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John Sullivan edited this page May 14, 2013 · 10 revisions

Galah API Client

Configuring the Client

There are a variety of locations the API client will look in for your configuration file. These locations are searched in order.

  1. ~/.galah/config/api_client.config
  2. /etc/galah/api_client.config
  3. ./api_client.config

If you set the GALAH_CONFIG_PATH environmental variable to be a colon delimitted list of values (just like the PATH variable), those paths will be searched in order before the locations above.

To debug issues with the API Client finding your configuration file, you can run the API client with the --config-path flag to have it list all the locations it checks for configuration files give your particular environment.

Once you decide where to put this configuration file, you need to populate it with values. Below is an example of a configuration file (all configuration options are listed in this example):

    "galah_host": "",
    "user": "",
    "password": "plaintext password",
    "use_oauth": false,
    "verify_certificate": true

Make sure to set the permissions of your api_client.config file to 600 so other users can't access it.

If you are uncomfortable storing your password as plain text, you can safely leave it out of the configuration and you will be prompted when logging in.Altenatively, set the environmental variable GALAH_PASSWORD before running the API client, and that password will be used.

If you set use_oauth to true, when you have to login, a web browser will be opened and you will be authenticated with google. You do not have to specify a password to the API client in this case, but make sure to set your user to the user you will log into google with.

Also make sure to replace with the address of your institution's Galah web server. You may also want to use https vs http depending on your institution's installation.

You can set verify_certificate to false if you want to ignore an invalid SSL certificate provided by Galah. Only do this if the Galah web server does nothave a certificate signed by a CA.

galah_home is where the tmp/ directory will be stored, and other directories and files may find there way in there as well.


A simple way to use the API client is to execute the file with the command and the arguments you want to pass to it.

$ find_user jsull
--Logged in as
1 user(s) found matching query {email contains 'jsull'}.
    User [email =, account_type = admin]

It can be bothersome to continually type out over and over again however. Therefore you can enter a shell by running the command -s which will place you into an interactive shell. Within this shell, you can simply enter the commands followed by their arguments (you can even use tab completion for the commands).

$ -s
$ find_user jsull
--Logged in as
1 user(s) found matching query {email contains 'jsull'}.
    User [email =, account_type = admin]

Named Arguments

Some of the API commands have a lot of paramters and specifying each one on the command line can be a real pain. That is why the API client has support fornamed arguments. To specify the value for an argument by name, use the notation argument_name=value.

For example, modify_assignment command has a lot of parameters, but it is likely that you will only want to specify a value for one or two of them.

$  modify_assignment mine/domination due="10/20/2012 10:09:00"
--Acting as user
Success! The following changes were applied to Assignment [id = 50907db055c4481a5027103d, name = World Domination].
    Due date changed from '11/01/2012 00:00:00' to '10/20/2012 10:09:00'.

I used the shorthand notation for referencing assignments which is introduced in below.

Referencing Objects

A number of the API commands will ask for an assignment, a class or a user (for example, class_info wants a class as the first argument).

You may always reference an object by its unique ID, however, these can be long and annoying to even copy and paste around, so there are a number of different formats for each object that you can use instead.


Users must be specified by their full emails, there's no shortcut for users unfortunately. However, if you want to reference you (the current user), you can enter in me wherever a user is expected.

$ user_info me
--Acting as user
User [email =, account_type = admin] is enrolled in:
    Class [id = 5090634855c448134f67b3e3, name = CS 9001]


When specifying a class, you may provide a string and Galah will look for classes with that string in its name (the search is case insensitive). If multiple classes match, an error will be displayed.

$ class_info woodshop
--Acting as user
Class [id = 5090671655c448134f67b3e5, name = Woodshop 101] has assignments:
    (No assignments)
$ class_info 10
--Acting as user
Your command cannot be completed as entered: 2 classes match your query of '10', however, this API expects 1 class. Refine your query and try again.
    Class [id = 509066e855c448134f67b3e4, name = CS 10]
    Class [id = 5090671655c448134f67b3e5, name = Woodshop 101]


When specifying an assignment, you can use the format class/assignment where class is a class specified just like how you'd normally specify a class (you can give an ID or a string as described above) and assignment is a partial string of the assignment's name that you want to reference, similar to how you specify classes.

$ assignment_info 9001/domination
--Acting as user
Properties of Assignment [id = 50907db055c4481a5027103d, name = World Domination]:
    for_class = 5090634855c448134f67b3e3
    due_cutoff = 11/01/2012 00:00:00
    name = World Domination
    hide_until = 11/08/2012 18:00:00
    due = 11/01/2012 00:00:00
$ assignment_info 9001/part
--Acting as user
Your command cannot be completed as entered: 5 assignments in Class [id = 5090634855c448134f67b3e3, name = CS 9001] matched your query of {name contains 'part'}, however this API expects 1 assignment. Refine your query and try again.
    Assignment [id = 509c573255c448108291c206, name = Lots of Assignments - Part 1]
    Assignment [id = 509c594f55c44810f90ec14d, name = Lots of Assignments - Part 2]
    Assignment [id = 509c595655c44810f90ec14e, name = Lots of Assignments - Part 3]
    Assignment [id = 509c595a55c44810f90ec14f, name = Lots of Assignments - Part 4]
    Assignment [id = 509c595e55c44810f90ec150, name = Lots of Assignments - Part 5]
$ assignment_info "9001/part 2"
--Acting as user
Properties of Assignment [id = 509c594f55c44810f90ec14d, name = Lots of Assignments - Part 2]:
    for_class = 5090634855c448134f67b3e3
    name = Lots of Assignments - Part 2
    hide_until = 01/01/1970 00:00:00
    due = 11/01/2012 00:00:00

mine may be specified for class if you want to search within all of the classes your are enrolled in or assigned to.

$ assignment_info mine/domination
--Acting as user
Properties of Assignment [id = 50907db055c4481a5027103d, name = World Domination]:
    for_class = 5090634855c448134f67b3e3
    due_cutoff = 11/01/2012 00:00:00
    name = World Domination
    hide_until = 11/08/2012 18:00:00
    due = 11/01/2012 00:00:00
$ assignment_info mine/part
--Acting as user
Your command cannot be completed as entered: 5 assignments in classes you are enrolled in or assigned to matched your query of {name contains 'part'}, however this API expects 1 assignment. Refine your query and try again.
    Assignment [id = 509c573255c448108291c206, name = Lots of Assignments - Part 1]
    Assignment [id = 509c594f55c44810f90ec14d, name = Lots of Assignments - Part 2]
    Assignment [id = 509c595655c44810f90ec14e, name = Lots of Assignments - Part 3]
    Assignment [id = 509c595a55c44810f90ec14f, name = Lots of Assignments - Part 4]
    Assignment [id = 509c595e55c44810f90ec150, name = Lots of Assignments - Part 5]