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Tensorflow binary seems compiled to use SIMD instructions like AVX2 and FMA, but actually not? #13500

martozzz opened this issue Oct 5, 2017 · 10 comments


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martozzz commented Oct 5, 2017

I found similar issues mentioned as #8037, #7778 etc, but the issue seems not solved: the warnings did disappear after building with the necessary optimization options, but they appeared again when I followed this tutorial ( to the last step. So, is the tensorflow binary compiled to use the SIMD instructions or not?

System information

  • Have I written custom code: No
  • OS Platform and Distribution: Linux Ubuntu 16.04
  • TensorFlow installed from: source
  • TensorFlow version: v1.3.0-rc1-3000-g840dcae
  • Python version: Python3
  • Bazel version: 0.6.0
  • CPU: Intel Core i7-4770, Haswell architecture, supporting AVX2 and FMA
  • GPU: No
  • Compiler: gcc 5.4.0

Issue reproducing:

  1. Building tensorflow from source:
  • Configure: only jemalloc and XLA JIT support are ticked. The default optimization flag is -march=native, therefore was not specified;

  • Build pip package:

bazel build --config=opt --copt=-mavx2 --copt=-mfma --config=mkl --cxxopt="-D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0" //tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package
  • Install pip package:
sudo -H python3 -m pip install /tmp/tensorflow_pkg/tensorflow-1.3.0-cp35-cp35m-linux_x86_64.whl
  • The installation was validated using the "Hello, TensorFlow!" example, and no warnings are generated.
  1. Generating tfcompile binary:
bazel build --config=opt --copt=-mavx2 --copt=-mfma --config=mkl --cxxopt="-D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0" //tensorflow/compiler/aot:tfcompile
  1. Follow the tutorial here, in the directory //tensorflow/compiler/aot/tests:
  • Step 1: The config file already exists as test_graph_tfmatmul.config.pbtxt;

  • Step 2.1: Generate the graph file test_graph_tfmatmul.pb:

python3 ./ --out_dir=./
  • Step 2.2: Compile the graph using tfcompile:
~/tensorFlow_src/tensorflow/bazel-bin/tensorflow/compiler/aot/tfcompile --graph="./test_graph_tfmatmul.pb" --config="./test_graph_tfmatmul.config.pbtxt" --entry_point="test_graph_tfmatmul" --cpp_class="foo::bar::MatMulComp" --out_object="test_graph_tfmatmul.o" --out_header="test_graph_tfmatmul.h" --target_features="+avx2"
  • Step 3: Creating a file named

#include <iostream>
#include "third_party/eigen3/unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/Tensor"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/aot/tests/test_graph_tfmatmul.h" // generated

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    Eigen::ThreadPool tp(2);  // Size the thread pool as appropriate.
    Eigen::ThreadPoolDevice device(&tp, tp.NumThreads());

    foo::bar::MatMulComp matmul;

    // Set up args and run the computation.
    const float args[12] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12};
    std::copy(args + 0, args + 6, matmul.arg0_data());
    std::copy(args + 6, args + 12, matmul.arg1_data());

    // Check result
    if (matmul.result0(0, 0) == 58) {
        std::cout << "Success" << std::endl;
    } else {
        std::cout << "Failed. Expected value 58 at 0,0. Got:"
                    << matmul.result0(0, 0) << std::endl;

    return 0;
  • Step 4.1: Create the BUILD file:
# Example of linking your binary
# Also see //third_party/tensorflow/compiler/aot/tests/BUILD
load("//tensorflow/compiler/aot:tfcompile.bzl", "tf_library")

# The same tf_library call from step 2 above.
    name = "test_graph_tfmatmul",
    cpp_class = "foo::bar::MatMulComp",
    graph = "test_graph_tfmatmul.pb",
    config = "test_graph_tfmatmul.config.pbtxt",

