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ToolGood.Algorithm is a powerful, lightweight, Excel formula compatible algorithm library aimed at improving developers’ productivity in different business scenes.

Applicable scenarios: Code and algorithm are separated to avoid forced project upgrade

1)Uncertain algorithm at the beginning of the project;

2)Algorithms that are frequently changed during project maintenance;

3)Algorithms in financial data and statistical data (Note: Some formulas use the double type, and it is recommended to use fen as the unit);

4)The report is exported, the data source uses the stored procedure, and the algorithm is set in the Word document. Example

5)Rule engines, such as:

Quick start

    AlgorithmEngine engine = new AlgorithmEngine();
    double a=0.0;
    if (engine.Parse("1+2")) {
        var o = engine.Evaluate();
    var b = engine.TryEvaluate("1=1 && 1<2 and 7-8>1", 0);// Support(支持) && || and or 
    var c = engine.TryEvaluate("2+3", 0);
    var q = engine.TryEvaluate("-7 < -2 ?1 : 2", 0);
    var e = engine.TryEvaluate("count(array(1, 2, 3, 4))", 0);//{} represents array, return: 4 {}代表数组, 返回:4
    var s = engine.TryEvaluate("'aa'&'bb'", ""); //String connection, return: AABB 字符串连接, 返回:aabb
    var r = engine.TryEvaluate("(1=1)*9+2", 0); //Return: 11 返回:11
    var d = engine.TryEvaluate("'2016-1-1'+1", DateTime.MinValue); //Return date: 2016-1-2 返回日期:2016-1-2
    var t = engine.TryEvaluate("'2016-1-1'+9*'1:0'", DateTime.MinValue);//Return datetime:2016-1-1 9:0  返回日期:2016-1-1 9:0
    var j = engine.TryEvaluate("json('{\"Name\":\"William Shakespeare\", \"Age\":51, \"Birthday\":\"04/26/1564 00:00:00\"}').Age", null);//Return 51 返回51
    var k = engine.TryEvaluate("json('{\"Name\":\"William Shakespeare   \", \"Age\":51, \"Birthday\":\"04/26/1564 00:00:00\"}')[Name].Trim()", null);//Return to "William Shakespeare"  返回"William Shakespeare" (不带空格)
    var l = engine.TryEvaluate("json('{\"Name1\":\"William Shakespeare \", \"Age\":51, \"Birthday\":\"04/26/1564 00:00:00\"}')['Name'& 1].Trim().substring(2, 3)", null); ;//Return "ill"  返回"ill"
    var n = engine.TryEvaluate("{Name:\"William Shakespeare\", Age:51, Birthday:\"04/26/1564 00:00:00\"}.Age", null);//Return 51 返回51
    var m = engine.TryEvaluate("{1,2,3,4,5,6}.has(13)", true);//Return false 返回false

Constantspi, e, true, falseare supported.

The value is converted to bool, non-zero is true and zero is false. String to bool, 0andFALSE is false, 1andTRUE is true. Case insensitive.

Bool to value, false is0, true is1. Bool to string, false toFALSE, true toTRUE.

The default index isexcel index. If you want to use c# index, please setUseExcelIndextofalse.

Chinese symbols are automatically converted into English symbols: brackets, commas, quotation marks, double quotation marksaddition,subtraction, multiplication, division , equal sign.

Note: Use & for string concatenation.

Note: find is an Excel formula , find (the string to be searched, the string to be searched [, start position])

Custom parameters

    //Define cylinder information  定义圆柱信息 
    public class Cylinder : AlgorithmEngine
        private int _radius;
        private int _height;
        public Cylinder(int radius, int height)
            _radius = radius;
            _height = height;

