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CakePHP DigitalOcean

A CakePHP Library for interacting with the DigitalOcean API.

Spin up and destroy servers for fun & profit from your web app or the shell.



git submodule

In your app directory type:

git submodule add -b master Plugin/DigitalOcean
git submodule init
git submodule update

git clone

In your app directory type:

git clone -b master Plugin/DigitalOcean

Using the Plugin:

Ensure you are loading it in your APP/Config/bootstrap.php

Either by loading all plugins:


or explicitly:


Then initialize it:

App::uses('DigitalOcean', 'DigitalOcean.Lib');

$do = new DigitalOcean('YOURCLIENTID','YOURAPIKEY');

Available calls:


Create a new droplet:
$droplet = array(
    'name' => '',
    'region_id' => 2,

Get details for a specific droplet:


Perform an action on a droplet:

Pass with an id and action to perform the requested action on that droplet. You can pass a 3rd argument which is an array of $params if they are required by the api call.

A full list of available actions is here (

$do->droplets(12345, 'reboot')


Fetch a list of available regions:



List your available images:


Get details for a specific image:


Perform an action on an image:

Pass with an id and action to perform the requested action on that image. You can pass a 3rd argument which is an array of $params if they are required by the api call.

A full list of available actions is here (

$do->images(12345, 'destroy')

ssh keys

Create a new key:
$params = array(
    'name'=>'my key',
$do->sshKeys('new', null, $params);
Fetch a list of your keys:


Get a specific key:


Perform an action on an key:

Pass with an id and action to perform the requested action on that ssh key. You can pass a 3rd argument which is an array of $params if they are required by the api call.

A full list of available actions is here (

$do->sshKeys(12345, 'destroy')


Create a new domain:
$params = array(
$do->domains('new', null, $params);
Fetch a list of your domains:


Get a specific domain:


Perform an action on an domain:

Pass with an id and action to perform the requested action on that domain. You can pass a 3rd argument which is an array of $params if they are required by the api call.

A full list of available actions is here (

$do->domains(12345, 'destroy')

domain records

The first argument must always be the id of a domain

Create a new domain record:
$params = array(
print_r($do->domainRecords(12345,'new',null, $params));
Fetch a list of your domain records:


Get a specific domain record:

$do->domainRecords(12345, 54321)

Perform an action on an domain:

Pass with an id and action to perform the requested action on that domain record. You can pass a 3rd argument which is an array of $params if they are required by the api call.

A full list of available actions is here (

$do->domainRecords(12345,54321, 'destroy')

Build Status


A CakePHP Library for interacting with the DigitalOcean API.







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