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Releases: tessel/t2-cli


24 Feb 07:35
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0.0.13 Pre-release
Commit Message/Description
4ae4f18 Use the proper stop method to use the scanner methods multiple times
cdf42b5 Removes calls to process.close
1e04ec9 Deploy: sendBundle should catch any errors and reject.
60918ad Test fixing Travis.
716530c grunt: jsbeautifier
f3d73a8 test: remove self and bind
0caedda package: update engines
4b88705 Deploy: further refine handling of "unparseable" sources. Fixes gh-587


24 Feb 07:33
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0.0.12 Pre-release
Commit Message/Description
fe2fc7a Do not include ignored binaries in a deployment. Fixes gh-582
84662a7 Step 1: Move tesselignore resolution ahead of conditional deployment path
e6639b4 Corrections to syntax error handling in compress operation. Fixes gh-583
9e38843 Implement support for package.json tessel.skipBinary = true. Fixes gh-577
4873143 Eliminates misuse of connection.exec API
3db8059 Adds test to ensure update is called correctly
e39398a Adds test for resolving builds within controller
c5e138e proper use of connection exec during update
5798738 Proper semver check in update
ee1a243 Sorts fetched released by semver
8011b0e Moves USB close callback outside of try block


17 Feb 01:28
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0.0.11 Pre-release
Commit Message/Description
885f385 allows for usb connections to be opened and closed multiple times
0c57c1f Wait for _close to finish before resolve
984c606 grunt: jsbeautifier
59b9911 remove self and bind
32f95fe Detect binary modules even if .node file is missing. Fixes gh-542
9950419 drop unused dependencies
1c6b38e Returns Tessels from list to API
11a884b exposes the CLI as an API
e3f87a4 Remove legacy connection end code in wifi
bb04839 Allows a wifi success response to come in subsequent stdout packets
6131f62 Adds output silencing option
df38a1f t2 run/push: explicit compression
4001165 Harmonize push/run exec dir + tests, fixes #544
19df123 Debugging commands sent via usb/lan
a26b632 Remove lodash entirely (it was only used for two functions). Related to gh-490


10 Feb 20:17
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0.0.10 Pre-release
Commit Message/Description
dde71cb Cleanup: directly access provision.setupLocal, eliminate useless file. Fixes gh-549
65d98e0 Grunt: jsbeautifier pass
8b3f6be fixes #546
942129a drop bluebird
d777a0e Changes exec API to use callbacks instead of promises
641b3ec Fix restart script arguments bug.
a7ad468 Critical fix for incorrect push args
7718240 test(deploy): catch swallowed copySync errors
7d610fb fix(deploy): catches/rejects swallowed copySync errors
36e6cf9 fix(bin): ssid not required for ap --trigger
470f0c8 Support "bare_returns" for CJS modules
94ab133 test(deploy-list/deploy): adds deploy-lists, fixes deploy
1b58dab feat(deploy-list): adds mime/types/*.types to includes
e7919b0 Add newline at end of _t2 script, per code review.
a075414 Add bash completion script for t2 command.
c3612ed False start. Add Grunt tab completion to user's zshrc or bashrc file through npm install hook.


05 Apr 16:08
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0.0.9 Pre-release
Commit Message/Description
c7e7c2e Binary module inclusion support. Closes gh-96
4eb1777 Temporarily fixes code deploy to flash
8bf60a9 Revert addition of evil tolerance in jshint
2f8f23d Make iwinfo wlan0 scan result parse/sort safe.
f568e4b test(wifi): toggle wifi-iface instead of wifi-device
7cd5ac8 Uses an alternative wifi scan to produce consistent results
93b4788 Allows LAN deploys to close the process properly
20b4f88 Mirrors ssh2 lib hadError arg in close event
059afba Uses correct key path for root command
1e2c781 Concatenate data and headers into single packets
22e4f80 fix(wifi): toggle wifi-iface instead of wifi-device
1c20247 Tells coprocessor to disable USB channel before claiming interface
2e03986 Add better help text for key generate


10 Dec 19:29
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0.0.8 Pre-release
Commit Message/Description
5ab91f4 fix(wifi): fixes connection status check
d384700 tests(wifi): fixes connection status check
7c6853a tests(wifi): adds connection status check
a3eff7a fix: working setWifiState with connection test
18f9001 feat(wifi): wifi does not require password, allows security setting
492a144 tests(wifi): wifi does not require password
ea17769 Fixes 455
705ce1e fixes #395
68cb254 improvements based on @rwaldron's review
ddd2094 fix merge conflicts and delint
b130921 first pass with ubus