        protected override Operand GetParameter(string parameter)
            if (parameter == "半径")
                return Operand.Create(_radius);
            if (parameter == "直径")
                return Operand.Create(_radius * 2);
            if (parameter == "")
                return Operand.Create(_height);
            return base.GetParameter(parameter);
    //Call method  调用方法
    Cylinder c = new Cylinder(3, 10);
    c.TryEvaluate("[半径]*[半径]*pi()", 0.0);      //Round bottom area  圆底面积
    c.TryEvaluate("[直径]*pi()", 0.0);            //The length of the circle  圆的长
    c.TryEvaluate("[半径]*[半径]*pi()*[高]", 0.0); //Volume of circle 圆的体积
    c.TryEvaluate("['半径']*[半径]*pi()*[高]", 0.0); //Volume of circle 圆的体积
    c.EvaluateFormula("'圆'-[半径]-高", '-'); // Return: 圆-3-10
    c.GetSimplifiedFormula("半径*if(半径>2, 1+4, 3)"); // Return: 3 * 5

Parameter definitions, such as[parameter name], 【parameter name】 , #parameter name# , @parameterName.

Note: You can also use AddParameter, AddParameterFromJson to add methods, and use DiyFunction+= to customize functions.

Note 2: use AlgorithmEngineHelper.GetDiyNames get parameter name and custom function name.

Custom parameters

    var helper = new ToolGood.Algorithm.AlgorithmEngineHelper();
    helper.IsKeywords("false"); // return true
    helper.IsKeywords("true"); // return true
    helper.IsKeywords("mysql"); // return false

    DiyNameInfo p5 = helper.GetDiyNames("ddd(d1, 22)");
    Assert.AreEqual("ddd", p5.Functions[0]);
    Assert.AreEqual("d1", p5.Parameters[0]);

Support Unit

Standard units can be set: DistanceUnit (default:m), AreaUnit(default:m2), VolumeUnit(default:m3), MassUnit(default:kg).

Note: When calculating the formula, first convert the quantity with units into standard units, and then perform numerical calculations.

    AlgorithmEngine engine = new AlgorithmEngine();
    bool a = engine.TryEvaluate("1=1m", false); // return true
    bool b = engine.TryEvaluate("1=1m2", false); // return true
    bool c = engine.TryEvaluate("1=1m3", false); // return true
    bool d = engine.TryEvaluate("1=1kg", false); // return true

    // Unit Conversion 单位转化
    var num = AlgorithmEngineHelper.UnitConversion(1M,"","千米"); 

    //  Example of not throwing mistakes  不抛错例子
    bool error = engine.TryEvaluate("1m=1m2", false); // return true

Excel Formula

Functions: logical functions, mathematics and trigonometric functions, text functions, statistical functions, date and time functions

Note: Function names are not case sensitive. Parameters with square brackets can be omitted. The return value of the example is approximate.

Note 2: The function name with ★ indicates that the first parameter can be prefixed, such as (-1).ISTEXT()

Note 3: The function name with ▲ means that it is affected by Excel Index,

Logical function

function namedescriptionExample
IFif(condition, trueValue[, falseValue])
Execute the judgment and return different results according to the true or false of the logical calculation.
if(1=1, 1, 2)
ifErrorifError(condition, trueValue[, falseValue])
If the formula calculates incorrectly, the value you specify is returned; otherwise, the formula result is returned.
ifError(1/0, 1, 2)
isError ★ isError(value)
To determine whether there is an error, return TRUE or FALSE isError(value, replace)
If there is an error, return the replacement value, otherwise return the original value
isNull ★ isNull(value)
Determine whether it is null or return TRUE or FALSE isNull(value, replace)
If null, return the replacement value, otherwise return the original value
isNullOrError ★ isNullOrError(value)
To determine whether it is null or error, return TRUE or FALSE isNullOrError(value, replace)
If it is null or wrong, return the replacement value, otherwise return the original value
isNumber ★isNumber(value)
Determine whether it is a numeric value, and return TRUE or FALSE
isText ★isText(value)
Determine whether it is a text and return TRUE or FALSE
IsNonText ★IsNonText(value)
Determine whether it is not a text and return TRUE or FALSE
IsLogical ★IsLogical(value)
Determine whether it is a logical value and return TRUE or FALSE
IsEven ★IsEven(value)
If the value is even, return TRUE or FALSE
IsOdd ★IsOdd(value)
If the value is odd, return TRUE or FALSE
ANDand(logic1, ...)
If all parameters are true, return true. If there is an error, report it first
and(1, 2=2)
ORor(logic1, ...)
If any parameter is TRUE, return TRUE. If there is an error, report it first
or(1, 2=3)
Negate the logical value of a parameter
Return TRUE
Return FALSE

