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Cheat sheet

Build and deploy with a single command

Build and deploy to production:

werf converge --repo --env production

Build and deploy to default environment, but use custom image tags:

werf converge --repo --use-custom-tag "%image%-$CI_JOB_ID"

Pipeline building blocks

Following commands can be composed to make a pipeline suited for your needs.

Running most commands will trigger rebuild of missing images first. You can skip the rebuild with the --skip-build flag. Make sure required images are built beforehand with werf build.

integrate with a CI system (GitLab and GitHub Workflows supported)

Set the defaults for werf commands and perform login into a container registry based on GitLab environment variables:

. $(werf ci-env gitlab --as-file) 

build, tag, and publish images

Build images using container registry:

werf build --repo

Build images with custom tags in addition to content-based tags:

werf build --repo --add-custom-tag latest --add-custom-tag 1.2.1

Build and store final images in a separate registry that is deployed in the Kubernetes cluster:

werf build --repo --final-repo fast-in-cluster-registry.cluster/group/project

Build images using container registry (or local storage if needed) and export them into another container registry:

werf export --repo --tag

run one-off tasks (unit-tests, lint, one-time jobs)

Run tests in built image frontend_image in Kubernetes Pod:

werf kube-run frontend_image --repo -- npm test

Run default command of built image in Kubernetes in a Pod with CPU requests set:

werf kube-run frontend_image --repo --overrides='{"spec":{"containers":[{"name": "%container_name%", "resources":{"requests":{"cpu":"100m"}}}]}}'

run integration tests

Generally, you need a production-like environment (prepared with converge or bundle) and a container with a command to run some integration tests (e2e, acceptance, security, etc.).

Run integration tests using converge:

werf converge --repo --env integration

Run integration tests using converge to prepare environment and kube-run to run one-off task:

werf converge --repo --env integration_infra
werf kube-run --repo --env integration -- npm run acceptance-tests

prepare release artifact (optional)

Use werf bundles to prepare release artifacts that could be tested or deployed later (by the werf or Argo CD, or Helm), and store them into the container registry using a specified tag.

Use helm OCI chart compatible semver tag:

werf bundle publish --repo --tag 1.0.0

Use arbitrary symbolic tag:

werf bundle publish --repo --tag latest

deploy application

Build and deploy the application to production:

werf converge --skip-build --repo --env production

Build and deploy the application using a custom tag built on a previous step :

werf converge --skip-build --repo --use-custom-tag "%image%-$CI_JOB_ID"

Deploy previously published bundle with tag 1.0.0 to production:

werf bundle apply --repo --env production --tag 1.0.0

Local development

Most commands have the --dev flag, usually this is what you want for local development. It allows running werf commands without git adding them first. --follow flag allows restarting the command when files in the repository are changed.

Render and show manifests:

werf render --dev

Build image, but open interactive shell in a container with a failed stage on failure:

werf build --dev [--follow] --introspect-error

Build and run command in a Kubernetes Pod in a specified image:

werf kube-run --dev [--follow] --repo frontend -- npm lint

Open an interactive shell in a container of a Kubernetes Pod for specified image:

werf kube-run --dev --repo -it frontend -- bash

Build and deploy in a dev cluster, which might be a local one:

werf converge --dev [--follow] --repo

Build and deploy in a dev cluster, use stages from another secondary read-only registry to speed up the build:

werf converge --dev [--follow] --repo --secondary-repo

Run "docker-compose up" command with forwarded image names:

werf compose up --dev [--follow]