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Releases: tloncorp/tlon-apps


18 Dec 22:07
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Over-the-air (OTA) update to %groups and %talk. This release fixes inadvertent Gallery channel spamming and several other infinite-fetching issues.

What's new

  • Fixes an issue where the Gallery uploader would post to the channel in an infinite loop, resulting in inadvertent channel spamming.
  • Fixes an issue where navigating into a thread in a Chat channel would cause infinite refetching in the main chat pane.
  • Fixes an issue where starting/opening a thread in a DM caused an infinite fetching loop.
  • Fixes an issue where replying to a Chat message (using a quote-reference) would wipe the message input.
  • Fixes several rendering issues which contributed to the desktop sidebar sliding in and out slowly.
  • Fixes an issue with the connection status indicator incorrectly reporting disconnections from group hosts.
  • Adds a check to mitigate risky code in embedded HTML blocks.
  • Fixes an issue where WEBM videos were not properly embedding


  • chat: fix infinite refetch bug with scrollTo, fix chat bug, navigate to thread parent by @patosullivan in #3113
  • chat: when replying, only reset the message editor if we don't already have the mention by @latter-bolden in #3118
  • perf: tweaks to speed up sidebar transition on desktop by @patosullivan in #3120
  • groups: fix broken "requested to join" notifications by @latter-bolden in #3121
  • group actions: fix broken connection status by @latter-bolden in #3123
  • chat: mitigate unnecessarily risky code in third party oembed html by @darighost in #3115
  • gallery: clear uploader state after attempting to add a gallery block by @latter-bolden in #3131
  • dm threads: account for mismatched keys when checking if we have a message after refetching by @latter-bolden in #3129
  • treat webm urls as videos by @alecananian in #3135

Full Changelog: v5.1.0...v5.2.0


11 Dec 19:49
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Over-the-air (OTA) update for %groups and %talk. This release makes many improvements and fixes several bugs in the post-migration user experience.

Desk hashes:

%groups 0vp.ulf29.qkuhl.en06e.u0h2c.q7fl9.78i9j.k5dif.hcm3k.3otq5.5iuvk
%talk 0v18.d3ojq.0pci5.3t3fh.bjido.ejcqj.ba33r.ehtl7.bq9nb.ufheh.6sc2k

What's new

  • Adds support for "all" notifications in channels
  • Adjusts rich-text-encoded links to only allow "safe" URL protocols
  • Fixes an issue where unreads can be de-synced between clients
  • Fixes an issue where sent arrows never disappear after posting in a thread
  • Fixes an issue where the unread banner appeared in strange places
  • Fixes an issue where copy actions don't fall back correctly if not on SSL
  • Fixes an issue where message text/content spacing is slightly off
  • Fixes an issue where images have a lot of whitespace at the bottom
  • Fixes an issue where the delete modal UI doesn't spin while the delete is in progress
  • Fixes an issue where joining a group from talk redirects to blank screen
  • Fixes an issue where leaving a reaction in a Chat thread is impossible
  • Fixes an issue where the delete modal flickers if not scrolled to bottom
  • Fixes an issue where unreads sometimes include your own messages
  • Fixes an issue in Notebooks where references in note comments don't render
  • Fixes an issue where reading all the messages in a Chat thread did not mark the channel as read
  • Fixes an issue where duplicate messages would appear on send
  • Fixes an issue where Chat search can crash if the reacts object in the render function is undefined
  • Fixes an isse where Chat channels can't be marked read from the sidebar
  • Fixes an issue where Chat rows have too much vertical padding
  • Fixes an issue where a Cannot destructure property 'reference' of 'l' as it is null crashes the interface
  • Fixes an issue where replies in Notebook comments are broken
  • Fixes an issue where Gallery references in DMs fail to parse


  • dms: ensure rsvp'ing for a pending dm triggers an update by @latter-bolden in #3069
  • channels: dont include self in unreads by @arthyn in #3074
  • chat: prevent children of message options from unmounting upon moving mouse out of app by @patosullivan in #3078
  • emojis: fix issues with adding emojis in chat by @patosullivan in #3080
  • dms: optimistically update cache on hearing sub facts, fix duplicate chat messages on send by @patosullivan in #3083
  • ops: fix external deploy for kernel moon by @arthyn in #3084
  • join modal: don't automatically navigate after join if in Talk by @latter-bolden in #3086
  • unreads: add markreads back to threads by @patosullivan in #3087
  • Revert "Revert "talk-cli: import chat structures v2 always"" by @Fang- in #3088
  • curio ref: pass cite nest along since we cant get it from the nav params by @latter-bolden in #3090
  • chat/dms: update delete modal to spin while loading and close when complete by @latter-bolden in #3089
  • notifications: add support for receiving a notification for all messages in a channel by @patosullivan in #3093
  • refs: allow posting of refs in notebook and gallery comments by @patosullivan in #3094
  • fix notebook/gallery comment refs copying and replying by @alecananian in #3064
  • chat: fix excess image padding & chat message indentation by @latter-bolden in #3096
  • refs: show as unavailable when remote post data is null by @patosullivan in #3099
  • clipboard: add fallback function for non-secure contexts by @patosullivan in #3102
  • unreads: use the right point in the list by @arthyn in #3103
  • chat: only allow "safe" URL protocols in links by @darighost in #3056
  • threads: account for the fact that we sometimes only hear facts via the subscription in useChannels by @patosullivan in #3104
  • chat: make sure we load in appropriate data when scrolling to a message outside of our current messages by @patosullivan in #3092
  • chat spacing: resolve sent time width being too small by @latter-bolden in #3106
  • unreads: mark a chat as read when we hear that fact on unreads subscription by @patosullivan in #3105
  • unreads: fix placement in threads by @arthyn in #3107
  • talk: fix issue with marking read from sidebar by @patosullivan in #3110
  • chat: remove useMemo, make sure reacts is defined before calling object.keys() in ChatSearchResult by @patosullivan in #3109
  • Revert PR #3092, temporary fix for LAND-1364 by @patosullivan in #3111
  • chat: defensively prevent sent time from wrapping by @latter-bolden in #3112

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v5.0.0...v5.1.0-rc1


05 Dec 17:36
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Over-the-air (OTA) update for %groups and %talk. This release introduces a major overhaul to the back-end architecture of %groups and %talk and updates the front-ends to match.