# The executable code generated by tf_library can then be linked into your code.
    name = "my_binary",
    srcs = [
        "",  # include test_graph_tfmatmul.h to access the generated header
    deps = [
        ":test_graph_tfmatmul",  # link in the generated object file
    linkopts = [
  • Step 4.2: Create the final binary:
bazel build --config=opt --copt=-mavx2 --copt=-mfma --config=mkl --cxxopt="-D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0" //tensorflow/compiler/aot/tests:my_binary

Finally, it will print:
INFO: From Executing genrule //tensorflow/compiler/aot/tests:gen_test_graph_tfmatmul: 2017-10-05 15:15:29.233159: I tensorflow/core/platform/] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: SSE4.1 SSE4.2 AVX AVX2 FMA
(An error will also occur, but that is another issue #13482).

So, is the tensorflow binary compiled to use the SIMD instructions (SSE4.1 SSE4.2 AVX AVX2 FMA) or not? May I have your advice?

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@MartinZZZ This is slightly confusing.

Note that the info log Your CPU supports... is actually coming from the invocation of the tfcompile tool, which generates the header and object file, and is a side-effect of how we perform the compilation re-using underlying TensorFlow infrastructure. It's not actually trying to warn you that the generated code is missing support for SIMD.

The reason I know this is because the first part of the info log says:

From Executing genrule //tensorflow/compiler/aot/tests:gen_test_graph_tfmatmul

The genrule above corresponds to this bazel genrule, which is created by the tf_library build macro:

name=("gen_" + name),

I'm suspecting that you saw this info log in #13482 because you were running tfcompile manually; if instead you let blaze run it, via the tf_library macro, these info logs won't be visible.

That said, note that by default tfcompile doesn't assume any target-specific features (SIMD, etc). If there are specific features you'd like to enable, you need to set them via the following tfcompile flags:

	--target_cpu=""                  	string	Target cpu, similar to the clang -mcpu flag.
	--target_features=""             	string	Target features, e.g. +avx2, +neon, etc.

These may be specified in your tf_library build rule using the tfcompile_flags argument:

@tatatodd tatatodd removed the stat:community support Status - Community Support label Oct 12, 2017
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@tatatodd Thanks for the information. I specified those flags in the tf_library, but the log still exists:

The tfcompile_flags is specified as following (in //tensorflow/tensorflow/compiler/aot/tfcompile.bzl):

# -*- Python -*-

load("//tensorflow:tensorflow.bzl", "if_android", "tf_copts")

def tf_library(name, graph, config,
               freeze_checkpoint=None, freeze_saver=None,
               cpp_class=None, gen_test=True, gen_benchmark=True,
               visibility=None, testonly=None,
               tfcompile_flags=str('--target_cpu="x86-64" --target_features="+sse4.1" --target_features="+sse4.2" --target_features="+avx" --target_features="+avx2" --target_features="+fma"'),
               include_standard_runtime_deps=True, deps=None, tags=None):
  if not cpp_class:
    fail("cpp_class must be specified")

  tfcompile_graph = graph
  if freeze_checkpoint or freeze_saver:
    if not freeze_checkpoint:
      fail("freeze_checkpoint must be specified when freeze_saver is specified")

    freeze_name = "freeze_" + name
    freeze_file = freeze_name + ".pb"

    # First run tfcompile to generate the list of out_nodes.
    out_nodes_file = "out_nodes_" + freeze_name
        name=("gen_" + out_nodes_file),
        cmd=("$(location " + tfcompile_tool + ")" +
             " --config=$(location " + config + ")" +
             " --dump_fetch_nodes > $@"),
        # Run tfcompile on the build host, rather than forge, since it's
        # typically way faster on the local machine.

