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File metadata and controls

130 lines (77 loc) · 7.86 KB

Commonly-Used Options

Waiting for Page Load

One of the key nuances of browser-based crawling is determining when a page is finished loading. This can be configured with the --waitUntil flag.

The default is load,networkidle2, which waits until page load and ≤2 requests remain, but for static sites, --wait-until domcontentloaded may be used to speed up the crawl (to avoid waiting for ads to load for example). --waitUntil networkidle0 may make sense for sites where absolutely all requests must be waited until before proceeding.

See page.goto waitUntil options for more info on the options that can be used with this flag from the Puppeteer docs.

The --pageLoadTimeout/--timeout option sets the timeout in seconds for page load, defaulting to 90 seconds. Behaviors will run on the page once either the page load condition or the page load timeout is met, whichever happens first.

Ad Blocking

Brave Browser, the browser used by Browsertrix Crawler for crawling, has some ad and tracker blocking features enabled by default. These Shields be disabled or customized using Browser Profiles.

Browsertrix Crawler also supports blocking ads from being loaded during capture based on Stephen Black's list of known ad hosts. To enable ad blocking based on this list, use the --blockAds option. If --adBlockMessage is set, a record with the specified error message will be added in the ad's place.

Sitemap Parsing

The --sitemap option can be used to have the crawler parse a sitemap and queue any found URLs while respecting the crawl's scoping rules and limits. Browsertrix Crawler is able to parse regular sitemaps as well as sitemap indices that point out to nested sitemaps.

By default, --sitemap will look for a sitemap at <your-seed>/sitemap.xml. If a website's sitemap is hosted at a different URL, pass the URL with the flag like --sitemap <sitemap url>.

The --sitemapFrom/--sitemapFromDate and --sitemapTo/--sitemapToDate options allow for only extracting pages within a specific date range. If set, these options will filter URLs from sitemaps to those greater than or equal to (>=) or lesser than or equal to (<=) a provided ISO Date string (YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS, or partial date), respectively.

Custom Warcinfo Fields

Custom fields can be added to the warcinfo WARC record, generated for each combined WARC. The fields can be specified in the YAML config under warcinfo section or specifying individually via the command-line.

For example, the following are equivalent ways to add additional warcinfo fields:

via yaml config:

  operator: my-org

via command-line:

--warcinfo.operator my-org --warcinfo.hostname


Browsertrix Crawler includes the ability to take screenshots of each page crawled via the --screenshot option.

Three screenshot options are available:

  • --screenshot view: Takes a png screenshot of the initially visible viewport (1920x1080)
  • --screenshot fullPage: Takes a png screenshot of the full page
  • --screenshot thumbnail: Takes a jpeg thumbnail of the initially visible viewport (1920x1080)

These can be combined using a comma-separated list passed via the --screenshot option, e.g.: --screenshot thumbnail,view,fullPage or passed in separately --screenshot thumbnail --screenshot view --screenshot fullPage.

Screenshots are written into a screenshots.warc.gz WARC file in the archives/ directory. If the --generateWACZ command line option is used, the screenshots WARC is written into the archive directory of the WACZ file and indexed alongside the other WARCs.


Browsertrix Crawler includes a screencasting option which allows watching the crawl in real-time via screencast (connected via a websocket).

To enable, add --screencastPort command-line option and also map the port on the docker container. An example command might be:

docker run -p 9037:9037 -v $PWD/crawls:/crawls/ webrecorder/browsertrix-crawler crawl  --url --screencastPort 9037

Then, open http://localhost:9037/ and watch the crawl!

Text Extraction

Browsertrix Crawler supports text extraction via the --text flag, which accepts one or more of the following extraction options:

  • --text to-pages — Extract initial text and add it to the text field in pages.jsonl
  • --text to-warc — Extract initial page text and add it to a urn:text:<url> WARC resource record
  • --text final-to-warc — Extract the final page text after all behaviors have run and add it to a urn:textFinal:<url> WARC resource record

The options can be separate or combined into a comma separate list, eg. --text to-warc,final-to-warc or --text to-warc --text final-to-warc are equivalent. For backwards compatibility, --text alone is equivalent to --text to-pages.

Uploading Crawl Outputs to S3-Compatible Storage

Browsertrix Crawler includes support for uploading WACZ files to S3-compatible storage, and notifying a webhook when the upload succeeds.

S3 upload is only supported when WACZ output is enabled and will not work for WARC output.

This feature can currently be enabled by setting environment variables (for security reasons, these settings are not passed in as part of the command-line or YAML config at this time).

Environment variables for S3-uploads include:

  • STORE_ENDPOINT_URL — S3 endpoint URL
  • STORE_PATH — optional path appended to endpoint, if provided
  • STORE_FILENAME — filename or template for filename to put on S3
  • STORE_USER — optional username to pass back as part of the webhook callback
  • CRAWL_ID — unique crawl id (defaults to container hostname)
  • WEBHOOK_URL — the URL of the webhook (can be http://, https://, or redis://)

Webhook Notification

The webhook URL can be an HTTP URL which receives a JSON POST request OR a Redis URL, which specifies a redis list key to which the JSON data is pushed as a string.

Webhook notification JSON includes:

  • id — crawl id (value of CRAWL_ID)
  • userId — user id (value of STORE_USER)
  • filename — bucket path + filename of the file
  • size — size of WACZ file
  • hash — SHA-256 of WACZ file
  • completed — boolean of whether crawl fully completed or partially (due to interrupt signal or other error).

Saving Crawl State: Interrupting and Restarting the Crawl

A crawl can be gracefully interrupted with Ctrl-C (SIGINT) or a SIGTERM.

When a crawl is interrupted, the current crawl state is written to the crawls subdirectory inside the collection directory. The crawl state includes the current YAML config, if any, plus the current state of the crawl.

This crawl state YAML file can then be used as --config option to restart the crawl from where it was left of previously.

By default, the crawl interruption waits for current pages to finish. A subsequent SIGINT will cause the crawl to stop immediately. Any unfinished pages are recorded in the pending section of the crawl state (if gracefully finished, the section will be empty).

By default, the crawl state is only written when a crawl is interrupted before completing. The --saveState cli option can be set to always or never respectively, to control when the crawl state file should be written.

Periodic State Saving

When the --saveState is set to always, Browsertrix Crawler will also save the state automatically during the crawl, as set by the --saveStateInterval setting. The crawler will keep the last --saveStateHistory save states and delete older ones. This provides extra backup, in the event that the crawl fails unexpectedly or is not terminated via Ctrl-C, several previous crawl states are still available.