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Mensa Speiseplan

in cooperation with olech2412

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This app is a pure student project and is not used for commercial purposes. The application's name and program code is copyrighted. The App's Data is from the open and free API

This is a simple Flutter app that displays the meals and meal types of a Mensa (canteen) with a rating system. The app was built using Dart programming language and the Flutter framework. The app also includes a rating system that allows users to rate the meals.


Displays meals and meal types of a Mensa

Will include a rating system for meals

User-friendly interface

Built using Flutter and Dart

Getting started

To get started with this app, you will need to have the following installed on your local machine: Flutter SDK,Android Studio and Visual Studio Code. In VSCode I recommend installing the Flutter and Dart extensions.

You can find instructions on how to install these dependencies on the official Flutter and Dart documentation.

Once you have the dependencies installed, you can clone this repository to your local machine and open the project in Android Studio or Visual Studio Code.

You can then run the app on an emulator or on a physical device connected to your machine.

If u want to be able to fetch meal data from the MensaHub you need ur own apiUsername and password:

For this please register on MensaHub and apply for a developer account. Also see this instruction to the API MensaHub-Gateway


If you would like to contribute to this project, please fork the repository, make your changes and create a pull request. We will review the changes and merge them if they are appropriate.


If you have any questions or issues, please feel free to contact me.

Enjoy the App!