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File metadata and controls

551 lines (413 loc) · 29.6 KB

AGHA data validation stack

This is the active branch of the pipeline (version 2).

This stack is used to handle and validate data received as part of the AGHA GDR project. The primary functions are:

  1. take receipt of genomic files in a staging area
  2. validate genomic files, and generate indexes if required
  3. store file validation results in a database
  4. move genomic files to a data store along with indexes
  5. generate validation reports

Table of contents

S3 Data Sharing

We support S3 data sharing for data in-store to other S3 in the same ap-southeast-2 region. Instructions are in the docs folder (click here).



How it works

In summary,

  1. Every uploaded file in the bucket
    1. A dynamodb record stores file metadata for easy access.
  2. If the manifest file is uploaded to the staging bucket
    1. The bucket for that flagship will turn to read-only
    2. The system will validate the manifest file
    3. A notification is triggered to the data manager and submitter (if provided).
    4. The System will validate the submitted file through AWS batch job with the python script at is triggered.
  3. During data validation
    1. Results and logs are output to the result bucket
    2. Write results to dynamodb for easy access.
  4. After validation is completed successfully
    1. Copy data over including manifest file from staging to the store bucket

NOTE: Validation script is located at a different repository. Repository: UMCCR/agha-data-validation-scripts

Simpler Diagrams

This diagram will describe each flow.


It is assumed that the necessary VPC and S3 buckets are appropriately deployed and configured in the target AWS account.

The names of these variables are defined at the stack_props variables in


The stack has some software requirements for deploy:

  • AWS CDK Toolkit (available through Homebrew or npm)
  • Docker
  • Python3


The cdk application will mostly configure the infrastructure as shown in the picture. Just make sure the constants props defined in are correct.

Deploy stack

The stack contains a pipeline that will take source code from the repository and self-update the pipeline when a new code commit is detected to this repository. Initialize setup of the pipeline is necessary and only be done once.

cdk deploy AGHADynamoDBStack
cdk deploy AGHAValidationCodePipeline

Make sure to set up aws profile by export AWS_PROFILE=${PROFIE_NAME} or add --porfile=${PROFIE_NAME} flag The app has three stacks:

  • AGHADynamoDBStack - The stack for dynamodb table only. Need to be defined once and is separated from all other stacks.
  • AGHAValidationCodePipeline - The stack for the self-update codepipeline and will listen to GitHub commit event.
  • AGHAValidationCodePipeline/AGHAValidationPipelineStage/agha-gdr-validation-pipeline - The application stack where all resources to run the pipeline are defined here.
Deploying Manually [Not Necessary]

You could skip this part if you do not want to deploy this manually.

The application stack could be compiled and deployed manually, with the pre-requisite AGHADynamoDBStack stack must be deployed once before deploying manually.

To deploy Manually, please make sure lambda layers are correctly built and in the correct location. The following command is to build the layers. (Please make sure docker is available.)

for dir in $(find ./lambdas/layers/ -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d);do /bin/bash ./ ${dir}; done

Then to deploy the application stack

cdk deploy AGHAValidationCodePipeline/AGHAValidationPipelineStage/agha-gdr-validation-pipeline

Again, make sure aws profile is correctly set up as mentioned above.

Local Development
# Setting Up

Create virtual environment

python3 -m venv .venv

To activate it

source .venv/bin/activate

Install dependencies

make install
# Running DynamoDb locally

Run Dynamodb locally

make up
make build

To load some mock-data.

make loaddata
# Finishing

To shut down local development

make down


Automatic triggering (manifest file uploaded)

Incoming data should be uploaded under an accepted flagship code and date/time stamp directory e.g. Cardiac/2021_08_25/. There are bucket policy that defined the accepted flagship code to prevent any duplicated flagships.

Upload the corresponding submissions with manifest.txt to be uploaded the last. This is important as it will lock the bucket from further upload, and will trigger the downstream process.

This Lambda function when the manifest file is uploaded:

  • Add bucket policy to read-only
  • Validate manifest data structure (e.g. correct format, no black data)
  • Send notification about the submission.
  • Create records in DynamoDB for file properties along with manifest data for ease of access
  • Run file validation batch job

The validation results, logs, and indexes are uploaded to the results S3 bucket using a key prefix matching the input manifest.txt and with run directory e.g. Cardiac/2021_08_25/<rundate>_<runtime>_<uid>/.

