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Some jupyter notebooks for PH755

Course Plan

  1. A Quick Introduction to Python : Basics, control statements, lists and arrays, for loop, user-defined functions, graphics and visualization, error and speed. (8 hours)

  2. Integrals and Derivatives : Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s rule, Romberg method, Gaussian quadrature, Errors and steps, Integrals over infinite ranges, Forward and backward differences, Central differences, Interpolation - linear and cubic spline methods. (8 hours)

  3. Solution of Linear and Non-Linear Equations : Gaussian elimination, back-substitution, LU decomposition, relaxation method, bisection method, secant method, Gauss-Newton method and gradient descent. (8 hours)

  4. Ordinary Differential Equations : Euler’s method, Runge-Kutta method, Adaptive step-size. (6 hours)

  5. Partial Differential Equations : Laplace equation - boundary value problem and relaxation method, Initial value problem – Diffusion equation. ( 6 hours)

  6. Random Processes and Monte Carlo Methods : Random numbers, Gaussian random numbers, Monte Carlo integration, importance sampling, Markov chain method. (4 hours)

Text Books :

  1. Computational Physics, Mark Newman (2012).

  2. Introductory methods of numerical analysis, S. S. Sastry, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd (2012).


Some jupyter notebooks for PH755






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