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GRIDSS/PURPLE/LINX pipeline stack

The AWS stack for running the GRIDSS/PURPLE/LINX (GPL) pipeline. Job orchestration and pipeline execution is handled by Batch. Specifically, jobs are run on Batch-provisioned EC2 instances using a Docker container that includes the GPL pipeline, a Python wrapper script, and all required dependencies. The wrapper Python script pulls reference and sample data, creates a configuration file, runs the GPL pipeline, and finally uploads results to S3.

The GPL pipeline runs entirely within a single EC2 instance rather than creating individual Batch jobs for each NF task and sending them to multiple instances. This avoids having to pull reference data for each job, which can take up to 30 minutes. This approach will continue to be the most suitable solution until Nextflow can utilise a shared filesystem between jobs without using enterprise plugins.

Table of contents



It is assumed that the necessary VPC, security groups, and S3 buckets are appropriately deployed and configured in the target AWS account.


The stack has some software requirements for deploy:

  • AWS CDK Toolkit (available through Homebrew or npm)
  • Docker
  • Python3

Create virtual environment

python3 -m venv ./venv/
. ./venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Build Docker image

It is assumed that an ECR repository named gpl-nf has been manually created. For cross-account access of the Docker image (i.e. prod pulling from dev), you must set a IAM policy containing a permission statement such as:

  "Version": "2008-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "new statement",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::472057503814:root"
      "Action": [

Build and upload Docker image

# Build
docker build -t ${AWS_PROVIDER_URL}/gpl-nf:${VERSION} -f docker/Dockerfile .
# Upload
aws ecr get-login-password --region ap-southeast-2 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin "${AWS_PROVIDER_URL}"
docker push ${AWS_PROVIDER_URL}/gpl-nf:${VERSION}

Build Lambda layers

for dir in $(find $(pwd -P)/lambdas/layers/ -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d); do
  rm -r ${dir}/build/ 2>/dev/null;
  docker run --rm -v ${dir}:/local/ -w /local/ \
    pip install -r requirements.txt -t ./build/package/python/;
  (cd ${dir}/build/package/; zip -r ../python38-${dir##*/}.zip . --exclude '*__pycache__*');

Deploy stack

Set appropriate environment with -c environment=<dev|prod>

cdk deploy -c environment=dev


Automatic submission with identifiers

A GPL job can be launched with either a subject identifier (e.g. SBJ00001) or both a tumor sample identifier and normal sample identifier (e.g. PRJ000001) using the gpl_submit_job Lambda function. This Lambda function queries the data portal API to automatically collect the necessary input data, which is then passed the the gpl_submit_job_manual Lambda function to launch the Batch job.

When a subject has multiple tumor/normal samples, the Lambda function will refuse to run if provided a subject identifier and instead will require the user to explicitly provide the desired tumor sample identifier and normal sample identifier.

# Subject identifier
aws lambda invoke \
  --function-name gpl_submit_job \
  --cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out \
  --payload '{"subject_id": "SBJ00001"}' \

# Sample identifiers
aws lambda invoke \
  --function-name gpl_submit_job \
  --cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out \
  --payload '{"tumor_sample_id": "PRJ000001", "normal_sample_id": "PRJ000002"}' \

Lambda arguments

Argument Description
subject_id Subject identifier
tumor_sample_id Tumor sample identifier
normal_sample_id Normal sample identifier

Either subject_id or both tumor_sample_id and normal_sample_id are required. Subject and sample identifiers are mutually exclusive.

Manual submission with filepaths

For cases where additional control is needed over the inputs and configuration, a manual job submission Lambda function is available. This is useful for running samples that are not in the data portal or adjusting Nextflow pipeline parameters.

aws lambda invoke \
  --function-name gpl_submit_job_manual \
  --cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out \
  --payload '{
      "job_name": "seqcii_smlv_annotation",
      "tumor_name": "SEQC-II_Tumor_50pc",
      "normal_name": "SEQC-II_Normal",
      "tumor_bam": "s3://bucket-name/key-prefix/SEQC-II_Tumor_50pc-ready.bam",
      "normal_bam": "s3://bucket-name/key-prefix/SEQC-II_Normal-ready.bam",
      "tumor_smlv_vcf": "s3://bucket-name/key-prefix/SEQC-II-50pc-ensemble-annotated.vcf.gz",
      "output_dir": "s3://bucket-name/key-prefix/output/"
    }' \

The output_dir must target the output S3 bucket defined in cdk.json and contain the prefix /gridss_purple_linx/

Lambda arguments

Argument Description
job_name Name for Batch job. Must be ≤128 characters and match this regex ^\w[\w_-]*$.
normal_name Normal sample name. Must match exactly the normal name as it appears in provided the VCFs [required]
tumor_name Tumor sample name. Must match exactly the tumor name as it appears in provided the VCFs [required]
tumor_bam S3 path to normal BAM. Must be co-located with index. [required]
normal_bam S3 path to tumor BAM. Must be co-located with index. [required]
tumor_smlv_vcf S3 path to tumor small variant VCF.
tumor_sv_vcf S3 path to tumor SV VCF. GRIDSS fragment extraction automatically run if provided.
output_dir S3 path to output directory. [required]
upload_nf_cache Upload Nextflow work directory to output S3 path.
docker_image_tag Specific Docker image to use e.g. "0.0.3".
nextflow_args_str Arguments to pass to Nextflow, must be wrapped in quotes e.g. "\"--mem_gridss 14G\"".
instance_memory Instance memory to provision.
instance_vcpus Instance vCPUs to provision. Currently only accepting 8 vCPUs per job to avoid exceeding storage limits.

Manually generating LINX plots

Genes of interest are not always rendered in the default LINX plots. To force the inclusion of a gene, LINX plots can be manually regenerated using the provided Lambda function. You must specify either a chromosome or cluster identifier along with the appropriate gene symbol. Only genes present in the Ensembel data cache can be rendered.

aws lambda invoke \
  --function-name gpl_create_linx_plot \
  --cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out \
  --payload '{
      "sample_id": "SEQC-II_Tumor_50pc",
      "cluster_ids": "0",
      "gene_ids": "ATAD1",
      "gpl_directory": "s3://bucket-name/key-prefix/"
    }' \

The manually created LINX plots with be placed alongside the default LINX output, in the directory ./linx/plots_manual/.

Lambda arguments

Argument Description
sample_id Name of sample. Must match LINX output file prefix.
cluster_ids Comma-separated list of cluster identifiers to plot. Cannot be used with chromosomes.
regions Semicolon-separated list of regions to plot (e.g. chr1:1:10000). Cannot be used with chromosomes.
chromsomes Comma-separated list of chromosomes to plot. Cannot be used with cluster_ids or regions.
gene_ids Semicolon-separated list of genes to plot. Must be present in the Ensembel data cache.
gpl_directory S3 path to the GRIDSS/PURPLE/LINX output.