Mathematics and Trigonometric Functions

classificationfunction namedescriptionExample
basic mathematics Ee()
Return e value
Return PI value
Returns the absolute value of a numerical value
QUOTIENTquotient(number, dividend)
Returns the integer portion of the quotient, which can be used to round off the fractional portion of the quotient.
modmod(number, dividend)
Returns the remainder of the division of two numbers
MOD(7, 3)
Returns the sign of a numerical value. Returns 1 when the value is positive, 0 when it is zero, and -1 when it is negative.
Returns the positive square root
Truncate the value
int ★int(number)
Rounds the value down to the nearest integer.
gcdgcd(number, ...)
Returns the maximum common divisor
GCD(3, 5, 7)
LCMlcm(number, ...)
Returns the least common multiple of an integer parameter
LCM(3, 5, 7)
combincombin(tatal, number)
Calculate the number of combinations to extract several objects from a given number of object sets
combin(10, 2)
PERMUTpermut(tatal, number)
Returns the ranking of several objects selected from a given number of object collections
PERMUT(10, 2)
FIXEDfixed(number[, decimalDigit[, hasComma]])
Format numeric values to text with fixed decimal places
FIXED(4567.89, 1)
>>4, 567.9
Triangulation function degreesdegrees(radian)
Convert radians to degrees
Convert degrees to radians
Returns the cosine of a numerical value
Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a value
Returns the sine of a given angle
Returns the hyperbolic sine of a numeric value
Returns the tangent of a numerical value
Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a value
Returns the inverse cosine of a numeric value
Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a value
Returns the arcsine of a value
Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of a value.
Returns the inverse tangent of a value
Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of the parameter
atan2atan2(number, number)
Return anti-tangent from X and Y coordinates
atan2(1, 2)
Round off ROUNDround(number, decimalDigit)
Returns the value of a value rounded by the specified number of digits.
ROUND(4.333, 2)
roundDownroundDown(number, decimalDigit)
Close to zero, rounding the value down (the direction in which the absolute value decreases).
roundDown(4.333, 2)
roundUproundUp(number, decimalDigit)
Away from zero, round the value upward (the direction in which the absolute value increases).
roundUp(4.333, 2)
CEILINGceiling(number, roundingBase)
Rounding up (in the direction in which the absolute value increases) is a multiple of the nearest rounding base.
CEILING(4.333, 0.1)
floorfloor(number, roundingBase)
Round down to a multiple of the nearest Significance.
FLOOR(4.333, 0.1)
Returns the nearest even number rounded in the direction of increasing the absolute value.
Rounds the value up to the nearest odd integer
MROUNDmround(number, roundingBase)
Returns a value rounded to the desired multiple
MROUND(13, 5)
Random number RANDrand()
Returns a random number between 0 and 1
randBetweenrandBetween(min, max)
Returns a random integer greater than or equal to the specified minimum value and less than the specified maximum value.
randBetween(2, 44)
Power / logarithm / factorial factfact(number)
Returns the factorial of a number, where the factorial of a number is equal to 1'2'3 *. * the number.
Return the double factorial of the value
POWERpower(number, power)
The power result of the return number
POWER(10, 2)
Returns the power of the specified number of e
Returns the natural logarithm of the value
loglog(number[, baseNumber])
Returns the common logarithm of the value, such as omitting the base. The default is 10.
LOG(100, 10)
Returns the 10 logarithm of the value
MULTINOMIALmultinomial(number, ...)
Returns the ratio of the factorial of the sum of parameters to the factorial product of each parameter
PRODUCTproduct(number, ...)
Multiplies all values given as parameters and returns the product value.
PRODUCT(1, 2, 3, 4)
Returns the square root of the product of a number and PI
SUMSQsumQq(number, ...)
Returns the sum of squares of parameters
SUMSQ(1, 2)
Transformation DEC2BIN ★DEC2BIN(number[, digit])
Decimal to binary
DEC2OCT ★DEC2OCT(number[, digit])
Decimal to octal
DEC2HEX ★DEC2HEX(number[, digit])
Convert from decimal to hexadecimal
HEX2BIN ★HEX2BIN(number[, digit])
Hexadecimal to binary
HEX2OCT ★HEX2OCT(number[, digit])
Convert hexadecimal to octal
HEX2DEC ★HEX2DEC(number)
Hexadecimal to decimal
OCT2BIN ★OCT2BIN(number[, digit])
Octal to binary
OCT2DEC ★OCT2DEC(number)
Octal to decimal
OCT2HEX ★OCT2HEX(number[, digit])
Octal to hexadecimal
BIN2OCT ★BIN2OCT(number[, digit])
Binary to octal
BIN2DEC ★BIN2DEC(number)
Binary to decimal
BIN2HEX ★BIN2HEX(number[, digit])
Binary to hexadecimal