    # Now run freeze_graph to convert variables into constants.
    freeze_args = (" --input_graph=$(location " + graph + ")" +
                   " --input_binary=" + str(not graph.endswith(".pbtxt")) +
                   " --input_checkpoint=$(location " + freeze_checkpoint + ")" +
                   " --output_graph=$(location " + freeze_file + ")" +
                   " --output_node_names=$$(<$(location " + out_nodes_file +
    freeze_saver_srcs = []
    if freeze_saver:
      freeze_args += " --input_saver=$(location " + freeze_saver + ")"
      freeze_saver_srcs += [freeze_saver]
        ] + freeze_saver_srcs,
        cmd=("$(location //tensorflow/python/tools:freeze_graph)" +
    tfcompile_graph = freeze_file

  # Rule that runs tfcompile to produce the header and object file.
  header_file = name + ".h"
  object_file = name + ".o"
  ep = ("__" + PACKAGE_NAME + "__" + name).replace("/", "_")
      name=("gen_" + name),
      cmd=("$(location " + tfcompile_tool + ")" +
           " --graph=$(location " + tfcompile_graph + ")" +
           " --config=$(location " + config + ")" +
           " --entry_point=" + ep +
           " --cpp_class=" + cpp_class +
           " --target_triple=" + target_llvm_triple() +
           " --out_header=$(@D)/" + header_file +
           " --out_object=$(@D)/" + object_file +
           " " + (tfcompile_flags or "")),
      # Run tfcompile on the build host since it's typically faster on the local
      # machine.
      # Note that setting the local=1 attribute on a *test target* causes the
      # test infrastructure to skip that test.  However this is a genrule, not a
      # test target, and runs with --genrule_strategy=forced_forge, meaning the
      # local=1 attribute is ignored, and the genrule is still run.

  # The cc_library rule packaging up the header and object file, and needed
  # kernel implementations.
  need_xla_data_proto = (tfcompile_flags and
                         tfcompile_flags.find("--gen_program_shape") != -1)
      deps = [
          # These deps are required by all tf_library targets even if
          # include_standard_runtime_deps is False.  Without them, the
          # generated code will fail to compile.
      ] + (need_xla_data_proto and [
          # If we're generating the program shape, we must depend on the proto.
      ] or []) + (include_standard_runtime_deps and [
          # TODO(cwhipkey): only depend on kernel code that the model actually needed.
      ] or []) + (deps or []),

  # Variables used for gen_test and gen_benchmark.
  no_ns_name = ""
  cpp_class_split = cpp_class.rsplit("::", maxsplit=2)
  if len(cpp_class_split) == 1:
    no_ns_name = cpp_class_split[0]
    no_ns_name = cpp_class_split[1]
  sed_replace = (
      "-e \"s|{{TFCOMPILE_HEADER}}|$(location " + header_file + ")|g\" " +
      "-e \"s|{{TFCOMPILE_CPP_CLASS}}|" + cpp_class + "|g\" " +
      "-e \"s|{{TFCOMPILE_NAME}}|" + no_ns_name + "|g\" ")

  if gen_test:
    test_name = name + "_test"
    test_file = test_name + ".cc"
    # Rule to rewrite to produce the test_file.
        name=("gen_" + test_name),
        cmd=("sed " + sed_replace +
             " $(location //tensorflow/compiler/ " +
             "> $(OUTS)"),

    # The cc_test rule for the generated code.
            ":" + name,

  if gen_benchmark:
    benchmark_name = name + "_benchmark"
    benchmark_file = benchmark_name + ".cc"
    benchmark_main = ("//tensorflow/compiler/aot:" +

    # Rule to rewrite to produce the benchmark_file.
        name=("gen_" + benchmark_name),
        testonly = testonly,
        cmd=("sed " + sed_replace +
             " $(location " + benchmark_main + ") " +
             "> $(OUTS)"),

