From 5c2753e54e4a29eed0c2564c0a6186b5638b2638 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ayke van Laethem Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2023 16:45:48 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] all: release 0.28.0 These are some major or breaking changes: - Reflect support got improved a lot. - Interrupts became more strict: heap allocations an blocking operations, which have always been undefined behavior, now result in a panic. - `//go:wasmimport` was added - various new flags were added to `tinygo test` - the source location for panics is printed in the `-monitor` output --- | 137 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 137 insertions(+) diff --git a/ b/ index 5704e20e3a..48016fd04b 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,3 +1,140 @@ +0.28.0 +--- + +* **general** + - fix parallelism in the compiler on Windows by building LLVM with thread support + - support qemu-user debugging + - make target JSON msd-volume-name an array + - print source location when a panic happens in -monitor + - `test`: don't print `ok` for a successful compile-only +* **compiler** + - `builder`: remove non-ThinLTO build mode + - `builder`: fail earlier if Go is not available + - `builder`: improve `-size=full` in a number of ways + - `builder`: implement Nordic DFU file writer in Go + - `cgo`: allow `LDFLAGS: --export=...` + - `compiler`: support recursive slice types + - `compiler`: zero struct padding during map operations + - `compiler`: add llvm.ident metadata + - `compiler`: remove `unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(v) + idx)` optimization (use `unsafe.Add` instead) + - `compiler`: add debug info to `//go:embed` data structures for better `-size` output + - `compiler`: add debug info to string constants + - `compiler`: fix a minor race condition + - `compiler`: emit correct alignment in debug info for global variables + - `compiler`: correctly generate reflect data for local named types + - `compiler`: add alloc attributes to `runtime.alloc`, reducing flash usage slightly + - `compiler`: for interface maps, use the original named type if available + - `compiler`: implement most math/bits functions as LLVM intrinsics + - `compiler`: ensure all defers have been seen before creating rundefers +* **standard library** + - `internal/task`: disallow blocking inside an interrupt + - `machine`: add `CPUReset` + - `machine/usb/hid`: add MediaKey support + - `machine/usb/hid/joystick`: move joystick under HID + - `machine/usb/hid/joystick`: allow joystick settings override + - `machine/usb/hid/joystick`: handle case where we cannot find the correct HID descriptor + - `machine/usb/hid/mouse`: add support for mouse back and forward + - `machine/usb`: add ability to override default VID, PID, manufacturer name, and product name + - `net`: added missing `TCPAddr` and `UDPAddr` implementations + - `os`: add IsTimeout function + - `os`: fix resource leak in `(*File).Close` + - `os`: add `(*File).Sync` + - `os`: implement `(*File).ReadDir` for wasi + - `os`: implement `(*File).WriteAt` + - `reflect`: make sure null bytes are supported in tags + - `reflect`: refactor this package to enable many new features + - `reflect`: add map type methods: `Elem` and `Key` + - `reflect`: add map methods: `MapIndex`, `MapRange`/`MapIter`, `SetMapIndex`, `MakeMap`, `MapKeys` + - `reflect`: add slice methods: `Append`, `MakeSlice`, `Slice`, `Slice3`, `Copy`, `Bytes`, `SetLen` + - `reflect`: add misc methods: `Zero`, `Addr`, `UnsafeAddr`, `OverflowFloat`, `OverflowInt`, `OverflowUint`, `SetBytes`, `Convert`, `CanInt`, `CanFloat`, `CanComplex`, `Comparable` + - `reflect`: add type methods: `String`, `PkgPath`, `FieldByName`, `FieldByIndex`, `NumMethod` + - `reflect`: add stubs for `Type.Method`, `CanConvert`, `ArrayOf`, `StructOf`, `MapOf` + - `reflect`: add stubs for channel select routines/types + - `reflect`: allow nil rawType to call Kind() + - `reflect`: ensure all ValueError panics have Kind fields + - `reflect`: add support for named types + - `reflect`: improve `Value.String()` + - `reflect`: set `Index` and `PkgPath` field in `Type.Field` + - `reflect`: `Type.AssignableTo`: you can assign anything to `interface{}` + - `reflect`: add type check to `Value.Field` + - `reflect`: let `TypeOf(nil)` return nil + - `reflect`: move `StructField.Anonymous` field to match upstream location + - `reflect`: add `UnsafePointer` for Func types + - `reflect`: `MapIter.Next` needs to allocate new keys/values every time + - `reflect`: fix `IsNil` for interfaces + - `reflect`: fix `Type.Name` to return an empty string for non-named types + - `reflect`: add `VisibleFields` + - `reflect`: properly handle embedded structs + - `reflect`: make sure `PointerTo` works for named types + - `reflect`: `Set`: convert non-interface to interface + - `reflect`: `Set`: fix direction of assignment check + - `reflect`: support channel directions + - `reflect`: print struct tags in Type.String() + - `reflect`: properly handle read-only values + - `runtime`: allow custom-gc SetFinalizer and clarify KeepAlive + - `runtime`: implement KeepAlive using inline assembly + - `runtime`: check for heap allocations inside interrupts + - `runtime`: properly turn pointer into empty interface when hashing + - `runtime`: improve map size hint usage + - `runtime`: zero map key/value on deletion to so GC doesn't see them + - `runtime`: print the address where a panic happened + - `runtime/debug`: stub `SetGCPercent`, `BuildInfo.Settings` + - `runtime/metrics`: add this package as a stub + - `syscall`: `Stat_t` timespec fields are Atimespec on darwin + - `syscall`: add `Timespec.Unix()` for wasi + - `syscall`: add fsync using libc + - `testing`: support -test.count + - `testing`: make test output unbuffered when verbose + - `testing`: add -test.skip + - `testing`: move runtime.GC() call to runN to match upstream + - `testing`: add -test.shuffle to order randomize test and benchmark order +* **targets** + - `arm64`: fix register save/restore to include vector registers + - `attiny1616`: add support for this chip + - `cortexm`: refactor EnableInterrupts and DisableInterrupts to avoid `arm.AsmFull` + - `cortexm`: enable functions in RAM for go & cgo + - `cortexm`: convert SystemStack from `AsmFull` to C inline assembly + - `cortexm`: fix crash due to wrong stack size offset + - `nrf`: samd21, stm32: add flash API + - `nrf`: fix memory issue in ADC read + - `nrf`: new peripheral type for nrf528xx chips + - `nrf`: implement target mode + - `nrf`: improve ADC and add oversampling, longer sample time, and reference voltage + - `rp2040`: change calling order for device enumeration fix to do first + - `rp2040`: rtc delayed interrupt + - `rp2040`: provide better errors for invalid pins on I2C and SPI + - `rp2040`: change uart to allow for a single pin + - `rp2040`: implement Flash interface + - `rp2040`: remove SPI `DataBits` property + - `rp2040`: unify all linker scripts using LDFLAGS + - `rp2040`: remove SPI deadline for improved performance + - `rp2040`: use 4MHz as default frequency for SPI + - `rp2040`: implement target mode + - `rp2040`: use DMA for send-only SPI transfers + - `samd21`: rearrange switch case for get pin cfg + - `samd21`: fix issue with WS2812 driver by making pin accesses faster + - `samd51`: enable CMCC cache for greatly improved performance + - `samd51`: remove extra BK0RDY clear + - `samd51`: implement Flash interface + - `samd51`: use correct SPI frequency + - `samd51`: remove extra BK0RDY clear + - `samd51`: fix ADC multisampling + - `wasi`: allow users to set the `runtime_memhash_tsip` or `runtime_memhash_fnv` build tags + - `wasi`: set `WASMTIME_BACKTRACE_DETAILS` when running in wasmtime. + - `wasm`: implement the `//go:wasmimport` directive +* **boards** + - `gameboy-advance`: switch to use register definitions in device/gba + - `gameboy-advance`: rename display and make pointer receivers + - `gopher-badge`: Added Gopher Badge support + - `lorae5`: add needed definition for UART2 + - `lorae5`: correct mapping for I2C bus, add pin mapping to enable power + - `pinetime`: update the target file (rename from pinetime-devkit0) + - `qtpy`: fix bad pin assignment + - `wioterminal`: fix pin definition of BCM13 + - `xiao`: Pins D4 & D5 are I2C1. Use pins D2 & D3 for I2C0. + - `xiao`: add DefaultUART + + 0.27.0 ---