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On the effectiveness of adversarial training against common corruptions

Klim Kireev* (EPFL), Maksym Andriushchenko* (EPFL), Nicolas Flammarion (EPFL)


UAI 2022

*Equal contribution.


The literature on robustness towards common corruptions shows no consensus on whether adversarial training can improve the performance in this setting. First, we show that, when used with an appropriately selected perturbation radius, Lp adversarial training can serve as a strong baseline against common corruptions improving both accuracy and calibration. Then we explain why adversarial training performs better than data augmentation with simple Gaussian noise which has been observed to be a meaningful baseline on common corruptions. Related to this, we identify the σ-overfitting phenomenon when Gaussian augmentation overfits to a particular standard deviation used for training which has a significant detrimental effect on common corruption accuracy. We discuss how to alleviate this problem and then how to further enhance Lp adversarial training by introducing an efficient relaxation of adversarial training with learned perceptual image patch similarity as the distance metric. Through experiments on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet-100, we show that our approach does not only improve the Lp adversarial training baseline but also has cumulative gains with data augmentation methods such as AugMix, DeepAugment, ANT, and SIN, leading to state-of-the-art performance on common corruptions.

About the paper

First of all, we observe that even Lp adversarial training (e.g., for p in {2, inf}) can lead to significant improvements on common corruptions and be competitive to other natural baselines:

Next, we discuss the σ-overfitting phenomenon when Gaussian augmentation overfits to a particular standard deviation used for training. This can be seen particularly clearly on ImageNet-100:

As we show in the experimental part, this leads to significantly suboptimal results on common corruptions that, however, can be improved by augmenting only 50% images per batch (as done, e.g., in Rusak et al, (2020)).

Then we show how to improve adversarial training by using the LPIPS distance instead of the standard Lp distances. First, we discuss why LPIPS can be more suitable than L2 norm on common corruptions. We observe that L2 norm does not always capture well the perturbation magnitude of common corruptions. For example, on several corruptions (especially, on elastic transforms) L2 norm is monotonically decreasing over corruption severity levels instead of increasing, while for LPIPS this happens less often:

This can be further quantified by computing the correlation between L2/LPIPS distances and error rates for some standard model:

If some corruptions make it harder for the network to classify examples correctly, this should be also reflected in a larger perturbation magnitude.

Next, we present an efficient relaxation of LPIPS adversarial training which we call Relaxed LPIPS Adversarial Training (RLAT) which can be efficiently solved using an FGSM-like algorithm:

Finally, we present experiments where we show that RLAT achieves competitive results on common corruptions compared to the existing baselines. In particular, RLAT outperforms Lp adversarial training and gives additional improvement when combined with different data augmentation methods.


The main dependencies are specified in requirements.txt.

To train new models, one can use the following commands:

  • Standard training on CIFAR-10: python --eps=0.0 --attack=none --epochs=150 --model_path='models/'

  • L2 adversarial training with eps=0.1 on CIFAR-10: python --eps=0.1 --attack=pgd --distance=l2 --epochs=150 --model_path='models/'

  • Relaxed LPIPS adversarial training (RLAT) with eps=0.08 on CIFAR-10: python --eps=0.08 --attack=rlat --distance=l2 --epochs=150 --model_path='models/'

Training ImageNet models can be done similarly but you additionally need to have the ImageNet dataset in folder <dataset_directory>/imagenet where the default value of <dataset_directory> is ./datasets (see


We provide all the models reported in the main tables in this Google drive folder. Additionally, some models are available via the Model Zoo of RobustBench (see here) where models can be loaded via one line (automatic download):

from robustbench.utils import load_model
model = load_model(model_name='Kireev2021Effectiveness_RLATAugMix', dataset='cifar10', threat_model='corruptions')

Example how to run evaluation of a model:

  • python --checkpoint=models_paper/cifar10/
  • python --checkpoint=models_paper/imagenet100/

Note that the CIFAR-10 Fast PAT model is the only exception and requires the original code to be properly restored.

Full evaluation results

We additionally provide detailed evaluation results for each corruption type and each severity level for all CIFAR-10 and ImageNet-100 models in folder full_evaluation_results.