Manual triggering

All lambdas could be run manually with a specific payload. This is useful if lambdas have an error, or any of the validation needs any re-triggering to be done.



A quick summary for each function.

  • s3_event_router - This is for the staging bucket to redirect which lambda invokes for the particular event emitted by S3.
    • Manifest file event, would trigger folder-lock lambda and manifest_processor lambda.
    • All events, would trigger s3_event_recorder lambda
  • folder_lock:
    • Would lock/unlock directory to prevent modification at the submission.
    • UseCases (Must be triggered from other lambda):
      • Triggering lock when data is fully completed
      • Triggering unlock when validation detects any failure
  • notification - would send messages via email/slack with the given payload.
  • manifest-processor: Would do a quick validation from the manifest received. The lambda would update dynamodb from the manifest.txt content for easy access via DynamoDb. In general, the lambda would do the following:
    • Add manifest data (agha_study_id and checksum) to DynamoDB
    • Check if all data in the manifest exist
    • Check if the same eTag has existed (error returned if exist)
    • Check if the manifest has complete/correct data/format
    • Trigger notification lambda for the validation result
    • If enabled, trigger file_validation_manager lambda to create batch job for the files.
    • Trigger folder_lock lambda to unlock submission if manifest validation failed or any file duplication.
  • s3-event-recorder - Would record s3 event and update Dynamodb accordingly. This give ease of access to lookup from DynamoDb than opening individual files.
    • Record file properties across all bucket. (such as filetype, filesize, filename)
    • Record the content of the data in the result bucket.(such as results from validation).
  • file-validation-manager - This will trigger validation batch job. This will take data from the manifest record created in manifest_processor lambda.
  • data-transfer-manager - This will trigger data_transfer batch job.
    • Will check all data has exited successfully from batch job
    • Will check results produced from the batch job succeed
    • Unlock s3 policy (set by the folderlock lambda)
    • Trigger data transfer batch job.
    • Update DynamoDb from the staging bucket
  • Cleanup - Will cleanup Staging bucket data
    • Delete unnecessary files from submissions (Removing indexed files and uncompressed files)
    • Added README.txt to note to directory submissions has completed.
  • Report - Will generate report from dynamoDb/Bucket
    • Could check if all files listed in original manifest file is in STORE bucket
    • Could check staging file should only contain indexed and uncompressed files
    • Could give report which submission are ready to be transferred by the data-transfer-manager lambda
  • batch-notification - Will notify via slack when batch job completed and invoke other function.
    • The lambda will notify when batch job has completed. (Data Validation or S3 Move). It will only notify for:
      • Any FAILED result
      • Final SUCCESS data store for the submission
    • The lambda will be invoked from s3_event_recorder lambda
    • New: Will invoke cleanup/data_transfer manager lambda to automate the manual work. (This feature is beyond on what the lambda name suggest)
  • s3-data-sharing - Will send store data to destination S3 bucket.
    • The lambda will create a batch job and copy over S3 object to the given payload
    • Destination key will be constructed from source key along with a manually generated timestamp *arguments are defined below
Lambdas layer
  • runtime: contain all runtime library
  • util:
    • init: for general use of the project
    • agha: All related to AGHA context. This includes codes, preferred code, filetype accepted
    • batch: All related to batch context for the project from creating batch job, submitting a batch job
    • dynamodb: This includes all schema used for the dynamodb along with static function for the class, function to update/delete items
    • s3: Function used to access s3 resource
    • notification: This contains all logging that integrates with invoking notification lambdas


  • s3_validation: This will trigger validation submitted through the pipeline. For time being, checks are: checksum, validate filetype, and create_index. (Script)[].
  • data_transfer_manager: This would use AWS/CLI Image and use MV command to move data from staging to store
  • gdr_s3_data_sharing: This would use AWS/CLI Image and use the CP command to copy files from store bucket to other specified bucket.

Lambda Arguments

The following are arguments supported on each lambda. Recommended invoking lambda asynchronously.


