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File metadata and controls

205 lines (143 loc) · 8.37 KB


This document keeps track of key new features, breaking changes and what you can do if you update and things don't work anymore.

You can also check out this issue with a more granular list of things that are being worked on / have been fixed / added.

0.8+ (ongoing)

  • \underline is not a thing anymore (I don't think anyone was using it) so that it doesn't clash with KaTeX's underline (#512); prefer \style for such things.
  • files ending with .min.css are now not minified to avoid rare problems where the minifier would actually break an already minified file (#494)


This minor releases should have no breaking changes compared to 0.7 apart from a slew of bug fixes. More people are using Franklin, which is great, that also means more bugs are being found (and eventually fixed), thanks all for your support and patience.

New stuff

The main new stuff is support for taxonomy. The FranklinTemplates have been updated to reflect this so if you do newsite("testTaxonomy", template="basic") you will see that the third menu is now Tags and gives some more information on how to use tags.

At the core you can:

  • add tags to pages with @def tags = ["tag1", "tag2"]
  • if there are any tags present, tag pages will be generated at /tag/tag1/, /tag/tag2/ etc, the layout of tag pages is dictated by _layout/tag.html and will essentially contain a list of pages with that tag,
  • you can easily customise how that list works by writing your own hfun_ for the tag-list, check out the templates as suggested above to get an idea for how to do this.

Important note: the _layout/tag.html cannot use local page variables, i.e. things like {{if hasmath}} or {{fill title}}, that's because it's ambiguous which page would have defined these variables. So you can only use:

  • global page variables (defined in
  • qualified page variables ({{fill varname path/to/page/}})
  • fd_tag a special page variable containing the tag string (e.g.: "tag1")

Finally you can also use {{ispage /tag/tag1/}} etc in the _layout/tag.html in order to specify a layout that would be dependent upon the tag name.

As usual, your feedback and suggestions are welcome, kindly open issues on GitHub. Please make it easy for me to help you by giving me as much concise information as possible.


Breaking changes

  • indented code blocks are now opt-in, prefer fenced code blocks with backticks `. This helps avoid ambiguities in parsing. If you do want indented code blocks on a page use @def indented_code = true, if you want them everywhere, put that definition in your
  • markers for comments now must be separated with a character distinct from - so <!--_ is ok, <!--- is not, ~--> is ok, ---> is not. Rule of thumb: use a whitespace.

Note: supported Julia versions: 1.3, 1.4, 1.5.

New stuff

The main new stuff are:

  • you can unpack in template for loops {{for (x, y, z) in iterator}},
  • you can use {{var}} as a short for {{fill var}}, you can use {{...}} blocks directly in markdown,
  • variable definitions (@def) can now be multi-line, the secondary lines must be indented,
  • you can access page variables from other pages using {{fill var path}} where path is the relative path to the other file so for instance {{fill var index}} or {{fill var blog/page1}}, this can be combined with a for loop for instance:
@def paths = ["index", "blog/page1"]
{{for p in paths}}
  {{fill var p}}

And maybe most importantly, the addition of a utils.jl file to complement the In that file you can define variables and functions that can be used elsewhere on your site; they are evaluated in a Utils module which is imported in all evaluated code blocks.

  • if you define a variable var = 5, it will be accessible everywhere, taking priority over any other page variable (including global), you can call {{fill var}} or use it in an evaluated code block with Utils.var.
  • if you define a function foo() = print("hello"), you can use it in an evaluated code block with
  • if you define a function hfun_foo() = return "blah", you can use it as a template function {{foo}}, they have access to page variable names so this would also be valid:
function hfun_bar(vname) # vname is a vector of string here
    val = locvar(vname[1])
    return round(sqrt(val), digits=2)

which you can call with {{bar var}}.

  • if you define a function lx_baz you can use \baz{...} and have the function directly act on the input string, the syntax to use must conform to the following example:
function lx_baz(com, _)
    # keep this first line
    brace_content = Franklin.content(com.braces[1]) # input string
    # Now do whatever you want with the content:
    return uppercase(brace_content)

which you can call with \baz{some string}.


  • addition of an ignore global page variable to ignore files and directories, addition of a div_content page variable to change the name of the main container div.
  • Multiline markdown definitions are now allowed, the lines must be indented with four spaces e.g. this is ok:
@def x = begin
    z = [1,2,3]
    z .+ 3

which is a convoluted way of writing

@def x = [4,5,6]
  • template for loop is now available so that you can do this:
{{for e in x}}
  {{fill e}}

which with the definition above would show 4 5 6 on separate lines.


The most important change is a complete re-vamp of the folder structure resulting from issue #335.

TL;DR: I just want to keep stuff as they were..., just add a single line to your

@def folder_structure = v"0.1"

things should just work, and if they don't please open an issue.

Now if you want to migrate your site: the "old" folder structure was essentially:

├── assets
├── css
├── libs
├── pub
└── src
    ├── _css
    ├── _html_parts
    ├── pages

where the "new" folder structure is now:

├── __site
├── _assets
├── _css
├── _layout
├── _libs
├── pages

where __site will contain the full generated site. To migrate from old to new:

  1. move assets to _assets
  2. move src/_css to _css
  3. move src/_html_parts to _layout
  4. move libs to _libs
  5. move the rest of the content of src/ up one level
  6. optionally move the content of pages/ up one level (1)
  7. remove pub/ and css/

(1): since the pub disappears, there's also no need for the pages/ folder but you can keep it if you like.

Then you may have to:

  • fix links in _layout/head.html removing /pub/ and .html so for instance /pub/menu1.html becomes /menu1/, relative links must start and end with a /,
  • fix a few of your internal links (use verify_links() to help you with that),
  • set things up so that the content of __site is what's served on GitHub or elsewhere.
  • Note: links to stylesheets should still be ok, even though the source is now in _css, this gets mapped to __site/css/ and so /css/somesheet.css will still work fine.

In terms of understanding how the generated paths look, consider the following mappings:

`/`         -->     `__site/index.html`
`/index.html`       -->     `__site/index.html`
`/`         -->     `__site/menu1/index.html`
`/folder/`  -->     `__site/folder/index.html`
`/folder/`   -->     `__site/folder/page/index.html`

This allows to have urls like

Finally note that the deployment of the __site/ folder is now automated, but to get there you need to set up your repository properly, see the docs on how to do this.

If you encounter issues during the process, open an issue on GitHub or ask on Slack, I'll try to help and improve these instructions at the same time, thanks!

v0.5 (JuDoc -> Frankin)

See the corresponding release notes which include a step-by-step of how to migrate from JuDoc to Franklin.