diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index c607facb0f..2923f362ab 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -90,18 +90,6 @@ werf is not a complete CI/CD solution, but a tool for creating pipelines that ca - Clean up local and Docker registry by enforcing customizable policies. - Keep images that are being used in the Kubernetes cluster. werf scans the following kinds of objects: Pod, Deployment, ReplicaSet, StatefulSet, DaemonSet, Job, CronJob, ReplicationController. -### Coming soon - -- Developing applications locally with werf [#1940](https://github.com/werf/werf/issues/1940). -- (Kaniko-like) building in the userspace that does not require Docker daemon [#1618](https://github.com/werf/werf/issues/1618). -- ~3-way-merge~ [#1616](https://github.com/werf/werf/issues/1616). -- ~Content-based tagging~ [#1184](https://github.com/werf/werf/issues/1184). -- ~Support for the most Docker registry implementations~ [#2199](https://github.com/werf/werf/issues/2199). -- ~Parallel image builds~ [#2200](https://github.com/werf/werf/issues/2200). -- ~Proven approaches and recipes for the most popular CI systems~ [#1617](https://github.com/werf/werf/issues/1617). -- ~Distributed builds with the shared Docker registry~ [#1614](https://github.com/werf/werf/issues/1614). -- ~Support for Helm 3~ [#1606](https://github.com/werf/werf/issues/1606). - ## Production ready werf is a mature, reliable tool you can trust. [Read about release channels](https://werf.io/about/release_channels.html).