Argument Description Type Example
submission [REQUIRED] Submission date in the flagship String "13023_3432423"
flagship_code [REQUIRED] Flagship code String "ACG"
run_all To confirm all event will run. If this is false or do not exist. Skipped/validation_check arguments below are expected in the payload. Boolean true
skip_submit_batch_job Allow skipping submitting batch job Boolean true
skip_update_dynamodb Allow skipping dynamodb update Boolean true
skip_generate_manifest_file Allow skipping generating new manifest.txt file from manifest dynamodb. Boolean true
validation_check_only Only validation check only and return fail result. Boolean true
exception_postfix_filename Skip move file for the following list of postfix List of string ["metadata.txt", ".md5", etc.]


Argument Description Type Example
bucket_name [REQUIRED] Bucket name to check String "somebucketname"
manifest_fp [REQUIRED] Manifest filepath String "FLAGSHIP/SUBMISSION/manifest.txt"
email_report_to [REQUIRED] Configure this for email notification String ""
skip_auto_validation Disable triggering validation manager lambda Boolean true
skip_update_dynamodb Allow skipping dynamodb update Boolean true
skip_send_notification Allow skipping notification trigger Boolean true
skip_checksum_validation Allow skipping checksum validation Boolean true
skip_duplication_check Allow skipping checksum validation Boolean true
exception_postfix_filename Skip checking on file in this list of postfix List of string ["metadata.txt", ".md5", etc.]


There are multiple ways to trigger this function, defined as follows. Optional arguments can be used on top of the primary arguments.

Structure #1

Argument Description Type Example
manifest_fp [REQUIRED] Manifest filepath String "FLAGSHIP/SUBMISSION/manifest.txt"
include_fns [REQUIRED] Included filepaths List of string ["sample.bam"]

Structure #2

Argument Description Type Example
output_prefix [REQUIRED] Where the output in the result bucket will go String "FLAGSHIP/20210824_manual_run/"
filepaths [REQUIRED] Included filepaths List of string ["FLAGSHIP/SUBMISSION/sample.bam"]

Structure #3

Argument Description Type Example
manifest_fp [REQUIRED] Manifest filepath String "FLAGSHIP/SUBMISSION/manifest.txt"
manifest_dynamodb_key_prefix [REQUIRED] Submission prefix String "cardiac/20210711_170230/"

Optional Arguments

Argument Description Type Example
skip_update_dynamodb Allow skipping dynamodb update Boolean true
tasks_skipped Allow skipping some tasks. By default, it will run all tasks. List of tasks: ['CHECKSUM_VALIDATION','FILE_VALIDATION','CREATE_INDEX', 'CREATE_COMPRESS'] List of string ["CHECKSUM_VALIDATION"]
exception_postfix_filename Skip checking on file in this list of postfix List of string ["metadata.txt", ".md5", etc.]


Argument Description Type Example
report_type [REQUIRED] What kind of report needed, Options: ['file_transfer_check','passed_validation', 'store_bucket_check] String "passed_validation"
payload The payload depends on what report_type selected. Object {...}

Payload needed for check:

  • file_transfer_check This will check if staging does not contain any files besides index, and uncompressed files
Argument Description Type Example
submission_prefix [REQUIRED] What submission needed for the check String "AC/2022-02-02"
  • store_bucket_check This will read manifest.orig file and look if files exist in the store bucket.
Argument Description Type Example
submission_prefix [REQUIRED] What submission needed for the check String "AC/2022-02-02"
  • passed_validation This will generate a list of submission, that are ready to execute data_transfer_manager lambda
Argument Description Type Example
exception_postfix_filename_list Any particular postfix file name to skip String of list ["xxx.tsv"]


Argument Description Type Example
directory_prefix [REQUIRED] Directory prefix to clean up String "AC/2022-02-02/"


Argument Description Type Example
destination_s3_arn [REQUIRED] Destination bucket ARN String "arn:aws:s3:::bucket_name"
sharing_timestamp [REQUIRED] A manually generated timestamp for this sharing request String "20220921/"
source_s3_key_list [REQUIRED] A list of data to transfer List of string ["AC/20222-02-22/ABCDE.fastq.gz"]

Invoke function example

Recommended invoke lambda asynchronously

aws lambda invoke \
    --function-name {function_name} \
    --cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out \
	  --invocation-type Event \
    --payload '{
      "manifest_fp": "Cardiac/20210711_170230/manifest.txt",
      "manifest_dynamodb_key_prefix": "Cardiac/20210711_170230/"
    }' \

NOTE: If aws --version is in version 1 (aws-cli/1.X.XX), --cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out flag may not be necessary.


