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Amazon Connect & VoiceIt 2.0 Voice Integration Demo

Developed by VoiceIt Technologies Inc.


We created this repository for our clients who want to integrate our services with Amazon Connect's Call Center functionality.

If you want a quick demo of the capabilities, feel free to check it out by calling the number 786-864-5177.

Both programs are intended to run on AWS Lambda as part of a serverless architecture. They are intended to run together and utilize AWS DynamoDB to "glue" together their logic as well as ensure a secure way to signal a successful authentication from Twilio's server back to Amazon Connect.

At the time of this writing, Amazon Connect does not directly allow for developers to access voice recordings in a way that would allow people to send them to our API to use our voice biometrics service. Because of this, the enrollment/verification steps are done using Twilio's API. We are hosting the Twilio server on AWS Lambda in order to show that you can host the entire achitecture on AWS Cloud Services, but in theory, this can be hosted anywhere you want (so long as it has access to the DynamoDB database you will use to communicate with Amazon Connect [read more below]).

The directory structure is as follows:

Path Language Description
/connect-twilio-initial Go Server which encompasses the initial server side logic when the user calls Amazon Connect
/twilioserver NodeJS Server that handles call recording and interacting with VoiceIt's enrollment/verification endpoints using using Twilio's API and VoiceIt API 2.0 wrapper

If you need help setting up your workflow, try importing exampleconnectvoiceit into a blank Contact Flow for inspiration. example_screenshot

Deploying Demo


  1. Amazon Connect Call Instance with a free phone number
  2. AWS DynamoDB table (we named ours ConnectTwilio which will be referenced throughout code) with the primary key phoneNumber of type String
  3. Twilio account with a free phone number
  4. Clone this repository somewhere on your local work environment
  5. Locally installed Go and $GOPATH environment variable set up
  6. Locally installed node/npm

Deploying the Amazon Connect Initial Server

In Amazon Connect Call Center Console...

  1. Create a new contact flow, and use Import flow option to upload our Contact Flow file

In AWS Lambda web UI...

  1. Create a new Lambda Function with the Go 1.x runtime (Either create a new role, or use an existing role with Full Access to DynamoDB).
  2. Add an API Gateway trigger (Create a new API with Security=Open [other options can be left to default values]) & Add

In aws cli...

  1. Add permission to allow your Lambda Function to be accessed from Amazon Connect
aws lambda add-permission --function-name function:[your_lambda_function_name] --statement-id 1 --principal connect.amazona --action lambda:InvokeFunction --source-account [source_account_number_of_lambda_function] --source-arn [arn:of_amazon_connect_instance]

In your local machine...

  1. Install VoiceIt Go wrapper, AWS-Lambda library, and AWS-SDK
go get -u
go get -u
go get -u
  1. cd into the connect-twilio-initial directory in this repository, build the executable for Lambda, and package it into a ZIP file (or you can use the file we provide)
cd [root_of_cloned_repository]/connect-twilio-initial
GOOS=linux go build -o main
zip main

Back in AWS Lambda web view for the function you created...

  1. Upload the file you just created under the "Function Code" section, and change the Handler attribute from 'hello' to 'main'
  2. Add the environment variables VIAPIKEY and VIAPITOKEN (which correspond to the API 2.0 key/token credentials you can view at
  3. Save Lambda Function
  4. Take note of the Lambda ARN at the top of the page, which will look like arn:aws:lambda:[location]:00000000000:function:[functionname] which we will plug into the Contact Flow

Back in Amazon Connect Call Center Console Contact Flow view...

  1. Change the Function ARN parameter in the "Invoke AWS Lambda function" designer element to match the above arn for the Lambda function you created
  2. Change the Phone number parameter in the "Transfer to phone number" designer element to match the Twilio phone number you created
  3. Save & Publish
  4. Go to Phone Numbers, and select the Contact Flow you just created for the Contact flow/IVR parameter
  5. Save

Congratulations, you now have the initial logic portion of the Amazon Connect Call center up and running! Now it's time to set up the Twilio server which handles the actual voice enrollment/verification to VoiceIt API 2.0.

Deploying the VoiceIt (Twilio) Server

In your local machine...

  1. change directories into the twilioserver directory
cd [root_of_cloned_repo]/twilioserver
  1. Install AWS Serverless Express Node Middleware, AWS SDK, body-parser, moment.js (for converting time into string), the Twilio library, and VoiceIt wrapper
npm i
  1. Zip the deployment as (or you can just use the provided file if you do not need to change anything)
zip -r *

In AWS Lambda web UI...

  1. Create a new Lambda Function with the Node.js 8.10 runtime (Either create a new role, or use an existing role with Full Access to DynamoDB), and the name "twilioserver".

  2. Add an API Gateway trigger (Create a new API with Security=Open [other options can be left to default values]) & Add

  3. Under "Function code", change the Code entry type to be "Upload a .ZIP file" and upload you created for Node.js

  4. Change the Handler parameter to be "lambda.handler" (as the file lambda.js is the entry point for our application)

  5. Add the environment variables VIAPIKEY and VIAPITOKEN (which correspond to the API 2.0 key/token credentials you can view at, the PHRASE environment variable as "never forget tomorrow is a new day", the APPNAME environment variable which should be the equal to the name of your Lambda Function, and the AMAZONCONNECTPHONENUMBER environment variable which should be your Amazon Connect phone number which should be in the form "111-222-3333"

  6. Save Lambda Function

  7. Take note of the API endpoint which looks like https://[0000000000].execute-api.[location][function_name] as we will need to add it to Twilio's API later

In Twilio web console...

  1. Route the phone number to do a POST request to https://[0000000000].execute-api.[location][function_name] as you saw in the API endpoint above

Congratulations! Now you have set up the Connect-VoiceIt integration demo. Please test by calling the Amazon Connect phone number

Potential Flows Call Flow

User successfully enrolls for the first time, and successfully verifies

[Incoming Call] -> Amazon Connect
Amazon Connect -> connect-twilio-initial Lambda Function
                  1) Creates a DynamoDB entry
                  2) sets info.enrolling in DynamoDB to true
connect-twilio-initial -> Amazon Connect
Amazon Connect -> [Transfer Call] -> Twilio Phone Number
Twilio Phone Number -> [HTTP POST] -> twilioserver Lambda Function
                                      (Enroll User)
                                        1) set info.enrolling in DynamoDB to false
                                        2) Successful Enrollment #1-> [HTTP POST] -> twilioserver
                                        3) Successful Enrollment #2-> [HTTP POST] -> twilioserver
                                        4) Successful Enrollment #3-> [HTTP POST] -> twilioserver
twilioserver -> [Transfer Call] -> Amazon Connect
Amazon Connect -> connect-twilio-initial
                  1) Modifies info.verifying in DynamoDB to true
connect-twilio-initial -> Amazon Connect
Amazon Connect -> [Transfer Call] -> Twilio Phone Number
Twilio Phone Number -> [HTTP POST] -> twilioserver
                                      (Verify User)
                                        1) set info.verifying in DynamoDB to false
                                        2) Successful Verification -> set info.verified to true and info.authTime to current time in DynamoDB
twilioserver -> [Call Transfer] -> Amazon Connect
Amazon Connect -> connect-twilio-initial
                  1) check if timestamp is 10 seconds or newer
                  2) Success

connect-twilio-initial -> Amazon Connect (User verified as logged in)

User is already registered in the system, but did not have enough enrollments to to verify using VoiceIt API 2.0. This time around, user successfully enrolls, but fails the verification once, then successfully verifies

[Incoming Call] -> Amazon Connect
Amazon Connect -> connect-twilio-initial Lambda Function
                  1) sets info.enrolling in DynamoDB to true
connect-twilio-initial -> Amazon Connect
Amazon Connect -> [Transfer Call] -> Twilio Phone Number
Twilio Phone Number -> [HTTP POST] -> twilioserver Lambda Function
                                      (Enroll User)
                                        1) set info.enrolling in DynamoDB to false
                                        2) Successful Enrollment #1-> [HTTP POST] -> twilioserver (repeat until info.numEnrollments = 3 in DynamoDB)
twilioserver -> [Transfer Call] -> Amazon Connect
Amazon Connect -> connect-twilio-initial
                  1) Modifies info.verifying in DynamoDB to true
connect-twilio-initial -> Amazon Connect
Amazon Connect -> [Transfer Call] -> Twilio Phone Number
Twilio Phone Number -> [HTTP POST] -> twilioserver
                                      (Verify User)
                                        1) set info.verifying in DynamoDB to false
                                        2) Failed Verification -> [HTTP POST] twilioserver
                                        3) Succeeded Verification ->  set info.verified to true and info.authTime to current time in DynamoDB
twilioserver -> [Call Transfer] -> Amazon Connect
Amazon Connect -> connect-twilio-initial
                  1) check if timestamp is 10 seconds or newer
                  2) Success

connect-twilio-initial -> Amazon Connect (User verified as logged in)

User already exists in system, and successfully verifies

[Incoming Call] -> Amazon Connect
Amazon Connect -> connect-twilio-initial Lambda Function
                  1) sets info.verifying in DynamoDB to true
connect-twilio-initial -> Amazon Connect
Amazon Connect -> [Transfer Call] -> Twilio Phone Number
Twilio Phone Number -> [HTTP POST] -> twilioserver Lambda Function
                                      (Verify User)
                                        1) set info.enrolling in DynamoDB to false
                                        2) Succeeded Verification ->  set info.verified to true and info.authTime to current time in DynamoDB
twilioserver -> [Transfer Call] -> Amazon Connect
Amazon Connect -> connect-twilio-initial
                  1) check if timestamp is 10 seconds or newer
                  2) Success

connect-twilio-initial -> Amazon Connect (User verified as logged in)

User successfully verifies, but ends call before Twilio server transfers call back to Amazon Connect, then a spoofer attempts to use the phone number knowing info.verified is true

[Incoming Call] -> Amazon Connect
Amazon Connect -> connect-twilio-initial Lambda Function
                  1) Sets info.verifying in DynamoDB to true
connect-twilio-initial -> Amazon Connect
Amazon Connect -> [Transfer Call] -> Twilio Phone Number
Twilio Phone Number -> [HTTP POST] -> twilioserver Lambda Function
                                      (Verify User)
                                        1) set info.enrolling in DynamoDB to false
                                        3) Succeeded Verification ->  set info.verified to true and info.authTime to current time in DynamoDB
twilioserver -> [Call Ends]

[Incoming Call from Spoofer using same phone number] -> Amazon Connect

Amazon Connect -> connect-twilio-initial
                  1) check if timestamp is 10 seconds or newer
                  2) Fail
                  3) sets info.verifying in DynamoDB to true
connect-twilio-initial -> Amazon Connect
Amazon Connect -> [Transfer Call] -> Twilio Phone Number
Twilio Phone Number -> [HTTP POST] -> twilioserver Lambda Function
                                      (Verify User)
                                        1) set info.enrolling in DynamoDB to false
                                        2) Fail Verification -> [HTTP POST] -> twilioserver
(Spoofer gives up)

Other Information

The code examples in this repository are heavily commented to explain what the code is doing. If you are having trouble, take a look there as well as the imported Contact Flow

The structure of a User object in DynamoDB is as follows: dynamoscreenshot