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File metadata and controls

110 lines (57 loc) · 2.26 KB




/signup POST

/refresh POST

/login POST requireLogin

/logout POST requireAuth


/current GET requireAuth


/ GET POST requireAuth

/:id GET POST PUT DELETE requireAuth

/:id/:tid PUT DELETE requireAuth



→ requireLogin [uses passport-local]

  • Get user by email
  • Invoke the comparePassword method [returns a Boolean based on comparison result]

→ requireAuth [uses passport-jwt]

  • Grab JWT from Auth Header
  • Check token against Redis store [check for invalidated token]
  • If token is Valid, return User Document


  • Task:

    _id title completed listId [ref: Task List]

  • Task List:

    _id title description owner [ref: User]

  • Refresh Token:

    _id user token issued expires replacedByToken

    Virtuals: isActive

  • User:

    _id displayName email password


    → before save: encrypt password with bcrypt [used during signup only]

    comparePassword : use bcrypt to compare stored encrypted password with candidate (provided) password

Authentication Flow


→ Validate Credentials

→ Check if Email is already in use

→ Create User and Generate a JWT for Access, Refresh Token for Authentication and send with user object [id, email, displayName].


→ Pass the request through the requireLogin middleware

→ if it passes, generate a token and refresh token → send user object [id, email, displayName].


→ Fetch Refresh Token and User From DB

→ Check if Refresh Token is Active

→ Generate a new Refresh Token

→ Revoke the current refresh token, set it's replacedByToken attribute with new token for ref

→ Save the new token and update previous

→ Return with a new JWT, Refresh Token and User Object


→ Check for valid token with requireAuth middleware

→ Grab token, refresh token and user id

→ Delete Refresh Token object from DB

→ Check if user id is already present in Redis Store as a key

→ if present, push the token to the array with expiry

→ if not present, push a new key value pair, effectively invalidating the token