There are 7 tables for this pipeline which include archive tables. Archive tables is the history table, it will record all changes to the current state of changes happening on the main table.

**All archive table data will have exact same field with the main tables, with the addition of archive_log which will contain the description of the record added/removed.

Partition Key:

TYPE:FILE schema

Field Name Type Description Example
partition_key string Partition Key for this table TYPE:FILE
sort_key string S3Key is the sort_key for this record /flagship/submission/filename.vcf.tbi
bucket_name string Bucket Name agha-gdr-staging-2.0
date_modified string Last Modified of the Object 20220223_071502
etag string ETag for the object abcde1234
filename string Filename from s3 key filename.vcf.tbi
filetype string Type for this file (Look at in lambda layer util) VCF_INDEX
s3_key string S3 key /flagship/submission/filename.vcf.tbi
size_in_bytes integer Size of files in bytes 10

Implemented in the following tables:



Field Name Type Description Example
partition_key string Partition Key for this table TYPE:FILE
sort_key string S3Key is the sort_key for this record /flagship/submission/filename.vcf.tbi
agha_study_id string study_id A1000000
date_modified string Last Modified of the Object 20220223_071502
filename string Filename from s3 key filename.vcf.tbi
filetype string Type for this file (Look at in lambda layer util) VCF_INDEX
flagship string Flagship for this file (Look at in lambda layer util) HIDDEN
is_in_manifest string Status if file is in manifest True
provided_checksum string MD5Checksum from submitters 29d151cc0a4d79f900d07d33fcf03404
submission string The submission prefix HIDDEN/20220223/
validation_status string Status it pass the manifest check True

Implemented in the following tables:



Field Name Type Description Example
partition_key string Partition Key for this table STATUS:MANIFEST
sort_key string S3Key (manifest) is the sort_key for this record /flagship/submission/manifest.txt
additional_information string Reason if manifest validation fail ...
date_modified string Last Modified of the Object 20220223_071502
status string Status of manifest_validation pass

Implemented in the following tables:


STATUS:{check_type} or DATA:{check_type} schema

Look at in lambda layer util for check_type


Field Name Type Description Example
partition_key string Partition Key for this table with postfix depending on check_type STATUS:FILE_VALIDATION
sort_key string S3Key (manifest) is the sort_key for this record /flagship/submission/filename.vcf
date_modified string Last Modified of the Object 20220223_071502
value string Status of manifest_validation. Value: PASS OR FAIL PASS


Field Name Type Description Example
partition_key string Partition Key for this table with postfix depending on check_type DATA:CHECKSUM_VALIDATION
sort_key string S3Key (manifest) is the sort_key for this record /flagship/submission/filename.vcf
date_modified string Last Modified of the Object 20220223_071502
value string Data of the check_type result. (Check below for value result) 29d151cc0a4d79f900d07d33fcf03404


            "s3_key": "flagship/submission/filename.vcf",
            "bucket_name": "bucketname",
            "checksum": "Checksum of the pointed file"
  • FILE_VALIDATION: The filetype identified from the file.
  • CHECKSUM_VALIDATION The checksum calculated for the file

Implemented in the following tables:


ETAG schema

Will use this to identify any duplicates across 3 buckets. This is just a query based on partition_key to identified if it return more than once.

This is a separate table as DynamoDb could have a query search based on partition_key, without scaning the whole table.

Field Name Type Description Example
partition_key string Using the e-tag of the file d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e-38
sort_key string Combination of bucket name and s3key. Format: BUCKET:{bucket_name}:S3_KEY:{s3_key} BUCKET:agha-store:S3_KEY:flagship/submission/file.vcf
bucket_name string Bucket Name agha-gdr-staging-2.0
etag string ETag for the object abcde1234
s3_key string S3 key /flagship/submission/filename.vcf.tbi

Implemented in the following tables:
