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feat(stapel-to-buildah): basic implementation of dependencies* stages
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Not implemented include-paths, exclude-paths, owner and group params.

Signed-off-by: Timofey Kirillov <>
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distorhead committed Apr 5, 2022
1 parent c3059ac commit 9ead236
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Showing 3 changed files with 254 additions and 40 deletions.
60 changes: 58 additions & 2 deletions pkg/build/stage/dependencies.go
Expand Up @@ -154,12 +154,68 @@ func (s *DependenciesStage) prepareImageWithLegacyStapelBuilder(ctx context.Cont
return nil

func (s *DependenciesStage) prepareImage(ctx context.Context, c Conveyor, cr container_backend.ContainerBackend, _, stageImage *StageImage) error {

for _, elm := range s.imports {
sourceImageConfigName := getSourceImageName(elm)
var sourceImageName string
if elm.Stage == "" {
sourceImageName = c.GetImageNameForLastImageStage(sourceImageConfigName)
} else {
sourceImageName = c.GetImageNameForImageStage(sourceImageConfigName, elm.Stage)

labelKey := imagePkg.WerfImportChecksumLabelPrefix + getImportID(elm)

importSourceID := getImportSourceID(c, elm)
importMetadata, err := c.GetImportMetadata(ctx, s.projectName, importSourceID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to get import source checksum: %w", err)
} else if importMetadata == nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("import metadata %s not found", importSourceID))
labelValue := importMetadata.Checksum

stageImage.Builder.StapelStageBuilder().AddLabels(map[string]string{labelKey: labelValue})
stageImage.Builder.StapelStageBuilder().DependenciesStage().AddDependencyImport(sourceImageName, elm.Add, elm.To, elm.IncludePaths, elm.ExcludePaths, elm.Owner, elm.Group)

for _, dep := range s.dependencies {
depImageName := c.GetImageNameForLastImageStage(dep.ImageName)
depImageID := c.GetImageIDForLastImageStage(dep.ImageName)
depImageRepo, depImageTag := imagePkg.ParseRepositoryAndTag(depImageName)

for _, img := range dep.Imports {
switch img.Type {
case config.ImageRepoImport:
img.TargetEnv: depImageRepo,
case config.ImageTagImport:
img.TargetEnv: depImageTag,
case config.ImageNameImport:
img.TargetEnv: depImageName,
case config.ImageIDImport:
img.TargetEnv: depImageID,

return nil

func (s *DependenciesStage) PrepareImage(ctx context.Context, c Conveyor, cr container_backend.ContainerBackend, prevImage, stageImage *StageImage) error {
if c.UseLegacyStapelBuilder(cr) {
return s.prepareImageWithLegacyStapelBuilder(ctx, c, cr, prevImage, stageImage)
} else {
// TODO(stapel-to-buildah)
panic("not implemented")
return s.prepareImage(ctx, c, cr, prevImage, stageImage)

Expand Down
194 changes: 157 additions & 37 deletions pkg/container_backend/buildah_backend.go
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import (


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -39,41 +40,87 @@ func (runtime *BuildahBackend) getBuildahCommonOpts(ctx context.Context, suppres

func (runtime *BuildahBackend) prepareContainerRoot(ctx context.Context, containerID string, fn func(containerRoot string) error) error {
containerRoot, err := runtime.buildah.Mount(ctx, containerID, buildah.MountOpts(runtime.getBuildahCommonOpts(ctx, true)))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to mount container %q root dir: %w", containerID, err)
type containerDesc struct {
ImageName string
Name string
RootMount string

func (runtime *BuildahBackend) createContainers(ctx context.Context, images []string) ([]*containerDesc, error) {
var res []*containerDesc

for _, img := range images {
containerID := fmt.Sprintf("werf-stage-build-%s", uuid.New().String())

_, err := runtime.buildah.FromCommand(ctx, containerID, img, buildah.FromCommandOpts(runtime.getBuildahCommonOpts(ctx, true)))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to create container using base image %q: %w", img, err)

res = append(res, &containerDesc{ImageName: img, Name: containerID})
defer runtime.buildah.Umount(ctx, containerRoot, buildah.UmountOpts(runtime.getBuildahCommonOpts(ctx, true)))

return fn(containerRoot)
return res, nil

func (runtime *BuildahBackend) buildFromStage(ctx context.Context, containerID string, opts BuildStapelStageOptions) error {
if len(opts.BuildVolumes) > 0 {
var mountpoints []string
for _, volume := range opts.BuildVolumes {
volumeParts := strings.SplitN(volume, ":", 2)
mountpoints = append(mountpoints, volumeParts[1])
func (runtime *BuildahBackend) removeContainers(ctx context.Context, containers []*containerDesc) error {
for _, cont := range containers {
if err := runtime.buildah.Rm(ctx, cont.Name, buildah.RmOpts(runtime.getBuildahCommonOpts(ctx, true))); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to remove container %q: %w", cont.Name, err)