Text function

function namedescriptionExample
ASC ★asc(text)
Change the full-width letters in a string to half-width characters
Change half-width English characters in a string to full-width characters
CHAR ★CHAR(number)
Returns the character specified by the code value
CLEAN ★clean(text)
Delete all unprintable characters in the text
CODE ★code(text)
Returns the numeric code of the first character in the text string
CONCATENATE ★concatenate(text1, ...)
Merge several text items into a single text item
CONCATENATE('tt', '11')
EXACT ★exact(text1, text2)
Check whether the two text values are exactly the same
EXACT("11", "22")
FIND ★ ▲find(text, findText[, startIndex])
Find another text value within one text value (case sensitive)
FIND("11", "12221122")
LEFT ★left(text[, count])
Returns the leftmost character of the text value
LEFT('123222', 3)
LEN ★len(text)
Returns the number of characters in a text string
MID ★ ▲mid(text, startIndex, count)
Returns a specific number of characters from a specified position in a text string
MID('ABCDEF', 2, 3)
PROPER ★proper(text)
Set the first letter of each word in the text value to uppercase
PROPER('abc abc')
>>Abc Abc
REPLACE ★ ▲ replace(srcText, startIndex, count, newText)
replace(srcText, repalceText, newText)
Replace characters in text
REPLACE("abccd", 2, 3, "2")
REPLACE("abccd", "bc", "2")
REPT ★rept(text, times)
Repeat the text a given number of times
REPT("q", 3)
RIGHT ★right(text[, count])
Returns the rightmost character of the text value
RIGHT("123q", 3)
RMB ★RMB(number)
Convert numeric values to chinese uppercase numeric text
SEARCH ★ ▲search(findText, text[, startIndex])
Find another text value in one text value (case-insensitive)
SEARCH("aa", "abbAaddd")
SUBSTITUTE ★substitute(text, srcText, newText[, index])
Replace old text with new text in a text string
SUBSTITUTE("ababcc", "ab", "12")
T ★t(number)
Convert parameters to text
TEXT ★text(number, format)
Format numeric values and convert them to text
TEXT(123, "0.00")
TRIM ★trim(text)
Delete spaces in text
TRIM(" 123 123 ")
>>123 123
Convert text to lowercase
Convert text to uppercase
VALUE ★value(text)
Convert text parameters to numeric values

