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  • MySQL Download
    • cd /usr/local/mysql/bin
    • ./mysql -u root -p
    • SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('new-password-here');
    • ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' PASSWORD EXPIRE NEVER;
  • MySQL Workbench
  • Terminology
    • Database
      • An organized collection of related data.
    • Database Management System (DBMS)
      • Software that manages a database and allows users to interact with
      • Allows you to create, add, modify and delete data as well as modify database structure.
    • Database System
      • The combination of a database, a database management system and the applications that access the database.
    • Relational Database
      • A database whose organization is based on the relational model of data.
      • Virtually all relational database systems use SQL (Structured Query Language).
    • Relational Model
      • An approach to organizing data using a table (relation) structure.
      • Defined by Edgar F. Codd in 1969/1970 while at IBM.
  • Relational Databases Structure
    • Tables and Columns
      • A single table usually represents a particular type of data being stored.
        • Example: user for a social network, product sold in an online store
      • Tables of data have columns and rows.
      • The structure of what tables the database has, and what attributes are in which table is called the schema.
      • Columns represent attributes that each instance of data stored in the database will have.
        • All users have a user id, user name, other general details about themselves
        • All products have a product id, description, price, categorization
    • Columns and Rows
      • The set of allowed values for any particular attribute is called that attribute's domain.
      • Attributes of a relation can appear in any order.
      • Rows represent entires of data into the database. These rows are also called records or tuples. A row will have one value per attribute.
      • The set of allowed values for any particular attribute is called that attribute's domain.
    • Rows and Quantities
      • Tuples of a relation can appear in any order.
      • Each tuple in a particular relation must be unique. There can be no duplicate data entries.
      • The degree of a relation is the number of attributes it contains.
      • The cardinality of a relation is the number of tuples it contains.
    • Normalization and Uniqueness
      • The process of determining the appropriate structure of a database, i.e. the relations in a database should be and what attributes individual relations should have, is determined via a process called normalization.
      • Each relation (table) must have a unique name relative to its schema.
      • Each tuple has only one entry per attribute.
      • Each attribute has a distinct name.
    • Normalization Demo
      • Normalization is done to both reduce the amount of repetition, and therefore, size on the server, but also, data formatted in this manner can be more easily used for analytics.
    • Spreadsheets are Not Databases
      • Appear superficially similar as spreadsheets can use a database-esque structure.
      • Spreadsheets are frontend, Databases are backend.
      • Spreadsheets are more rigid than databases.
      • Spreadsheets are used for data recording, calculations and analytics, databases are storage.
      • Databases independently handle requests, spreadsheets are just files.
      • A spreadsheet is a file that is opened and closed, a database is persistent.
  • Keys
    • Key Definitions and Types
      • Keys are used to identify individual entries in a table, as well as establish relationships between entries in different tables.
      • Superkey
      • Candidate Key
      • Composite Key
      • Primary Key
      • Alternate Key
      • Foreign Key
    • Superkey
      • An attribute or set of attributes that uniquely identifies a tuple within a relation.
      • A relation may contain multiple superkeys by various combinations of attributes.
      • Any given superkey may contain attributes that are not strictly necessary for unique identification.
    • Candidate Key
      • A superkey such that no proper subset is a superkey within the relation.
      • The minimum viable combination for unique identification.
      • A relation may contain multiple candidate keys.
    • Composite Key
      • A candidate key such that it must contain multiple attributes.
      • The data in the relation is organized such that multiple attributes are required to ensure a key's uniqueness. (add country to demo)
    • Primary Key
      • The candidate key that is selected as the preferred means to identify tuples within a relation.
      • Each relation in the database is required to have a primary key defined.
      • Candidate keys are named that because they are candidates to become the primary key.
    • Alternate Key
      • Candidate keys not choses to be the primary key.
    • Foreign Key
      • An attribute or set of attributes within one relation that matches the candidate key for some relation.
      • When an attribute appears in more than one relation, that usually indicates a relationship between the tuples of the two relations.
      • What makes normalization work.
    • Key Exercise
      • Identify candidate keys
        • Hotel: hotelNo
        • Room: roomNo + hotelNo
        • Booking: hotelNo + guestNo + dateFrom
        • Guest: guestNo
      • Determine primary key
        • Hotel: hotelNo
        • Room: roomNo + hotelNo
        • Booking: hotelNo + guestNo + dateFrom
        • Guest: guestNo
      • Are any primary keys also composite keys?
        • The primary keys for Room and Booking are composite keys
      • Are there any alternate keys?
        • No.
      • Identify foreign keys
        • Room: hotelNo to Hotel
        • Booking: hotelNo to Hotel, roomNo + hotelNo to Room, guestNo to Guest
  • Relational Algebra
    • The eight operations that can be done to relations.
      • Select
      • Project
      • Union
      • Intersection
      • Difference
      • Product
      • Join
      • Division
    • Select
      • A unary operation (only works with one relation).
