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Releases: tenzir/tenzir

Tenzir v4.0-rc6

07 Jul 19:44
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Tenzir v4.0-rc6 Pre-release

This is the sixth release candidate for Tenzir 4.0 🚧.

This is the first release of the open source Tenzir software under its new name. Tenzir is the continuation of VAST, you can read the motivation for the renaming in our blog post.

The main theme of this release is an improved user experience.

  • There are now dedicated commands for running a pipeline (tenzir) and spawning a node (tenzir-node).
  • Pipelines that fail to start now emit great diagnostics that point directly at the problem.
  • Pipeline execution is now more deterministic and reliable.
  • The kafka connector enables seamless integration with the Apache Kafka ecosystem.
  • The publish and subscribe operators make it possible to define loosely coupled pipelines, adding flexibility and enabling new use cases.

These are just the highlights, take a look at our 👉 changelog for a complete list of the of changes.

Tenzir 4.0-rc5

06 Jul 15:27
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Tenzir 4.0-rc5 Pre-release

This is the fifth release candidate for Tenzir 4.0 🚧.

This is the first release of the open source Tenzir software under its new name. Tenzir is the continuation of VAST, you can read the motivation for the renaming on @mavam's blog post.

The main theme of this release is an improved user experience.

  • There are now dedicated commands for running a pipeline (tenzir) and spawning a node (tenzir-node).
  • Pipelines that fail to start now emit great diagnostics that point directly at the problem.
  • Pipeline execution is now more deterministic and reliable.
  • The kafka connector enables seamless integration with the Apache Kafka ecosystem.
  • The publish and subscribe operators make it possible to define loosely coupled pipelines, adding flexibility and enabling new use cases.

These are just the highlights, take a look at our 👉 changelog for a complete list of the of changes.

Tenzir 4.0-rc4

06 Jul 14:50
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Tenzir 4.0-rc4 Pre-release

This is the fourth release candidate for Tenzir 4.0 🚧.

This is the first release of the open source Tenzir software under its new name. Tenzir is the continuation of VAST, you can read the motivation for the renaming on @mavam's blog post.

The main theme of this release is an improved user experience.

  • There are now dedicated commands for running a pipeline (tenzir) and spawning a node (tenzir-node).
  • Pipelines that fail to start now emit great diagnostics that point directly at the problem.
  • Pipeline execution is now more deterministic and reliable.
  • The kafka connector enables seamless integration with the Apache Kafka ecosystem.
  • The publish and subscribe operators make it possible to define loosely coupled pipelines, adding flexibility and enabling new use cases.

These are just the highlights, take a look at our 👉 changelog for a complete list of the of changes.

Tenzir v4.0-rc2

03 Jul 16:25
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Tenzir v4.0-rc2 Pre-release

This is the second release candidate for Tenzir 4.0 🚧.

This is the first release of the open source Tenzir software under its new name. Tenzir is the continuation of VAST, you can read the motivation for the renaming on @mavam's blog post.

The main theme of this release is an improved user experience.

  • There are now dedicated commands for running a pipeline (tenzir) and spawning a node (tenzir-node).
  • Pipelines that fail to start now emit great diagnostics that point directly at the problem.
  • Pipeline execution is now more deterministic and reliable.
  • The kafka connector enables seamless integration with the Apache Kafka ecosystem.
  • The publish and subscribe operators make it possible to define loosely coupled pipelines, adding flexibility and enabling new use cases.

These are just the highlights, take a look at our 👉 changelog for a complete list of the of changes.

Tenzir v4.0-rc1

29 Jun 07:21
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Tenzir v4.0-rc1 Pre-release

This is the first release candidate for Tenzir 4.0 🚧.

This is the first release of the open source Tenzir software under its new name. Tenzir is the continuation of VAST, you can read the motivation for the renaming on @mavam's blog post.

The main theme of this release is an improved user experience.

  • There are now dedicated commands for running a pipeline (tenzir) and spawning a node (tenzir-node).
  • Pipelines that fail to start now emit great diagnostics that point directly at the problem.
  • Pipeline execution is now more deterministic and reliable.
  • The kafka connector enables seamless integration with the Apache Kafka ecosystem.
  • The publish and subscribe operators make it possible to define loosely coupled pipelines, adding flexibility and enabling new use cases.

These are just the highlights, take a look at our point_right changelog for a complete list of the of changes.

VAST v3.1

12 May 10:03
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VAST v3.1 is here: This is a small checkpointing release on our way to make pipelines in VAST front-and-center.

📣 Read the announcement blog:
👉 Learn more the new operators:
📝 See all changes at a glance:

VAST v3.1-rc2

11 May 20:08
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VAST v3.1-rc2 Pre-release

This is the second release candidate for VAST v3.1.

Take a look at our 👉 changelog for a detailed list of changes since the last release, especially at the list breaking changes, including the removal of previously deprecated options.

We invite everyone to join our Community Discord to discuss the release, and to give it a spin for testing. We currently plan to release VAST v3.1 on Fri, May 12th.

VAST v3.1-rc1

04 May 15:48
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VAST v3.1-rc1 Pre-release

This is the first release candidate for VAST v3.1.

Take a look at our 👉 changelog for a detailed list of changes since the last release, especially at the list breaking changes, including the removal of previously deprecated options.

We invite everyone to join our Community Discord to discuss the release, and to give it a spin for testing. We currently plan to release VAST v3.1 on Thu, May 11th.

VAST v3.0.4

18 Apr 13:02
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We're excited to announce VAST v3.0. The big theme of this release is security data pipelines. VAST now features a textual pipeline language akin to Kusto and splunk. The major version bump brings along a few language quality-of-life improvements.

VAST v3.0.4 improves the behavior of automatic rebuilds compared to VAST v3.0.3, and no longer unnecessarily rebuilds all rather than just undersized or outdated partitions for some configurations.

Note What are automatic rebuilds?
VAST continuously optimizes its storage engine in the background to ensure a smooth operation. In particular, it merges undersized partitions and upgrades them to the newest internal storage format. This is a background process and should not be noticeable by the user.

📣 Read the announcement blog:
🚀 Try our new quick start guide:
👉 Learn more about pipelines:
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VAST v3.0.3

31 Mar 09:57
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We're excited to announce VAST v3.0. The big theme of this release is security data pipelines. VAST now features a textual pipeline language akin to Kusto and splunk. The major version bump brings along a few language quality-of-life improvements.

VAST v3.0.3 improves the prioritization behavior of VAST between rebuilds, compaction, and queries over VAST v3.0.2.

Before this change, some configurations led to queries being throttled to the speed of rebuilding or compaction, which are more expensive operations than queries. This no longer happens: Queries will now be preferred in most cases.

📣 Read the announcement blog:
🚀 Try our new quick start guide:
👉 Learn more about pipelines:
📝 See all changes at a glance: