check if enough ether has been sent
   uint required_wei_sent = (desired_tokens / 10) * decimals;
   require(msg.value >= required_wei_sent);

   // Mint the tokens
   totalSupply = safeAdd(totalSupply, desired_tokens);
   balances[msg.sender] = safeAdd(balances[msg.sender], desired_tokens);
   emit Mint(msg.sender, desired_tokens);

/// @notice Add two values. Revert if overflow
function safeAdd(uint a, uint b) pure internal returns(uint) {
   if (a + b < a) {
   return a + b;

Q1 The InSecureumToken contract strictly follows the specification of

  • A) ERC20
  • B) ERC777
  • C) ERC721
  • D) None of the above
Click the reveal the answer D

Q2 To avoid lock of funds, the following feature(s) MUST be implemented before contract deployment

  • A) A transferFrom() function
  • B) A burn() function
  • C) A way to withdraw/exchange/use Ether from the contract
  • D) None of the above
Click the reveal the answer C

Q3 Which of the following assertion(s) is/are true (without affecting the security posture of the contract)?

  • A) buy() does not need payable keyword
  • B) balances must be private
  • C) transfer() can be external
  • D) safeAdd() can be public
Click the reveal the answer C,D

Q4 The total supply is limited by

  • A) 10**18
  • B) 100 * 10**18
  • C) 100
  • D) None of the above
Click the reveal the answer D

Q5 The following issue(s) is/are present in the codebase

  • A) An integer underflow allows one to drain Ether
  • B) Unsafe rounding allows one to receive new tokens for free
  • C) A division by zero allows one to trap/freeze the system
  • D) None of the above
Click the reveal the answer B

Q6 The following issue(s) is/are present in the codebase

  • A) A front-running allows one to pay less than expected for tokens
  • B) A lack of access control allows one to receive tokens for free
  • C) Incorrect balance update allows one to receive new tokens for free
  • D) None of the above
Click the reveal the answer C

Q7 The following issue(s) is/are present in the codebase

  • A) A reentrancy allows one to drain Ether
  • B) A reentrancy allows one to drain the tokens
  • C) A reentrancy allows one to receive new tokens for free
  • D) None of the above
Click the reveal the answer D

Q8 The following issue(s) is/are present in the codebase

  • A) An integer overflow allows one to drain Ether
  • B) An integer overflow allows one to receive new tokens for free
  • C) An integer overflow allows one to trap/freeze the system
  • D) None of the above
Click the reveal the answer D or B or C or B,C
Note: While the initial platform-specified correct answer for Q8 was D, it was determined that this Q&A had some latent ambiguity with answer choices B & C. Therefore, all answer combinations indicated above were considered as valid and scores adjusted accordingly.