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feat(bundle): new command "werf bundle render"
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Signed-off-by: Ilya Lesikov <>
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ilya-lesikov authored and distorhead committed Feb 15, 2022
1 parent e0035b9 commit ad0181e
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Showing 3 changed files with 250 additions and 0 deletions.
241 changes: 241 additions & 0 deletions cmd/werf/bundle/render/render.go
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
package render

import (

uuid ""


var cmdData struct {
Tag string
BundleDir string
RenderOutput string
Validate bool
IncludeCRDs bool

var commonCmdData common.CmdData

func NewCmd() *cobra.Command {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "render",
Short: "Render Kubernetes manifests from bundle",
Long: common.GetLongCommandDescription(`Take locally extracted bundle or download bundle from the specified container registry using specified version tag or version mask and render it as Kubernetes manifests.`),
DisableFlagsInUseLine: true,
Annotations: map[string]string{
common.CmdEnvAnno: common.EnvsDescription(common.WerfSecretKey),
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
ctx := common.GetContext()

defer global_warnings.PrintGlobalWarnings(common.GetContext())

if err := common.ProcessLogOptions(&commonCmdData); err != nil {
return err


return common.LogRunningTime(func() error { return runRender(ctx) })

common.SetupEnvironment(&commonCmdData, cmd)
common.SetupTmpDir(&commonCmdData, cmd)
common.SetupHomeDir(&commonCmdData, cmd)

common.SetupStagesStorageOptions(&commonCmdData, cmd)
common.SetupFinalStagesStorageOptions(&commonCmdData, cmd)

common.SetupDockerConfig(&commonCmdData, cmd, "Command needs granted permissions to read, pull and push images into the specified repo, to pull base images")
common.SetupInsecureRegistry(&commonCmdData, cmd)
common.SetupInsecureHelmDependencies(&commonCmdData, cmd)
common.SetupSkipTlsVerifyRegistry(&commonCmdData, cmd)

common.SetupLogOptionsDefaultQuiet(&commonCmdData, cmd)
common.SetupLogProjectDir(&commonCmdData, cmd)

common.SetupAddAnnotations(&commonCmdData, cmd)
common.SetupAddLabels(&commonCmdData, cmd)

common.SetupSetDockerConfigJsonValue(&commonCmdData, cmd)
common.SetupSet(&commonCmdData, cmd)
common.SetupSetString(&commonCmdData, cmd)
common.SetupSetFile(&commonCmdData, cmd)
common.SetupValues(&commonCmdData, cmd)

common.SetupRelease(&commonCmdData, cmd)
common.SetupNamespace(&commonCmdData, cmd)

defaultTag := os.Getenv("WERF_TAG")
if defaultTag == "" {
defaultTag = "latest"

cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&cmdData.Tag, "tag", "", defaultTag,
"Provide exact tag version or semver-based pattern, werf will render the latest version of the specified bundle ($WERF_TAG or latest by default)")
cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&cmdData.IncludeCRDs, "include-crds", "", common.GetBoolEnvironmentDefaultTrue("WERF_INCLUDE_CRDS"),
"Include CRDs in the templated output (default $WERF_INCLUDE_CRDS)")
cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&cmdData.RenderOutput, "output", "", os.Getenv("WERF_RENDER_OUTPUT"),
"Write render output to the specified file instead of stdout ($WERF_RENDER_OUTPUT by default)")
cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&cmdData.BundleDir, "bundle-dir", "b", os.Getenv(("WERF_BUNDLE_DIR")),
"Get extracted bundle from directory instead of registry (default $WERF_BUNDLE_DIR)")

cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&cmdData.Validate, "validate", "", common.GetBoolEnvironmentDefaultFalse("WERF_VALIDATE"), "Validate your manifests against the Kubernetes cluster you are currently pointing at (default $WERF_VALIDATE)")

return cmd

func runRender(ctx context.Context) error {
if err := werf.Init(*commonCmdData.TmpDir, *commonCmdData.HomeDir); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("initialization error: %s", err)

var isLocal bool
switch {
case cmdData.BundleDir != "":
if *commonCmdData.StagesStorage != "" {
return fmt.Errorf("only one of --bundle-dir or --repo should be specified, but both provided")
if *commonCmdData.FinalStagesStorage != "" {
return fmt.Errorf("only one of --bundle-dir or --final-repo should be specified, but both provided")

isLocal = true
case *commonCmdData.StagesStorage == storage.LocalStorageAddress:
return fmt.Errorf("--repo %s is not allowed, specify remote storage address", storage.LocalStorageAddress)
case *commonCmdData.StagesStorage != "":
isLocal = false
return fmt.Errorf("either --bundle-dir or --repo required")

userExtraAnnotations, err := common.GetUserExtraAnnotations(&commonCmdData)
if err != nil {
return err

userExtraLabels, err := common.GetUserExtraLabels(&commonCmdData)
if err != nil {
return err

helm_v3.Settings.Debug = *commonCmdData.LogDebug

helmRegistryClientHandle, err := common.NewHelmRegistryClientHandle(ctx, &commonCmdData)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to create helm registry client: %s", err)

actionConfig := new(action.Configuration)
if err := helm.InitActionConfig(ctx, nil, *commonCmdData.Namespace, helm_v3.Settings, helmRegistryClientHandle, actionConfig, helm.InitActionConfigOptions{}); err != nil {
return err

var bundleDir string
if isLocal {
bundleDir = cmdData.BundleDir
} else {
if err := common.DockerRegistryInit(ctx, &commonCmdData); err != nil {
return err

bundlesRegistryClient, err := common.NewBundlesRegistryClient(ctx, &commonCmdData)
if err != nil {
return err

repoAddress, err := common.GetStagesStorageAddress(&commonCmdData)
if err != nil {
return err

bundleDir = filepath.Join(werf.GetServiceDir(), "tmp", "bundles", uuid.NewV4().String())
defer os.RemoveAll(bundleDir)

if err := bundles.Pull(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", repoAddress, cmdData.Tag), bundleDir, bundlesRegistryClient); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to pull bundle: %s", err)

namespace := common.GetNamespace(&commonCmdData)
releaseName := common.GetOptionalRelease(&commonCmdData)

if *commonCmdData.Environment != "" {
userExtraAnnotations[""] = *commonCmdData.Environment

bundle, err := chart_extender.NewBundle(ctx, bundleDir, helm_v3.Settings, helmRegistryClientHandle, chart_extender.BundleOptions{
ExtraAnnotations: userExtraAnnotations,
ExtraLabels: userExtraLabels,
if err != nil {
return err

if vals, err := helpers.GetBundleServiceValues(ctx, helpers.ServiceValuesOptions{
Env: *commonCmdData.Environment,
Namespace: namespace,
SetDockerConfigJsonValue: *commonCmdData.SetDockerConfigJsonValue,
DockerConfigPath: *commonCmdData.DockerConfig,
}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error creating service values: %s", err)
} else {

loader.GlobalLoadOptions = &loader.LoadOptions{
ChartExtender: bundle,
SubchartExtenderFactoryFunc: func() chart.ChartExtender { return chart_extender.NewWerfSubchart() },

var output io.Writer
if cmdData.RenderOutput != "" {
if f, err := os.Create(cmdData.RenderOutput); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to open file %q: %s", cmdData.RenderOutput, err)
} else {
defer f.Close()
output = f
} else {
output = os.Stdout

helmTemplateCmd, _ := helm_v3.NewTemplateCmd(actionConfig, output, helm_v3.TemplateCmdOptions{
ChainPostRenderer: bundle.ChainPostRenderer,
ValueOpts: &values.Options{
ValueFiles: common.GetValues(&commonCmdData),
StringValues: common.GetSetString(&commonCmdData),
Values: common.GetSet(&commonCmdData),
FileValues: common.GetSetFile(&commonCmdData),
Validate: &cmdData.Validate,
IncludeCrds: &cmdData.IncludeCRDs,

if err := helmTemplateCmd.RunE(helmTemplateCmd, []string{releaseName, bundleDir}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("helm templates rendering failed: %s", err)

return nil
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions cmd/werf/common/common.go
Expand Up @@ -1309,6 +1309,13 @@ func GetRequiredRelease(cmdData *CmdData) (string, error) {
return *cmdData.Release, nil

func GetOptionalRelease(cmdData *CmdData) string {
if *cmdData.Release == "" {
return "werf-stub"
return *cmdData.Release

func GetIntrospectOptions(cmdData *CmdData, werfConfig *config.WerfConfig) (build.IntrospectOptions, error) {
isStageExist := func(sName string) bool {
for _, stageName := range allStagesNames() {
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions cmd/werf/main.go
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import (
bundle_download ""
bundle_export ""
bundle_publish ""
bundle_render ""
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -180,6 +181,7 @@ func bundleCmd() *cobra.Command {

return cmd
Expand Down

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