25 Nov 21:00
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0.0.7 Pre-release
Commit Message/Description
47bc4b4 Drivers: Gracefully exit install-drivers operation
4dbe3cd Deploy: t2 push will deploy a shell script containing the correct name corresponding to the deployed project's entry point. Fixes gh-460
ead744c Restores lost option presets and help texts. Renames lan_prefer => lanPrefer to match existing camel cased options
9aaf3a0 Fix t2 push default slimPath so app start finds it
0772e45 Use a spawned SSH session isntead of the ssh2 lib for root
baaab4c Preemptive update for next node-usb release
36aa6d0 README: rm outdated milestones, update instruction
72d7a83 Cleaning up code
92bbf73 root: tests
c0cd7f8 Fixing grunt complaints
08ab6b1 fixes some whitespace mods
8887dfe Adds root command using ssh2
5b3555e First pass at preferring USB for simple operations
d5584a5 Rename Tessel.(RUN
17765e2 Reorganize require calls; consolidate test dependency requires
8cd481b Tests for --key option
5a64546 Finish migration from rimraf -> fs.remove (provided by fs-extra)
f5ef11d Add appveyor badge to readme
593272a Instead of rethrowing errors, log them. Fixes gh-449
bbc0559 Fix jscs error: dont use future reserved words as identifiers
179bd12 Updating grunt-jscs
a2198ec fix(access-point): removes template literals cause jsbeautify
4b4ea2c Tweak status messages
180fac8 replaces new Errors with strings
3a96d97 fix(access-point): creates boilerplate for new access point when required
c3069ea Adds check step to AP setup. Needs AP new iface.
f6106f7 fix(ap/wifi): working implementation
5b3baee refactor(access-point): simpler, cleaner tests and source code
29ed2c8 tests(access-point): initial implementation
af1d41d feat(access-point): adds ability to enable/disable AP
a4af351 fix: working access point configuration
8a18dfd fix(ap): now able to configure ap setup
8ccd1a0 feat(ap): initial access point creation implementation
bf29c6f When single flag is present, do not traverse upward for package.json. Fixes gh-442
aab8155 Ensure that bundling errors make are surfaced. Fixes gh-441
4c2806a Adding linux driver install
4fcc670 Adds tests for wifi enable/disable
4f3b5ba In the midst of Tessel wifi off
79192a5 Adds ability to disable wifi from CLI
a8eed9c only set key if requested
8cf1f8d Deploy: implement .tesselinclude for both --slim and --full path. Closes gh-433
c8f2ae1 Incorporates PR feedback
dfbb454 Removing 0.12 from appveyor; not sure why that was included here, it's not included in travis.yml
144f944 Adds tests for default key setting functionality
c473d9d Ensure that key ends with a newline
e42d1e4 Normalize deploy paths so Windows CI will pass grunt unit tests
295471d Exempt CIs from key setting
55ee77e Fixing key test issues
98ec70c Global --key option
ef059c5 Tests: normalize paths in deploy tests.
7bf17d5 Adding appveyor.yml for windows CI
89fd66f Patches missing newline from ssh-keygen.
1c6ace2 Do not include empty lines or comment lines in the patterns extracted from .tesselignore (matchs fstream-ignore semantics).
53f5e54 Only display the blinking and quitting message once
0ddb61d controller.js line 128: if (!tessel && opts.root)
c6e687b - id_rsa reusable as discussed: #290 (comment) - haves as discussed: - home / ~ conversion as discussed: - controller.closeTesselConnections changed Tessel object to use lanConnection instead connectionType === Lan - FIXME: The check whether a connection is authorized or not has to be handled different due to security. USB connecting easily makes it possible to hack IoT devices what isn’t acceptable. - FIXME: If I use -i ~/.tessel/id_rsa_backup (a copy of erased id_rsa I the t2 root menu shows „not authorized“ Tessels … but I can select and connect !!! )


25 Nov 21:22
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0.0.5 Pre-release
Commit Message/Description
706bb9a Only detatch usb listeners if we have a usb controller
9d74d4c fixes tessel/t2-start#53
b1d46e1 Commands: support memory info request. Fixes gh-388
328bf71 If the user explicitly specified the usb flag, then we need to ignore authorization filtering.
4356f52 Tests: patching tests to reflect new semantics (reject update if no LAN)
07df8ba Refuse to update over USB because it's definitely broken right now
dac8975 Discovery messages shouldn't be own properties of Seeker (none are instance specific)
927e40d Tests: Update Tessel constructor tests to account for new connection properties
eb727b0 Fix Travis-CI getDeviceList error
b8066b7 seeker.msg object added
8c661bf Tests and lint pass
fc8f2a6 Make tessel found message contextually relevant to "authorized" filter
95772f7 Fixed by discussion
0023cce Filtering seekers result
6da774b Update messages to use "t2"
860684d Remote: abstract receiving from remote process; to replace for all remote process error/data handlers
8848a73 Provision: minor nits that rename entities to make more sense.
bc6c0df Reject the heuristics promise instead of returning nothing
4cdd5cc Fix hueristics and add tests
0acfbd6 Adds missing package json fields
70ae279 Automatically resolves wifi info so no Tessel is fetched
c569e90 Add neutral wifi command to list Tessel Wifi Information
e4e8c0f Uses LAN and USB flags properly
aa0f5b1 Updates tests to make sure all proper erase commands are called
f324b17 Fix a unit test to make Grunt happy
e0e8b69 Cleaner path name
f958940 Fix deploy paths
538d4b1 Match t2 list formatting.
85db49d Refactor (Replace terminal-menu with inquirer.prompt). Closes gh-355
3de829c Fixes tessel erase
5455273 Refactored simple execs
6dbbce8 Menu look and feel cleanup
52b107e Don't actually create the menu
0d8f923 Opens a menu to select a Tessel if the desired Tessel is ambigious
3e07b97 cleaned up


05 Apr 16:09
Choose a tag to compare
Commit Message/Description
f9e4f3f Adds support for ssh-keygen on Windows.
91e8724 Tests: Make ssh2's Client class stubbable. Add tests for explicit closed = true, implicit close event
d1c4a18 --slim by default. Fixes gh-412, Fixes gh-418
8fdbaff adding g++ source
4752c99 Update usb module so we are compatible with Node 4.x.x
cca4365 Uses @tcr's fixes combined with my old fixes to give a warning that it is booting
c976c80 Make slim build code path testable; Adds tests
98b24ac Respect .tesselignore in --slim builds
2a58b4b Corrected browserify options
519981a Catches closed connections before an exec is attempted
9c0d765 fix(slim bundles): fixes jshint errors
3ef3ab9 fix(slim bundles): acknowledges .tesselignore & successfully runs
6e5110c feat(slim bundles): generates slim bundle for running on Tessel