Desk hashes:

%groups 0v1s.7ep87.aiap9.3roit.05gnb.tcjct.8ogng.jo78m.sbd8k.ghh61.cn9dr
%talk 0v10.cfb40.mgbrc.vntu6.c3uns.rs2d5.jtn48.foaav.2023b.fukbk.9st9c

What's new

Until now, Groups had separate backend agents for channel types like Chats, Notebooks, and Galleries, each handling publishing and subscribing to content. This approach treated channel contents as distinct and merged publisher, subscriber, and client roles, resulting in slow interaction speeds - for example, interacting with a slow Notebook channel would slow down all Notebooks you interacted with.

The upcoming refactor introduces a "horizontal split," consolidating all channel types within a single agent while separating agents for publishing (%channels-server) and subscribing (%channels). This structure utilizes a single tagged union type to handle channel-specific content, allowing for more generalized behavior for publishing and subscriptions.

We are replacing each channel's subtly different data types with a single message type, $post, divided into metadata ($seal) and content ($essay). The metadata includes identifiers, unabridged replies, and reactions, while the content contains authorship, timestamp, the main post body ($story), and $kind-data. The $kind-data, varying for different channel types, contains specific data like post titles and header images for notebooks, optional block titles for collections, and join notification flags for DMs. This approach simplifies the content structure across various channels.

The refactor also involves splitting agents and types based on their interaction function (publisher, subscriber, client) rather than channel types, recognizing that each role has distinct data handling requirements. We introduce a new communication method between the publisher and subscriber to facilitate arbitrary and partial backlog loading.

This change significantly speeds up group joins, allowing quick access to recent messages and enabling piecemeal backlog retrieval. Crucially, these improvements are uniformly applied across all channel types, leveraging the shared logic of the system.


Read more


05 Dec 16:44
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v5.0.0-rc4 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • dms: fix failure to update invalidate function by @dnbrwstr in #3082

Full Changelog: v5.0.0-rc3...v5.0.0-rc4


05 Dec 16:14
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v5.0.0-rc3 Pre-release

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v5.0.0-rc2...v5.0.0-rc3


04 Dec 23:00
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v5.0.0-rc2 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • talk-cli: import chat structures v2 always by @Fang- in #3075
  • Revert "talk-cli: import chat structures v2 always" by @Fang- in #3076
  • chat: need to handle old wires by @arthyn in #3077

Full Changelog: v5.0.0-rc1...v5.0.0-rc2


04 Dec 21:21
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v5.0.0-rc1 Pre-release

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v4.9.0...v5.0.0-rc1


21 Nov 21:45
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Over-the-air (OTA) update for %groups and %talk. This release enhances channel protocol handling, fixes mobile navigation and image upload issues, resolves problems with S3 storage uploads and drag-and-drop in Chat, and corrects unjoinable groups and infinite loop errors in group joining.

Desk hashes:

%groups: 0v1p.oqs25.t9bhj.ticdk.gh2v8.6itdv.20c6l.pvj9e.fra36.9vkee.qs605
%talk: 0v10.32vf6.58qo0.qqt1u.1897n.hq2pq.etuvi.li532.egthr.hgu8f.m3glm

What's new

  • Adds a welcome message for native app users.
  • Improves the handling of channel protocol versions by ensuring the negotiation consistently completes.
  • Fixes an issue where the mobile navigation would appear when entering a comment on a gallery item or a notebook post.
  • Fixes an issue where uploads with Tlon's S3 hosted storage would fail transparently.
  • Fixes an issue where images would fail to upload using drag-and-drop in Chat threads.
  • Fixes an issue where the three default suggested groups in the Discover tab were unjoinable.
  • Fixes an issue where joining a group could throw an infinite loop.


Full Changelog: v4.8.1...v4.9.0


20 Nov 16:37
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v4.9.0-rc1 Pre-release

Over-the-air (OTA) update for %groups and %talk. This release enhances channel protocol handling, fixes mobile navigation and image upload issues, resolves problems with S3 storage uploads and drag-and-drop in Chat, and corrects unjoinable groups and infinite loop errors in group joining.

What's new

  • Improves the handling of channel protocol versions by ensuring the negotiation consistently completes.
  • Fixes an issue where the mobile navigation would appear when entering a comment on a gallery item or a notebook post.
  • Fixes an issue where uploads with Tlon's S3 hosted storage would fail transparently.
  • Fixes an issue where images would fail to upload using drag-and-drop in Chat threads.
  • Fixes an issue where the three default suggested groups in the Discover tab were unjoinable.
  • Fixes an issue where joining a group could throw an infinite loop.


Full Changelog: v4.8.1...v4.9.0-rc1


26 Oct 15:35
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Over-the-air (OTA) update for %groups and %talk. This incremental release fixes an issue where the mobile viewport would errantly zoom on random elements.


Full Changelog: v4.8.0...v4.8.1