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Next Generation O2O Advertising Innovation by Smart Qr Code(SQC)

  • Innovation in Digital Martketing Reward

    The market size of mileage (point) system for new customers in digital marketing exceeded about 6 billion USD by 2018. Compared to the market size, however, these reward systems have strong disadvantages. For example, it should be used only in a limited number of places, it will be expired due to their expiration date, and there is no change in their value.

    TouchCon Ad Scan Random Reward creates and distributes Smart QR Code (SQC), which overcomes the disadvantages of the mileage (point) reward system by sharing the mutual benefit between advertisers and consumers. SQC Random Reward is a platform that helps the consumers using products and services to have a interesting experience and actively participate in the TouchCon ecosystem.

  • What is TouchCon

    The TouchCon is a platform that creates mutual benefits between advertisers and consumers by generating Smart QR Code Ad contents

    • [Linking O2O Ads with SQC Random Rewards]
      Ad reward platform that shares profits by linking advertisers and consumers to SQC. It activates cryptocurrency ecosystem through random reward based on blockchain.

    • [Supporting transparent and fair Airdrop service]
      The TouchCon platform contributes to stabilizing the cryptocurrency ecosystem by transparently and fairly supporting the Airdrops of all altcoins.

    • [Operating database matching consumer information and scan information]
      With the operation of a database that matches consumer information with scan information, advertisers can participate in more efficient rewards system.

  • TouchCoin(TOC)

    TOC is a cryptocurrency that is acquired randomly by scanning Smart QR Code (SQC) in exchange for the consumption of goods and services. TouchCon can be used for settlement to buy goods and services, remittance, or exchange for money through trading in international Exchanges on the TOC app platform.

    In the TouchCon’s 2nd round of development, most of the cryptocurrencies are supported by fair and transparent Airdrop, and the DB that matches the consumer information with the SQC information is analyzed to make a Bigdata based on the Blockchain technology, and it will be shared with the advertisers. The TouchCon will take the initiative in expanding the ecosystem as a first random reward system through O2O advertising.

  • Token Distribution Information (Total: 250 million)

    ①SQC Random Reward(40%)
    ②Private&Pre Sale(29%)
    ③TOC Capital Reserve(12%)
    ⑤Global Business(5%)
    ⑥Development Team(4%)

  • Project Core Value

    • [TAA] TAA(TouchCon Advertiser Alliance) is an advertiser alliance that will use SQC for O2O advertising. Any company in the world can freely apply.

    • [AMRP] AMRP(Ad Marketing Program) is a reward program that returns the SQC sold to O2O advertisers back to the ecosystem each year.

    • [TJS] TJS(TouchCon Juror System) is a decentralization policy and a total of 23 jurors are elected through a community vote for a fair and transparent ecosystem


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