Date and time functions

function namedescriptionExample
Returns the current date and time
>>2017-01-07 11:00:00
Return to today's date
DateValue ★DateValue(text)
Convert a text format to a date
TimeValue ★TimeValue(text)
Convert text formatted time to date
DATE ★date(year, month, day[, hour[, minute[, second]]])
Returns a specific date
DATE(2016, 1, 1)
TIME ★time(hour, minute, second)
Returns a specific time
TIME(12, 13, 14)
YEAR ★year(date)
Returns year
MONTH ★month(date)
Returns month
DAY ★day(date)
Returns day
HOUR ★hour(date)
Returns hour
MINUTE ★minute(date)
Returns minute
SECOND ★second(date)
Returns second
Returns weekday
WEEKDAY(date(2017, 1, 7))
dateDIFdateDif(startDate, endDate, type:Y/M/D/YD/MD/YM)
Returns the number of days between two dates
dateDIF("1975-1-30", "2017-1-7", "Y")
DAYS360days360(startDate, endDate[, type:0/1])
Calculate the number of days in a two-day period on the basis of 360 days a year
DAYS360('1975-1-30', '2017-1-7')
EDATEeDate(startDate, month)
Returns the serial number used to represent the number of months before or after the start date
EDATE("2012-1-31", 32)
EOMONTHeoMonth(startDate, month)
Returns the serial number of the last day of the month before or after the specified number of months
EOMONTH("2012-2-1", 32)
netWorkdaysnetWorkdays(startDate, endDate[, holidays])
Returns the total number of working days between two dates
netWorkdays("2012-1-1", "2013-1-1")
workDayworkday(startDate, days[, holidays])
Returns the serial number of the date before or after the specified number of working days
workDay("2012-1-2", 145)
WEEKNUMweekNum(date[, type:1/2])
Returns week number
Extension function
function namedescriptionExample
AddYears ★AddYears(date, number)
Add Years
AddMonths ★AddMonths(date, number)
Add Months
AddDays ★AddDays(date, number)
Add Days
AddHours ★AddHours(date, number)
Add Hours
AddMinutes ★AddMinutes(date, number)
Add Minutes
AddSeconds ★AddSeconds(date, number)
Add Seconds
DateValue ★DateValue(value, number)
Conversion time
DateValue(text/number, 0)
Parse, automatically match to a date similar to the current date
DateValue(text, 1)
Conversion date, text format
DateValue(number, 2)
Conversion date, Excel value
DateValue(number, 3)
Convert to date, timestamp (milliseconds)
DateValue(number, 4)
Convert to date, timestamp (seconds)
Timestamp ★Timestamp(date[, type:0/1])
Switch to timestamp. Default is millisecond.
Timestamp(date, 0)
Convert to timestamp (milliseconds)
Timestamp(date, 1)
Convert to timestamp (seconds)

Note: The UseLocalTime attribute affects the conversion of DateValue/Timestamp. Set true to directly convert to local time.

