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The application currently uses one framework for frontend testing: Jest. There are plans to implement back-end tests in the future.

Jest Testing

Frontend tests leverage the Jest framework.

To run the Jest test suite, execute the command docker exec -it webpack_watcher npm test.

To update snapshots, execute docker exec -it webpack_watcher npm run-script update-snapshot.

Data Validation Testing

Data validation scripts are in scripts/data_validation folder. To run the data validation scripts, follow the steps below:

  1. Copy env_validation.hjson file from env_sample.hjson file

    cp scripts/data_validation/env_sample.hjson scripts/data_validation/env_validation.hjson
  2. Update the configuration values. Note the hard-coded Michigan specific filters in various query strings. Please adjust those values based on your institution's needs.

  3. Run the data validation script within the Docker container:

    • Validate queries using UDP BigQuery Expanded Table: This script will validate queries against the UDP BigQuery expanded table, and compare whether the data results are identical with those returned from the events table queries.
      docker exec -it student_dashboard /bin/bash -c \
          "python scripts/data_validation/"

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