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45 lines (41 loc) · 2.93 KB



Name Type Description Notes
exchange String Exchange to which the order is associated [optional]
multiplier Number The quantity/lot size multiplier used for calculating P&Ls [optional]
value Number Net value of the position [optional]
pnl Number Profit and loss - net returns on the position [optional]
product String Shows if the order was either Intraday, Delivery, CO or OCO [optional]
instrumentToken String Key issued by Upstox for the instrument [optional]
averagePrice Number Average price at which the net position quantity was acquired [optional]
buyValue Number Net value of the bought quantities [optional]
overnightQuantity Number Quantity held previously and carried forward over night [optional]
dayBuyValue Number Amount at which the quantity is bought during the day [optional]
dayBuyPrice Number Average price at which the day qty was bought. Default is empty string [optional]
overnightBuyAmount Number Amount at which the quantity was bought in the previous session [optional]
overnightBuyQuantity Number Quantity bought in the previous session [optional]
dayBuyQuantity Number Quantity bought during the day [optional]
daySellValue Number Amount at which the quantity is sold during the day [optional]
daySellPrice Number Average price at which the day quantity was sold [optional]
overnightSellAmount Number Amount at which the quantity was sold in the previous session [optional]
overnightSellQuantity Number Quantity sold short in the previous session [optional]
daySellQuantity Number Quantity sold during the day [optional]
quantity Number Quantity left after nullifying Day and CF buy quantity towards Day and CF sell quantity [optional]
lastPrice Number Last traded market price of the instrument [optional]
unrealised Number Day PnL generated against open positions [optional]
realised Number Day PnL generated against closed positions [optional]
sellValue Number Net value of the sold quantities [optional]
tradingsymbol String Shows the trading symbol of the instrument [optional]
closePrice Number Closing price of the instrument from the last trading day [optional]
buyPrice Number Average price at which quantities were bought [optional]
sellPrice Number Average price at which quantities were sold [optional]

Enum: ExchangeEnum

  • NSE (value: "NSE")
  • NFO (value: "NFO")
  • CDS (value: "CDS")
  • BSE (value: "BSE")
  • BCD (value: "BCD")
  • BFO (value: "BFO")
  • MCX (value: "MCX")