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170 hour Mandarin speech data. Mostly reading speech.

Data prepare

Use one of the following way:

  • Prepare data with torchaudio: run following command to get help

    bash local/ -h
  • Prepare data with Kaldi:

    1. You should first have Kaldi tool installed.

    2. Get help about how to use Kaldi to prepare data:

      KALDI_ROOT=<path/to/kaldi> bash local/ -h

Source data info will be automatically stored at data/metainfo.json. You can run

cd /path/to/aishell
python utils/data/

to refresh the information. Manually modifying is also OK.


Data prepare with command:

bash local/ -sp 1.1 0.9

Summarize experiments here.

NOTE: some of the experiments are conduct on previous code base, therefore, the settings might not be compatible to the latest. In that case, you could:

  • [Recommand] manually modify the configuration files (config.json and hyper-p.json);

  • Checkout to old code base by hyper-p:commit info. This could definitely reproduce the reported results, but some modules might be buggy.

Main results

Evaluated by CER (%)

EXP ID dev test notes
rnnt 3.93 4.22 best result, word lm + LODR
ctc 4.25 4.72 ctc rescored with word lm

CUSIDE results

EXP ID test/streaming test/non-streaming notes
rnnt-cuside 6.02 5.12 -
ctc-crf-cuside 5.57 4.99 WFST decode with 3-gram lm

Ablation study

LM modeling unit

CTC model: LINK

The acoustic model is based on Chinese characters. The char-based lm is integrated with shallow fusion, while the word-based one with rescoring.

Setting dev test
no lm 4.65 5.21
5-gram char lm LINK 4.49 4.95
3-gram word lm LINK 4.25 4.72

RNN-T model: LINK

Setting dev test
no lm 4.43 4.76
5-gram char lm LINK 4.35 4.69
3-gram word lm LINK 4.25 4.47

Feature extraction backends and CMVN

Performances are reported based on RNN-T

method dev test
kaldi prep w/ CMVN by speaker 4.44 4.80
kaldi prep w/o CMVN 4.44 4.75
torchaudio w/o CMVN 4.43 4.76
torchaudio w/ CMVN by utterances 4.60 5.03

It is shown that kaldi/torchaudio without CMVN perform close. Applying CMVN (kaldi) with speaker info does not seem to help. Applying CMVN (torchaudio) by utterance deteriorates the results.

By default, both local/ and local/ do not apply CMVN.