    # The cc_benchmark rule for the generated code.
    # Note: to get smaller size on android for comparison, compile with:
    #    --copt=-fvisibility=hidden
        testonly = testonly,
        copts = tf_copts(),
        linkopts = if_android(["-pie", "-s"]),
            ":" + name,
        ] + if_android([

def target_llvm_triple():
  """Returns the target LLVM triple to be used for compiling the target."""
  # TODO(toddw): Add target_triple for other targets.  For details see:
  return select({
      "//tensorflow:android_armeabi": "armv5-none-android",
      "//tensorflow:android_arm": "armv7-none-android",
      "//tensorflow:android_arm64": "aarch64-none-android",
      "//tensorflow:android_x86": "i686-none-android",
      "//tensorflow:linux_ppc64le": "ppc64le-ibm-linux-gnu",
      "//tensorflow:darwin": "x86_64-none-darwin",
      "//conditions:default": "x86_64-pc-linux",

Then instead of running tfcompile manually, I built the cc_library using the tf_library macro (i.e., skipping Step 2.2), and the final binary can be successfully created now with command:

bazel build //tensorflow/compiler/aot/tests:my_binary

but the logging info still exists:

INFO: Analysed target //tensorflow/compiler/aot/tests:my_binary (2 packages loaded).
INFO: Found 1 target...
INFO: From Executing genrule //tensorflow/compiler/aot/tests:gen_test_graph_tfmatmul:
2017-10-12 12:56:13.846822: I tensorflow/core/platform/] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: SSE4.1 SSE4.2 AVX AVX2 FMA
Target //tensorflow/compiler/aot/tests:my_binary up-to-date:
INFO: Elapsed time: 0.331s, Critical Path: 0.05s
INFO: Build completed successfully, 2 total actions

May I have your advice?

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@MartinZZZ I see. I had misinterpreted your previous message; I thought you meant that you no longer saw the log info when using tf_library.

As I mentioned, the log message is harmless, and is a side-effect of the way we perform the compilation. We're changing the implementation (for a different reason), at which point the info log will go away. In the meantime you should just ignore it.

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@tatatodd Thanks for the explanation. I seem to understand now, and may I check with you regarding the following two simple questions:

(1) Does it mean that the created binary is actually able to use the SIMD instructions as specified by the tfcompile_flags, and the log message is just a false warning?

(2) Whether the tfcompile_flags is successfully specifiled or not, will it affect the performance of matmul operation in this example? I thought it would not. As tensorflow is using Eigen's implementation for matmul, in which SIMD intrinsic instructions seem to be already used to exploit the SIMD hardware.

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@MartinZZZ Answers to your questions:

  1. Yes, if you set tfcompile_flags as in your example above, the code generated by XLA will use SIMD instructions. The log message is a false warning, regardless of your tfcompile_flags settings.

  2. You're correct. tfcompile uses XLA for compilation, and XLA currently calls out to Eigen for matmul. This may change in the future; we do have a pure-XLA implementation of matmul, but it's quite slow.

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@tatatodd Thanks for your answers:)

And please correct me if I am mistaken. I wonder if XLA-AoT mainly focuses on the space issue on mobile device, while XLA-JIT mainly focuses on the performance. If so, may I seek for your advice regarding the following short questions:

(1) Will XLA-JIT generate code after fusing operations without calling to Eigen?

(2) If so, is the code generation done by XLA, or totally relied on LLVM? and is this code released as well? Thanks.

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so am i

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@lijiansong, could you clarify your question?

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@carlthome MartinZZZ and lijiansong are asking which one has better runtime performance: XLA-JIT or XLA-AOT?

The documentation seems to imply that XLA-AOT is meant for space-constrained situations (e.g. mobile) but does not mention anything regarding runtime performance of XLA-AOT vs XLA-JIT. Any clarification on that point would be welcome.

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carlthome commented Jan 9, 2018

AOT and JIT provides the same performance benefits (e.g. op fusion, constant folding, common subexpression elimination and other HLOs).

The downside to AOT is that you have to specify static tensor shapes and know what hardware you're targeting, while JIT would do that for you.

The downside to JIT is that compilation happens in the runtime (which takes extra time) and that you have to bundle the compiler with your program.

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