Statistical function

function namedescriptionExample
MAXmax(number, ...)
Returns the maximum value in the parameter list
max(1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 2, 1, 4)
MEDIANmedian(number, ...)
Returns the median of a given value
MEDIAN(1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 2, 1, 4)
MINmin(number, ...)
Returns the minimum value in the parameter list
MIN(1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 2, 1, 4)
QUARTILEquartile(number, quartile:0-4)
Returns the quartile of the dataset
QUARTILE({1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 2, 1, 4}, 0)
MODEmode(number, ...)
Returns the number that occurs most frequently in the array
MODE(1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 2, 1, 4)
LARGE ▲large(array, K)
Returns the k largest value of the data set
LARGE({1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 2, 1, 4}, 3)
SMALL ▲small(number, K)
Returns the k-th minimum of the data set
SMALL({1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 2, 1, 4}, 3)
PERCENTILEpercentile(number, K)
Returns the k percentile in the area
PERCENTILE({1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 2, 1, 4}, 0.4)
PERCENTRANKpercentRank(number, K)
Returns the percentage ranking of the values in the data set
PERCENTRANK({1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 2, 1, 4}, 3)
AVERAGEaverage(number, ...)
Returns the average value of the parameter
AVERAGE(1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 2, 1, 4)
averageIfaverageIf({number1, ...}, condition[, {number1, ...}])
Returns the average value of the parameter
averageIf({1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 2, 1, 4}, '>1')
GEOMEANgeoMean(number, ...)
Returns the geometric mean of a positive array or region
GEOMEAN(1, 2, 3, 4)
HARMEANharMean(number, ...)
Returns the harmonic average of the data set
HARMEAN(1, 2, 3, 4)
COUNTcount(number, ...)
Calculate the number of values in the parameter list
COUNT(1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 2, 1, 4)
countIfcountIf({number1, ...}, condition[, {number1, ...}])
Calculate the number of values in the parameter list
countIf({1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 2, 1, 4}, '>1')
SUMsum(number, ...)
Returns the sum of all values.
SUM(1, 2, 3, 4)
sumIfsumIf({number, ...}, condition[, {number1, ...}])
Returns the sum of all values.
sumIf({1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 2, 1, 4}, '>1')
AVEDEVaveDev(number, ...)
Returns the average of the absolute deviation of a data point from its average
AVEDEV(1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 2, 1, 4)
STDEVstDev(number, ...)
Estimation of standard deviation based on samples
STDEV(1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 2, 1, 4)
STDEVPstDevp(number, ...)
Calculate the standard deviation based on the whole sample population
STDEVP(1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 2, 1, 4)
DEVSQdevSq(number, ...)
Returns the sum of squares of deviations
DEVSQ(1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 2, 1, 4)
VARvar(number, ...)
Estimation of variance based on samples
VAR(1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 2, 1, 4)
VARPvarp(number, ...)
Calculate the variance based on the whole sample population
VARP(1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 2, 1, 4)
normDistnormDist(number, arithmeticMean, StDev, returnType:0/1)
Return to normal cumulative distribution
normDist(3, 8, 4, 1)
normInvnormInv(distributionProbability, arithmeticMean, StDev)
Returns the anti-normal cumulative distribution
normInv(0.8, 8, 3)
Returns the standard normal cumulative distribution function, with an average of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.
Return anti-standard normal cumulative distribution
BetaDistBetaDist(number, α, β)
Returns the Beta cumulative distribution function
BetaDist(0.5, 11, 22)
BetaInvBetaInv(number, α, β)
Returns the inverse function of the cumulative distribution function of the specified Beta distribution
BetaInv(0.5, 23, 45)
binomDistbinomDist(successCount, testCount, successProbability, returnType:0/1)
Returns the probability of unary binomial distribution
binomDist(12, 45, 0.5, 0)
exponDistexponDist(number, value, returnType:0/1)
Return exponential distribution
exponDist(3, 1, 0)
FDistfDist(numberX, molecularFreedom, denominatorFreedom)
Return F probability distribution
FDist(0.4, 2, 3)
FInvfInv(distributionProbability, molecularFreedom, denominatorFreedom)
Returns the inverse function of F probability distribution
FInv(0.7, 2, 3)
Returns the Fisher transformation of point x. The transformation produces a normal distribution rather than a skewed function.
Returns the inverse value of the Fisher transform.
gammaDistgammaDist(number, α, β, returnType:0/1)
Return gamma distribution
gammaDist(0.5, 3, 4, 0)
gammaInvgammaInv(distributionProbability, α, β)
Returns the inverse function of the gamma cumulative distribution function
gammaInv(0.2, 3, 4)
Returns the natural logarithm of γ
hypgeomDisthypgeomDist(successCount, testCount, successCountAll, testCountAll)
Returns the hypergeometric distribution
hypgeomDist(23, 45, 45, 100)
logInvlogInv(distributionProbability, average, StDev)
Returns the inverse function of the logarithmic cumulative distribution function of x
logInv(0.1, 45, 33)
LognormDistlognormDist(number, average, StDev)
Returns the inverse normal distribution
lognormDist(15, 23, 45)
negbinomDistnegbinomDist(failureCount, successCount, successProbability)
Returns negative binomial distribution
negbinomDist(23, 45, 0.7)
POISSONpoisson(number, average, returnType:0/1)
Returns the Poisson distribution
POISSON(23, 23, 0)
TDisttDist(number, freedom, returnType:1/2)
Returns the t distribution of students
TDist(1.2, 24, 1)
TInvTInv(distributionProbability, freedom)
Returns the inverse distribution of students't-distribution
TInv(0.12, 23)
WEIBULLweibull(number, α, β, returnType:0/1)
Returns the Weibull distribution
WEIBULL(1, 2, 3, 1)

Find references

function namedescriptionExample
VLookUp ★ ▲VLookUp({array, ...}, value, {colIndex}[, fuzzy:0/1])
Vertical search function. Fuzzy matching default 1
VLookUp ★ ▲VLookUp({Json, ...}, formula, name)
JSON array lookup function.

