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❗ This Helm Chart is deprecated!

Version: 0.16.0 Type: application AppVersion: 1.0.13

A Helm chart for LangKit container deployment

⚠️ Review the documentation on using WhyLab's Helm charts


NOTE: Change the --namespace value to the target Namespace to deploy the service.


  • Create a WhyLabs API Key which must be stored in a whylabs-api-key Kubernetes secret, described below.
kubectl create secret generic whylabs-api-key \
  --namespace=<namespace> \
  • Generate a random value for the langkit-api-secret Kubernetes secret, also described below. This secret is required to call the container API endpoint.
kubectl create secret generic langkit-api-secret \
  --namespace=<namespace> \
  • Create a secret with a WhyLabs provided GitLab token to pull the LangKit image
kubectl create secret docker-registry langkit-gitlab-registry-secret \
  --docker-server="" \
  --docker-username="project_55361491_bot_5a6afbd67224dd1583ccd6c7987354c3" \
  --docker-password="<token>" \
  --docker-email="" \

LangKit Configuration

No LangKit configurations are required out of the box. However, for further customizations, review the langkit-container-examples repository for more details.

Hardware Requirements

🚀 For best performance, use Intel processors and ≥ 6 GiB memory per replica.

Helm Chart Installation


Display the full YAML manifests as they will be applied.

# This will use the "langkit" namespace
helm template --namespace <namespace> langkit .


View the difference between the current state and desired state.

# Requires the helm-diff plugin to be installed:
# helm plugin install
helm diff upgrade \
  --allow-unreleased \
  langkit langkit-0.16.0.tgz


helm upgrade --install \
  --create-namespace \
  --namespace <namespace> \
  langkit langkit-0.16.0.tgz


helm uninstall \
  --namespace <namespace> \
  langkit langkit-0.16.0.tgz


Key Type Default Description
containers.env list [] Environment variables for the containers
containers.securityContext object {"readOnlyRootFilesystem":true,"runAsUser":1000} Container security context
containers.volumeMounts list [{"mountPath":"/tmp","name":"temp-dir"}] Volume mounts for containers
fullnameOverride string ""
image.containerPort int 8000
image.pullPolicy string "Always"
image.repository string ""
image.tag string "1.0.13"
imagePullSecrets[0].name string "langkit-gitlab-registry-secret"
ingress.annotations object {}
ingress.className string ""
ingress.enabled bool false
ingress.hosts list []
ingress.tls list []
livenessProbe.failureThreshold int 3
livenessProbe.httpGet.path string "/health"
livenessProbe.httpGet.port int 8000
livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 30
livenessProbe.periodSeconds int 30
nameOverride string ""
nodeSelector object {}
pod.annotations object {}
pod.labels object {}
pod.securityContext object {}
readinessProbe.failureThreshold int 10
readinessProbe.httpGet.path string "/health"
readinessProbe.httpGet.port int 8000
readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 30
readinessProbe.periodSeconds int 30
replicaCount int 2 Number of replicas for the service.
resources.limits.cpu string "4"
resources.limits.memory string "4Gi"
resources.requests.cpu string "4"
resources.requests.memory string "4Gi" string "langkit-api-secret" Name of the secret that stores the WhyLabs LangKit API Secret string "whylabs-api-key" Name of the secret that stores the WhyLabs API Key
service.annotations object {}
service.port int 80
service.type string "ClusterIP"
serviceAccount.annotations object {}
serviceAccount.automount bool true
serviceAccount.create bool true string ""
tolerations list []
volumes list [{"emptyDir":{},"name":"temp-dir"}] Volumes to create

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs.