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Argo uses Swift's type system along with concepts from functional programming to let you smoothly transform JSON data into Swift model types. Argo does this with a minimum of syntax, while at the same time improving type safety and data integrity compared to other approaches.

You may need to learn a few things in order to learn Argo effectively, but once you do so, you'll have a powerful new tool to hang on your belt!

Decoding basics

Argo's whole purpose is to let you easily pick apart structured data (normally in the form of a dictionary created from JSON data) and create Swift objects based on the decoded content. Typically, you'll want to do this with JSON data received from a server or elsewhere. The first thing you need to do is convert the JSON data from NSData to an Any using Foundation's NSJSONSerialization API. Once you have the Any, you can call Argo's global decode function to get back the decoded model.

let json: Any? = try? NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(responseData, options: [])

if let j: Any = json {
  let user: User? = decode(j)                  // ignore failure info or
  let decodedUser: Decoded<User> = decode(j)   // preserve failure info

As you see in this example, Argo introduces a new type: Decoded<T>. This new type contains either a successfully decoded object or a failure state that preserves information about why a decoding failed. You can choose to either ignore the Decoded type and just get back the optional value or keep the Decoded type and use it to debug or report decoding failures. When you decode an Any into a model using the global decode function, you can specify whether you want an Optional model or a Decoded model by specifying the return type as seen in the code block above.

Implementing Decodable

In order for this to work with your own model types, you need to make sure that models that you wish to decode from JSON conform to the Decodable protocol:

public protocol Decodable {
  typealias DecodedType = Self
  static func decode(json: JSON) -> Decoded<DecodedType>

In your model, you need to implement the decode function to perform whatever transformations are needed in order to create your model from the given JSON structure. To illustrate this, we will decode a simple model type called User. Start by creating this User model:

struct User {
  let id: Int
  let name: String

Currying User.init

We will be using another small library called Curry to help with decoding our User model. Currying allows us to partially apply the init function over the course of the decoding process. This basically means that we can build up the init function call bit by bit, adding one parameter at a time, if and only if Argo can successfully decode them. If any of the parameters don't meet our expectations, Argo will skip the init call and return a special failure state.

If you'd like to learn more about currying, we recommend the following articles:

Now, we make User conform to Decodable and implement the required decode function. We will implement this function by using some functional concepts, specifically the map (<^>) and apply (<*>) operators, to conditionally pass the required parameters to the curried init function. The common pattern will look like this:

  static func decode(json: JSON) -> Decoded<DecodedType> {
    return curry(Model.init) <^> paramOne <*> paramTwo <*> paramThree

and so on. If any of those parameters are a failure state, then the entire creation process will fail, and the function will return the first failure state. If all of the parameters are successful, the value will be unwrapped and passed to the init function.

Safely pulling values from JSON

In the example above, we showed some non-existent parameters (paramOne, etc), but one of Argo's main features is the ability to help you grab the real parameters from the JSON structure in a way that is type-safe and concise. You don't need to manually check to make sure that a value is non-nil, or that it's of the right type. Argo leverages Swift's expressive type system to do that heavy lifting for you. To help with the decoding process, Argo introduces two new operators for parsing a value out of the JSON:

  • <| will attempt to parse a single value from the JSON
  • <|| will attempt to parse an array of values from the JSON

These are infix operators that correspond to familiar operations:

  • json <| "name" is analogous to json["name"], in cases where a single item is associated with the "name" key
  • json <|| "posts" is analogous to json["posts"], in cases where an array of items is associated with the "posts" key

As a bonus, if your JSON contains nested data whose elements are also Decodable, then you can retrieve a nested value by using an array of strings:

  • json <| ["location", "city"] is analogous to json["location"]["city"]

Each of these operators will attempt to extract the specified value from the JSON structure. If a value is found, the operator will then attempt to cast the value to the expected type. If that all works out, the operator will return the decoded object wrapped inside a Decoded<T>.Success(.Some(value)). If the value it finds is of the wrong type, the function will return a Decoded<T>.Failure(.TypeMismatch(expected: String, actual: String)) failure state. If it can't find any value at all for the specified key, the function will return a Decoded<T>.Failure(.MissingKey(name: String)) failure state.

There are also Optional versions of these operators:

  • <|? will attempt to parse an optional value from the JSON
  • <||? will attempt to parse an optional array of values from the JSON

Usage is the same as for the non-optional variants. The difference is that if these operators happen to pull a nil value from the JSON, they will consider this a success and continue on, rather than returning a failure state. This is useful for including parameters that truly are optional values. For example, if your system doesn't require someone to supply an email address, you could have an optional property on User such as let email: String? and use json <|? "email" to decode either an email string or a nil value.

Finally implementing your decode function

So, to implement our decode function, we can use the JSON parsing operator in conjunction with map and apply:

extension User: Decodable {
  static func decode(j: JSON) -> Decoded<User> {
    return curry(User.init)
      <^> j <| "id"
      <*> j <| "name"

For comparison, an implementation of a similar function without Argo could look like this:

extension User {
  static func decode(j: NSDictionary) -> User? {
    if let id = j["id"] as? Int,
       let name = j["name"] as? String
      return User(id: id, name: name)

    return .None

Not only is that code much more verbose than the equivalent code using Argo, it also doesn't return to the caller any indication of where or why any failures occur. This technique also requires you to specify the type of each value in multiple places, which means that if the type of one of your values changes, you'll have to change it at multiple places in your code. If you're using Argo, however, you just need to declare the types of your properties in your model, and then the Swift compiler will infer the types that need to be sent to the curried decode function and therefore the types that need to be found in the JSON structure.

You can decode custom types the same way, as long as the type also conforms to Decodable. This is how we implement relationships.

For more Argo usage examples, see our test suite.