Add function similar to C# method

function namedescriptionExample
UrlEncode ★UrlEncode(text)
Encode the URL string.
UrlDecode ★UrlEncode(text)
Converts an URL-encoded string to a decoded string.
HtmlEncode ★HtmlEncode(text)
Converts a string to a HTML-encoded string.
HtmlDecode ★HtmlDecode(text)
Transdecode the HTML-encoded string.
Base64ToText ★Base64ToText(text[, encodingType])
Converts Base64 to a string.
Base64UrlToText ★Base64UrlToText(text[, encodingType])
Converts a Base64 of type Url to a string.
TextToBase64 ★TextToBase64(text[, encodingType])
Converts a string to an Base64 string.
TextToBase64Url ★TextToBase64Url(text[, encodingType])
Converts a string to an Base64 string of type Url.
Regex ★ ▲Regex(text, matchText)
returns a matching string.
RegexRepalce ★RegexRepalce(text, matchText, replaceString)
Matches the replacement string.
IsRegex ★
IsMatch ★
IsRegex(text, matchText)
IsMatch(text, matchText)
To determine if there is a match.
Generate a Guid string.
Md5 ★Md5(text[, encodingType])
Returns the Hash string of Md5.
Sha1 ★Sha1(text[, encodingType])
Returns the Hash string of Sha1.
Sha256 ★Sha256(text[, encodingType])
Returns the Hash string of Sha256.
Sha512 ★Sha512(text[, encodingType])
Returns the Hash string of Sha512.
Crc32 ★Crc32(text[, encodingType])
Returns the Hash string of Crc32.
HmacMd5 ★HmacMd5(text, secret[, encodingType])
Returns the Hash string of HmacMd5.
HmacSha1 ★HmacSha1(text, secret[, encodingType])
Returns the Hash string of HmacSha1.
HmacSha256 ★HmacSha256(text, secret[, encodingType])
Returns the Hash string of HmacSha256.
HmacSha512 ★HmacSha512(text, secret[, encodingType])
Returns the Hash string of HmacSha512.
TrimStart ★
LTrim ★
LTrim(text[, characterSet])
Empty the left side of the string.
TrimEnd ★
RTrim ★
RTrim(text, characterSet)
Empty the right side of the string.
IndexOf ★ ▲IndexOf(text, find[, start[, index]])
Find the position of the string.
LastIndexOf ★ ▲LastIndexOf(text, find[, start[, index]])
Find the position of the string.
Split ★Split(text, separator)
Generate array
Split(text, separator, index)
Returns the string pointed to by the split index.
Join ★Join(text1, text2....)
Merge strings.
Substring ★ ▲Substring(text, start)
Substring(text, start, count)
Cut the string.
StartsWith ★StartsWith(text, startText[, ignoreCase:1/0])
Determines whether the beginning of this string instance matches the specified string.
EndsWith ★EndsWith(text, startText[, ignoreCase:1/0])
Determines whether the end of this string instance matches the specified string when comparing using the specified comparison option.
IsNullOrEmpty ★IsNullOrEmpty(text)
Indicates whether the specified string is null or an empty string.
IsNullOrWhiteSpace ★IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text)
Indicates whether the specified string is null, empty, or consisting only of white space characters.
RemoveStart ★RemoveStart(text, leftText[, ignoreCase])
Match the left, and if you succeed, remove the left string.
RemoveEnd ★RemoveEnd(text, rightText[, ignoreCase])
Match the right, and if you succeed, remove the string on the right.
Json ★json(text)
Dynamic json query.
Error Error(text)
Proactively throwing error.
Does the JSON format include a Key
Does the array contain values
HASVALUE(json/array, text)
Does the JSON format include a Value
Does the array contain values
Dynamically obtaining parameters