      • Accepts a condition, then applies the condition and returns the tuples that satisfy the condition.
      • The degree remains unchanged, cardinality may or may not change.
    • Project
      • A unary operation (only works with one relation).
      • Accepts a list of attributes and returns only the values for those attributes for all tuples.
      • The degree will change, cardinality may or may not.
    • Union
      • A binary operation (only works with two relations).
      • Combines tuples from both relations, removing any duplicates.
      • Requires the relations be union compatible: the degree of the two relations must be equal, the domains of the corresponding attributes are the same.
    • Intersection
      • A binary operation (only works with two relations).
      • Finds the tuples that exist in both relations.
      • Requires the relations to be union compatible.
    • Difference
      • A binary operation (only works with two relations).
      • Finds the tuples that exist in one relation but not the other.
      • Requires the relations to be union compatible.
    • Product
      • A binary operation (only works with two relations).
      • Takes every tuple in one relation and appends every tuple in the other relation.
    • Join
      • A binary operation (only works with two relations).
      • Will combine the tuples of the different relations in different ways depending on the type of join.
    • Division
      • A binary operation (only works with two relations).
  • SQL
    • Creating the schema
      USE store;
      DROP DATABASE deleteme;
    • Creating the tables
      CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS customer (userId INTEGER, firstname TEXT, lastname TEXT, addressId INTEGER);
      CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS address (addressId INTEGER, streetName TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT);
    • Populating the tables with data
      INSERT INTO address (addressId, streetName, city, state, zip) VALUES (1, '981 Main St', 'Fayetteville', 'AR', '72701');
      INSERT INTO address (addressId, streetName, city, state, zip) VALUES (2, '654 Second St', 'Bentonville', 'AR', '72712');
      INSERT INTO address (addressId, streetName, city, state, zip) VALUES (3, '147 Hazel St', 'Springdale', 'AR', '72762');
      INSERT INTO customer (userId, firstname, lastname, addressId) VALUES (123, 'John', 'Doe', 1);
      INSERT INTO customer (userId, firstname, lastname, addressId) VALUES (456, 'Jane', 'Smith', 2);
      INSERT INTO customer (userId, firstname, lastname, addressId) VALUES (789, 'Sarah', 'Brown', 3);
      INSERT INTO customer (userId, firstname, lastname, addressId) VALUES (921, 'Vince', 'James', 1);
    • Basic selects
      SELECT * FROM customer;
      SELECT firstname, lastname FROM customer;
    • Altering the schema
      UPDATE customer SET firstname = 'Gary' WHERE userId = 921;
      ALTER TABLE customer ADD COLUMN gender TEXT;
    • Updating data
      UPDATE customer SET gender = 'F' WHERE userId IN (294, 456, 789);
      DELETE FROM customer WHERE userId = 921;
    • Advanced selects
      SELECT DISTINCT gender FROM customer;
      SELECT * FROM customer WHERE gender = F;
      SELECT * FROM customer WHERE firstname LIKE 'Jo_n';
      SELECT * FROM customer WHERE firstname LIKE 'g%';
      SELECT * FROM customer WHERE firstname BETWEEN 'A' AND 'J';
      SELECT * FROM customer WHERE firstname BETWEEN 'A' AND 'J' AND gender = 'F';
      SELECT * FROM customer WHERE firstname = 'John' OR lastname = 'Brown';
      SELECT * FROM customer ORDER BY lastname DESC;
      SELECT * FROM customer ORDER BY lastname ASC;
      SELECT * FROM customer ORDER BY lastname ASC LIMIT 3;
      SELECT COUNT(*) FROM customer;
      SELECT COUNT(*) FROM customer WHERE lastname = 'Smith';
      SELECT lastname, COUNT(*) FROM customer GROUP BY lastname;
    • More alterations
      ALTER TABLE customer ADD COLUMN numOrders INTEGER;
      UPDATE customer SET numOrders = 4 WHERE userId = 123;
      UPDATE customer SET numOrders = 7 WHERE userId = 294;
      UPDATE customer SET numOrders = 1 WHERE userId = 307;
      UPDATE customer SET numOrders = 12 WHERE userId = 456;
      UPDATE customer SET numOrders = 9 WHERE userId = 789;
    • Data operations
      SELECT SUM(numOrders) FROM customer;
      SELECT gender, SUM(numOrders) FROM customer GROUP BY gender;
      SELECT MAX(numOrders) FROM customer;
      SELECT MIN(numOrders) FROM customer;
      SELECT AVG(numOrders) FROM customer;
      SELECT ROUND(AVG(numOrders), 2) FROM Users;
  • SQL and Node
    'use strict';
    const mysql = require('mysql');
    const databaseConnection = mysql.createConnection({
      host: 'localhost',
      user: 'root',
      password: 'demopassword',
      database: 'demo'
    databaseConnection.query('SELECT * FROM Users', (error, rows) => {
      if (error) {
      } else {
    databaseConnection.end((error) => {