if err := runtime.prepareContainerRoot(ctx, containerID, func(containerRoot string) error {
for _, mountpoint := range mountpoints {
if err := os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(containerRoot, mountpoint)); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to remove %q: %w", mountpoint, err)
return nil

return nil
}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to prepare container root mountpoints for 'from' stage: %w", err)
func (runtime *BuildahBackend) mountContainers(ctx context.Context, containers []*containerDesc) error {
for _, cont := range containers {
containerRoot, err := runtime.buildah.Mount(ctx, cont.Name, buildah.MountOpts(runtime.getBuildahCommonOpts(ctx, true)))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to mount container %q root dir: %w", cont.Name, err)
cont.RootMount = containerRoot

return nil

func (runtime *BuildahBackend) unmountContainers(ctx context.Context, containers []*containerDesc) error {
for _, cont := range containers {
if err := runtime.buildah.Umount(ctx, cont.Name, buildah.UmountOpts(runtime.getBuildahCommonOpts(ctx, true))); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("container %q: %w", cont.Name, err)

return nil

func (runtime *BuildahBackend) cleanupMountpoints(ctx context.Context, container *containerDesc, buildVolumes []string) error {
var mountpoints []string
for _, volume := range buildVolumes {
volumeParts := strings.SplitN(volume, ":", 2)
mountpoints = append(mountpoints, volumeParts[1])

if err := runtime.mountContainers(ctx, []*containerDesc{container}); err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
if err := runtime.unmountContainers(ctx, []*containerDesc{container}); err != nil {
logboek.Context(ctx).Warn().LogF("ERROR: unable to unmount containers: %s\n", err)

for _, mountpoint := range mountpoints {
if err := os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(container.RootMount, mountpoint)); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to remove mountpoint %q in container %s: %w", mountpoint, container.Name, err)

return nil

func (runtime *BuildahBackend) buildUserCommandsStage(ctx context.Context, containerID string, opts BuildStapelStageOptions) error {
func (runtime *BuildahBackend) applyUserCommands(ctx context.Context, container *containerDesc, opts BuildStapelStageOptions) error {
for _, cmd := range opts.Commands {
var mounts []specs.Mount
mounts, err := makeBuildahMounts(opts.BuildVolumes)
Expand All @@ -85,7 +132,7 @@ func (runtime *BuildahBackend) buildUserCommandsStage(ctx context.Context, conta
// usage of shell variables and functions between multiple commands.
// Maybe there is no need of such function, instead provide options to select shell in the werf.yaml.
// Is it important to provide compatibility between docker-server-based werf.yaml and buildah-based?
if err := runtime.buildah.RunCommand(ctx, containerID, []string{"sh", "-c", cmd}, buildah.RunCommandOpts{
if err := runtime.buildah.RunCommand(ctx, container.Name, []string{"sh", "-c", cmd}, buildah.RunCommandOpts{
CommonOpts: runtime.getBuildahCommonOpts(ctx, false),
Mounts: mounts,
}); err != nil {
Expand All @@ -96,32 +143,105 @@ func (runtime *BuildahBackend) buildUserCommandsStage(ctx context.Context, conta
return nil

func (runtime *BuildahBackend) BuildStapelStage(ctx context.Context, stageType StapelStageType, opts BuildStapelStageOptions) (string, error) {
containerID := fmt.Sprintf("werf-stage-build-%s", uuid.New().String())
type dependencyContainer struct {
Container *containerDesc
Import DependencyImport

func (runtime *BuildahBackend) applyDependencies(ctx context.Context, container *containerDesc, opts BuildStapelStageOptions) error {
var dependencies []*dependencyContainer

var dependenciesImages []string
for _, imp := range opts.Imports {
dependenciesImages = append(dependenciesImages, imp.ImageName)

_, err := runtime.buildah.FromCommand(ctx, containerID, opts.BaseImage, buildah.FromCommandOpts(runtime.getBuildahCommonOpts(ctx, true)))
logboek.Context(ctx).Debug().LogF("Creating containers for dependencies images %v\n", dependenciesImages)
dependenciesContainers, err := runtime.createContainers(ctx, dependenciesImages)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("unable to create container using base image %q: %w", opts.BaseImage, err)
return fmt.Errorf("unable to create dependencies containers: %w", err)
defer func() {
if err := runtime.removeContainers(ctx, dependenciesContainers); err != nil {
logboek.Context(ctx).Error().LogF("ERROR: unable to remove temporal dependencies containers: %s\n", err)

for _, cont := range dependenciesContainers {
for _, imp := range opts.Imports {
if imp.ImageName == cont.ImageName {
dependencies = append(dependencies, &dependencyContainer{
Container: cont,
Import: imp,

break FindImport

logboek.Context(ctx).Debug().LogF("Mounting dependencies containers %v\n", dependenciesContainers)
if err := runtime.mountContainers(ctx, append(dependenciesContainers, container)); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to mount containers: %w", err)
defer func() {
logboek.Context(ctx).Debug().LogF("Unmounting dependencies containers %v\n", dependenciesContainers)
if err := runtime.unmountContainers(ctx, append(dependenciesContainers, container)); err != nil {
logboek.Context(ctx).Error().LogF("ERROR: unable to unmount containers: %s\n", err)

for _, dep := range dependencies {
copyFrom := filepath.Join(dep.Container.RootMount, dep.Import.FromPath)
copyTo := filepath.Join(container.RootMount, dep.Import.ToPath)
fmt.Printf("copying from %q to %q\n", copyFrom, copyTo)
logboek.Context(ctx).Debug().LogF("Copying dependency %v from %q to %q\n", dep.Import, copyFrom, copyTo)
if err := copy.Copy(copyFrom, copyTo); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to copy %s to %s: %w", copyFrom, copyTo, err)

return nil

func (runtime *BuildahBackend) BuildStapelStage(ctx context.Context, stageType StapelStageType, opts BuildStapelStageOptions) (string, error) {
var container *containerDesc
if c, err := runtime.createContainers(ctx, []string{opts.BaseImage}); err != nil {
return "", err
} else {
container = c[0]
defer func() {
if err := runtime.removeContainers(ctx, []*containerDesc{container}); err != nil {
logboek.Context(ctx).Error().LogF("ERROR: unable to remove temporal build container: %s\n", err)

// TODO(stapel-to-buildah): cleanup orphan build containers in werf-host-cleanup procedure
// defer runtime.buildah.Rm(ctx, containerID, buildah.RmOpts{CommonOpts: runtime.getBuildahCommonOpts(ctx, true)})

switch stageType {
case FromStage:
if err := runtime.buildFromStage(ctx, containerID, opts); err != nil {
return "", err
if len(opts.BuildVolumes) > 0 {
if err := runtime.cleanupMountpoints(ctx, container, opts.BuildVolumes); err != nil {
return "", err
case UserCommandsStage:
if err := runtime.buildUserCommandsStage(ctx, containerID, opts); err != nil {
if err := runtime.applyUserCommands(ctx, container, opts); err != nil {
return "", err
case DockerInstructionsStage:
case DependenciesStage:
if err := runtime.applyDependencies(ctx, container, opts); err != nil {
return "", err
return "", fmt.Errorf("unsupported stage type %q", stageType.String())

logboek.Context(ctx).Debug().LogF("Setting config for build container %q\n", containerID)
if err := runtime.buildah.Config(ctx, containerID, buildah.ConfigOpts{
logboek.Context(ctx).Debug().LogF("Setting config for build container %q\n", container.Name)
if err := runtime.buildah.Config(ctx, container.Name, buildah.ConfigOpts{
CommonOpts: runtime.getBuildahCommonOpts(ctx, true),
Labels: opts.Labels,
Volumes: opts.Volumes,
Expand All @@ -133,15 +253,15 @@ func (runtime *BuildahBackend) BuildStapelStage(ctx context.Context, stageType S
Workdir: opts.Workdir,
Healthcheck: opts.Healthcheck,
}); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("unable to set container %q config: %w", containerID, err)
return "", fmt.Errorf("unable to set container %q config: %w", container.Name, err)

// TODO(stapel-to-buildah): Save container name as builtID. There is no need to commit an image here,
// because buildah allows to commit and push directly container, which would happen later.
logboek.Context(ctx).Debug().LogF("committing container %q\n", containerID)
imgID, err := runtime.buildah.Commit(ctx, containerID, buildah.CommitOpts{CommonOpts: runtime.getBuildahCommonOpts(ctx, true)})
logboek.Context(ctx).Debug().LogF("committing container %q\n", container.Name)
imgID, err := runtime.buildah.Commit(ctx, container.Name, buildah.CommitOpts{CommonOpts: runtime.getBuildahCommonOpts(ctx, true)})
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("unable to commit container %q: %w", containerID, err)
return "", fmt.Errorf("unable to commit container %q: %w", container.Name, err)

return imgID, nil
Expand Down

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