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Releases: taylordaughtry/craft-brief


12 Feb 04:34
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In version 2, Brief has been cleaned up & optimized with the latest practices for Craft 2.6. It's also been updated with some great features, including custom email templates and more customization for your needs.

Here's what's changed in this version:


  • You can now use custom email templates, complete with variable parsing
  • There's now a customizable replyTo address for notifications
  • Brief can optionally ignore changes to disabled entries


  • Various code improvments, including removing now-unused methods & variables
  • Organizing various declarations and attributes for easier readability


03 Oct 19:18
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  • Fixed an issue Craft had with concatenation in the Plugin.php file
  • Fixed an issue where Craft would try to process Twig tags when settings were saved
  • Brief now only sends out notifications when the saved entry is enabled, or 'live'.


10 Feb 04:10
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  • Notifications are now controlled by Craft's native User Groups functionality. You'll see Brief's notification options for each section in Group permissions.
  • Subject lines can now be customized in Brief's settings. You can also optionally use certain twig tags, such as {{ title }} or {{ section }}.
  • Added an icon for Brief.


  • Fixed an issue where Craft would display an error if there were no User Groups defined.


05 Feb 02:52
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  • Fixed an issue where Brief would always try to notify Slack, even when there wasn't a webhook.


  • Brief now has an email template that uses your site's configuration to fill in a the notification that's sent to users.


04 Feb 20:14
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  • Slack integration — Notify a Slack channel when an entry is added or updated

v 1.1.0

04 Feb 05:14
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Brief has been almost completely rewritten to make it more performant and easier to extend. It's suitable for use in Craft 2.5.2761 and above.

Because this was initially built as a very simple plugin for a specific client's use, it wasn't built with any extensibility in mind. As a result, a nearly complete rewrite of the code brings some great potential to the plugin, and allows for easier additions of future functionality.