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  • Now auto_amex has a Dockerfile. Suppose you have docker set up on your machine
  • You can use make build to build a docker image
  • Use make run to run the process with phantomjs


  • chromedriver has been removed form this repo
  • If you need to use legacy mode, please download your own chromedriver and put it under src

Add your configuration

  • Add your own config file under the conf folder. Name it as config.csv
  • The config.csv should follow your_login,your_password each line. Add however many lines as you want. you don't headers for the csv.

Running the program

  • Use docker and make, or
  • Run on host machine python chrome or python phantomjs
  • Need to install modules for python using requirements.txt
  • install chromedriver or phantomjs depend on how you want to run it (recommend chrome for first-time users, so that you can see how it works)
  • Note that chromedriver needs to be under src and phantomjs needs to be under $PATH

Important Note

  • one card per each online account
  • this program doesn't work with multiple cards under the same account
  • nor does it use multi-tab tricks (it's not robust and only causes more surprises)

Docker for Windows users (probably incomplete since I never ran docker on Windows)

  • Check there installation guide for Windows 10 at
  • If you are using older versions, please use Docker Toolbox
  • It would install both Git and VirtualBox to your computer as well
  • Start Docker and make sure it's running on your machine (should be able see the whale icon on lower right corner)
  • You should be able to see a terminal popped up (MINGW64). This would be Linux-like instead of cmd.exe looking.
  • Your host disk is automatically mounted. This means any changes will be reflected on both sides.
  • The starting directory is your personal folder on Windows
  • Find your downloaded AutoAmex repo. You can use Git or just download and unzip it
  • Remember to create your own config.csv file before proceeding
  • Go to the repo folder and run ./
  • Setting jobs on Windows is left out for now. You would need to do your own research to find out how it's done with Docker on Windows

AutoTwitter (probably not working properly)

  • OffersBot has stopped updating their twitter account. You'd now need to parse the RSS feed from their website
  • I haven't found any free RSS-to-Twiter tools online. TwitterFeed used to be the one, but it's gone now
  • Alternative to the approach provided here, you can pay some fee and use other services, or build your own cloud machine that does this job
  • Here lets you get the lastest hashtags and store locally in a file called hashtags.txt. is the other part which finds this text file in the same folder, and run some Selenium job to publish these hashtags. I added some arbitrary non-sense in front just in case this behavior triggers Twitter spam detector
  • is also self-contained in that you can pass command line argument to it, and it will pusblish whatever you pass in
  • Everything else stays the same. I haven't tested the balace checker so this one might not work very well now.

Other stuff (not working either)

  • AutoAmexAllOffers: retrieves all added offers across all accounts and lay them down in a csv file


automatically adding available amex offers under your account






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