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A multi-paradigm, functional programming oriented, Sibilant based language dialect that transpiles to JavaScript. 👽

(defun palindrome? (input)
  ;; predicate thats check if the given input string is a palindrome
  (loop ((start-pos 0)
         (end-pos (- (length input) 1)))
    (cond ((not (eql? (getf input start-pos) (getf input end-pos)))
          ((>= start-pos end-pos)
          :else (recur (+ start-pos 1) (- end-pos 1)))))

(palindrome? "kayak")  ; => true
(palindrome? "baobab") ; => false


Sibilisp ...

  • brings the ES2015+ module system to Sibilant, as well as macros for ES2015+ promises, default function arguments, generator functions, yielding...
  • enables tail recursive programming via it's loop and recur construct.
  • is tailored towards functional programming concepts, but remains being a multi-paradigm language.
  • has build-in facilities for creating tagged type and sum type constructors.
  • supports .slisp, .sibilant and .js files in the same project and can compile all of them into plain JavaScript files.
  • results in readable JavaScript that does not modify built-in prototypes. 🤗
  • is fun to use. 😎


As of now, documentation can be found in the GitHub wiki.



API & Language

🚧 Under construction


Sibilant is a LISP-like language based on s-expressions, that is written in itself and transpiles to JavaScript. It ships a very nice macro system with it that almost* works like a real LISP macro system (awesome!). However, writing Sibilant code is almost the same as writing JavaScript code (that's by intention) whereas it could be operating on a much higher level of abstraction. This is when Sibilisp comes into play.

Sibilisp uses the underlying macro system of Sibilant to further develop a dialect that enhances it's base language, ranging from macros that implement various new JavaScript features - like the ES2015+ module system - to macros which provide pattern matching** or recursion.

As a free bonus, Sibilisp ships with a functional programming toolkit as separate ES2015+ module called prelude that you can use in your programs. If you are a JavaScript programmer, think of it as a built-in Lodash or Underscore.

* Everything is based on JavaScript, so certain limitations apply
** Again, to a limited degree