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Airship iOS SDK Migration Guide

Airship SDK 12.x to 13.0

Airship SDK 13 is a major update that splits the SDK into modules. In basic integration scenarios, apps can continue to use a single Airship framework, but as of SDK 13 it is now possible to create custom integrations by selecting feature modules. Most of the changes in this release reflect the restructuring that makes this possible.

Framework Changes

Renamed SDK frameworks and new submodules

AirshipKit.framework has been replaced with Airship.framework. This framework contains all the SDK features, with the exception of location which remains an explicit opt-in. The core SDK and feature module frameworks are as follows:

  • AirshipCore.framework
  • AirshipMessageCenter.framework
  • AirshipAutomaton.framework
  • AirshipLocation.framework
  • AirshipExtendedActions.framework

The renaming of AirshipKit.framework means that imports for the basic use case have changed. To import the full SDK in one step:


@import Airship;


import Airship

Location must be used with explicit submodules

AirshipLocation is an explicit opt-in, so that apps with no need for location services do not need to include location description strings when submitting to Apple. Because of this, AirshipLocation not compatible with Airship.framework, and must be imported alongside the core SDK and explicit feature modules. If your app is using location, the imports should look like the following:


@import AirshipCore;
@import AirshipLocation;

// Include these for access to message center, automation and extended actions
@import AirshipMessageCenter;
@import AirshipAutomation;
@import AirshipExtendedActions;


import AirshipCore
import AirshipLocation

// Include these for access to message center, automation and extended actions
import AirshipMessageCenter
import AirshipAutomation
import AirshipExtendedActions


The UrbanAirship-iOS-SDK, UrbanAirship-iOS-AppExtensions and UrbanAirship-iOS-Location podspecs are now deprecated as of SDK 13.0, though the can continue to be used for SDK 12.x and below. For SDK 13 and above, apps using Cocoapods should instead declare Airship dependencies on the Airship podspec, which uses subspecs for SDK feature modules. An example Podfile entry is shown below:

  pod 'Airship', '~> 13.0'
  # Uncomment to include location
  # pod 'Airship/Location', '~> 13.0'

To declare feature module dependencies explicitly, simply use the subspecs:

  pod 'Airship/Core', '~> 13.0'
  pod 'Airship/MessageCenter', '~> 13.0'
  pod 'Airship/Automation', '~> 13.0'
  pod 'Airship/ExtendedActions', '~> 13.0'
  # Uncomment to include location
  # pod 'Airship/Location', '~> 13.0'

Similarly, app extensions should now depend on the AirshipExtensions podspec:

  pod 'AirshipExtensions', '~> 13.0'


The AirshpAppExtensions.framework has been renamed to AirshipExtensions.framework. Additionally, the class UAMediaContentExtension has been renamed to UANotificationServiceExtension. The functionality of the class remains the same, but app extensions subclassing this will need to be updated to use the new class name.

Shared Accessor Changes

Shared accessors for functionality such as Message Center and In-App Automation have changed from static methods on UAirship to singletons with a standardized shared method.

Removed from UAirship

  • messageCenter
  • inAppMessageManager

Removed from UALocation

  • sharedLocation


  • UAMessageCenter shared
  • UAInAppMessageManager shared
  • UALocation shared


[UAMessageCenter shared]
[UAInAppMessageManager shared]
[UALocation shared]



Resource bundle changes

SDK 13 no longer has a dedicated resource bundle, but instead packages resources with their respective modules. To access the bundle containing the resources for a particular module, special classes have been added that provide accessors for each module.

Removed from UAirship

  • resources


  • UAirshipCoreResources bundle
  • UAMessageCenterResources bundle
  • UAAutomationResources bundle
  • UAExtendedActionsResources bundle


[UAirshipCoreResources bundle]
[UAMessageCenterResources bundle]
[UAAutomationResources bundle]
[UAExtendedActionsResources bundle]



Message Center changes

The Message Center codebase has been refactored in order to better support modularization. This includes the removal of some legacy classes, such as UAInbox, and a new protocol for Message Center UI, UAMessageCenterDisplayDelegate, that makes it easier to build custom interfaces that work more seamlessly with the Message Center module. In place of UAInbox, UAMessageCenter provides access to objects such as the message list. Much of the out-of-the-box UI functionality previously contained in UAMessageCenter is now part of a new class, UADefaultMessageCenterUI.


  • UAInbox
  • UAInboxDelegate


  • UADefaultMessageCenterUI
  • UAMessageCenterDisplayDelegate

Migrating UAInboxDelegate protocol methods to UAMessageCenterDisplayDelegate protocol

  • showInbox
    • Use displayMessageCenterAnimated:
  • richPushMessageAvailable
    • No equivalent in UAMessageCenterDisplayDelegate
  • showMessageForID:
    • Use displayMessageCenterForMessageID:animated:

Displaying the default Message Center

The methods display and display:(BOOL)animated: remain in UAMessageCenter, which normally display the default UI. However, the default UI functionality is now delegated to UADefaultMessageCenterUI class, which implements the UAMessageCenterDisplayDelegate protocol. This means that if you set a custom display delegate on UAMessageCenter, the display methods in UAMessageCenter will delegate to your class instead of the default UI.