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double free or corruption (fasttop) with tomopy.find_center #266

jcesardasilva opened this issue Jun 7, 2017 · 7 comments

double free or corruption (fasttop) with tomopy.find_center #266

jcesardasilva opened this issue Jun 7, 2017 · 7 comments
awaiting action Wating for more information, action, or confirmation bug A confirmed issue that needs to be fixed


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I am trying to follow the examples described in the Tomopy doc, but when I try to run:
rot_center = tomopy.find_center(proj, theta, init=290, ind=0, tol=0.5)
I get:

*** Error in `/pyvenv_local/bin/python2': double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x00007fd10c014300 ***

What could be the reason?

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dgursoy commented Oct 25, 2017

You use ‘ind=0’. Have you checked if this slice has ‘nan’s? Usually a slice at the middle, where the sample is expected to be is preferred.

@carterbox carterbox added the bug A confirmed issue that needs to be fixed label Aug 23, 2018
@carterbox carterbox added the awaiting action Wating for more information, action, or confirmation label Oct 4, 2018
@carterbox carterbox added this to Needs triage in Bug Board Aug 9, 2019
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mkutsal commented Nov 4, 2021

Hi, I have encountered the same issue while trying to use tomopy on examples from the tomobank. I have tried both command line and in-python options for any reconstruction, finding center functionalities. The scripts initialize normally, but fails with a similar error message as above. I'm copying an example of the terminal output for center finding:

(tomopy) gpu2-1404:tmp_14_days/Kutsal/tomobank_tomo_00056 % tomopy find_center --file_name=tomo_00056.h5
astropy module not found
2021-11-04 13:54:31,531 - Saving log at /home/esrf/kutsal/logs/tomopy_2021-11-04_13_54_31.log
2021-11-04 13:54:31,531 - find center start
2021-11-04 13:54:31,532 - Found: ['tomo_00056.h5']
2021-11-04 13:54:31,532 - Determining the rotation axis location
2021-11-04 13:54:31,532 - *** calculating automatic center
2021-11-04 13:54:31,533 - *** auto pixel size reading
2021-11-04 13:54:31,533 - *** *** OFF
2021-11-04 13:54:31,534 - *** auto reading filter configuration
2021-11-04 13:54:31,534 - *** *** standard
2021-11-04 13:54:31,534 - *** *** skip finding exposure ratio
2021-11-04 13:54:31,534 - *** loading a stardard data set: tomo_00056.h5
2021-11-04 13:54:31,557 - *** tomo_00056.h5 is a valid dx file format
2021-11-04 13:54:31,557 - *** median filter flat images
2021-11-04 13:54:31,558 - *** median filter dark images
2021-11-04 13:54:31,558 - *** correcting for blocked view data collection
2021-11-04 13:54:31,558 - *** *** OFF
2021-11-04 13:54:31,558 - *** binning
2021-11-04 13:54:31,559 - *** *** OFF
2021-11-04 13:54:31,559 - *** rotation center: -1.000000
2021-11-04 13:54:31,559 - *** zinger removal
2021-11-04 13:54:31,559 - *** *** OFF
2021-11-04 13:54:31,559 - *** normalization
*** Error in `/home/esrf/kutsal/anaconda3/envs/tomopy/bin/python': double free or corruption (!prev): 0x000055e341df19e0 ***

I am using tomopy version 2.0 on a conda environment (python 3.9) in ESRF's rnice cluster (should be Debian 8.11 if I'm not mistaken). Thanks in advance!

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@mkutsal, there is no tomopy version 2. The latest is 1.10.4. Could you provide a minimal example that causes the error?

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mkutsal commented Nov 5, 2021

@carterbox Hi, thanks for your reply. I have installed tomopy (and tomopy-cli) through conda about a week ago, so I assume it is the latest version that you've mentioned. To check it, I've typed the following to the CLI and got the following output:

(tomopy) rnice8-0307:Kutsal/ % tomopy --version
astropy module not found
tomopy 0.2

About the example for the error, I should clarify my first comment above further: In CLI, I typed the following:

tomopy find_center --file_name=tomo_00056.h5

where, 'tomo_00056.h5' is an example dataset got from the tomobank webpage. Then, I got the following output on the terminal:

astropy module not found
2021-11-04 13:54:31,531 - Saving log at /home/esrf/kutsal/logs/tomopy_2021-11-04_13_54_31.log
2021-11-04 13:54:31,531 - find center start
2021-11-04 13:54:31,532 - Found: ['tomo_00056.h5']
2021-11-04 13:54:31,532 - Determining the rotation axis location
2021-11-04 13:54:31,532 - *** calculating automatic center
2021-11-04 13:54:31,533 - *** auto pixel size reading
2021-11-04 13:54:31,533 - *** *** OFF
2021-11-04 13:54:31,534 - *** auto reading filter configuration
2021-11-04 13:54:31,534 - *** *** standard
2021-11-04 13:54:31,534 - *** *** skip finding exposure ratio
2021-11-04 13:54:31,534 - *** loading a stardard data set: tomo_00056.h5
2021-11-04 13:54:31,557 - *** tomo_00056.h5 is a valid dx file format
2021-11-04 13:54:31,557 - *** median filter flat images
2021-11-04 13:54:31,558 - *** median filter dark images
2021-11-04 13:54:31,558 - *** correcting for blocked view data collection
2021-11-04 13:54:31,558 - *** *** OFF
2021-11-04 13:54:31,558 - *** binning
2021-11-04 13:54:31,559 - *** *** OFF
2021-11-04 13:54:31,559 - *** rotation center: -1.000000
2021-11-04 13:54:31,559 - *** zinger removal
2021-11-04 13:54:31,559 - *** *** OFF
2021-11-04 13:54:31,559 - *** normalization
*** Error in `/home/esrf/kutsal/anaconda3/envs/tomopy/bin/python': double free or corruption (!prev): 0x000055e341df19e0 ***

I get the same error message of "double free or corruption", when I tried to run the reconstruction in CLI with

tomopy recon --file_name=tomo_00056.h5

or if I try to perform the reconstruction through a python interpreter.

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@mkutsal, I was not able to recreate your problem, so I need a bit more information. Could you share the output of the following command with the conda environment that you are using activated:

conda info && conda env export

It will show all the packages installed in your environment, so I can recreate it, and give a bit more info about your system. For example, is rNICE ARM/x86/POWERPC architecture?

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mkutsal commented Nov 11, 2021

@carterbox Thanks again for your kind reply. The command in your comment gave the following output:

     active environment : tomopy
    active env location : /home/esrf/kutsal/anaconda3/envs/tomopy
            shell level : 1
       user config file : /home/esrf/kutsal/.condarc
 populated config files : /home/esrf/kutsal/.condarc
          conda version : 4.10.3
    conda-build version : 3.21.4
         python version :
       virtual packages : __linux=3.16.0=0
       base environment : /home/esrf/kutsal/anaconda3  (writable)
      conda av data dir : /home/esrf/kutsal/anaconda3/etc/conda
  conda av metadata url : None
           channel URLs :
          package cache : /home/esrf/kutsal/anaconda3/pkgs
       envs directories : /home/esrf/kutsal/anaconda3/envs
               platform : linux-64
             user-agent : conda/4.10.3 requests/2.26.0 CPython/3.8.8 Linux/3.16.0-10-amd64 debian/8.11 glibc/2.19
                UID:GID : 200720:20000
             netrc file : None
           offline mode : False
name: tomopy
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  - cytoolz=0.11.2=py39h3811e60_1
  - dask-core=2021.11.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0
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  - tifffile=2021.11.2=pyhd8ed1ab_0
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  - toolz=0.11.2=pyhd8ed1ab_0
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  - zlib=1.2.11=h36c2ea0_1013
  - zstd=1.5.0=ha95c52a_0
  - pip:
    - tomopy-cli==0.3
prefix: /home/esrf/kutsal/anaconda3/envs/tomopy

Sorry for spamming with this long quote. Please let me know if you need any further information.

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carterbox commented Nov 11, 2021

I was still not able to recreate the problem, but I didn't exactly recreate your environment because I have cudatoolkit=11.2. Are you using CUDA? Conda says it doesn't detect CUDA, but you have cudatoolkit=11.5 installed. Please try installing tomopy=*=*100. This will install the non-CUDA version of tomopy.

Finally, if none of those suggestions uncover the problem help, my final suggestion is to build TomoPy from source.

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