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Releases: tastybento/askyblock

3.0.6 Release Candidate

16 Feb 01:51
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Updated binary Feb 26th. IF you already tried this version - note that the config.yml has changed because there were lines missing. The correct config.yml is here:

This file is for TESTING. Please report bugs to the Issues page. Thank you for your help!


The config.yml file for 3.0.6 is significantly different to previous versions. Updating without converting to the new version may make your ASkyBlock world act strangely as it will use default settings.


  1. Stop server
  2. Make a backup of your ASkyBlock plugin folder and worlds
  3. Copy this plugin over the old one
  4. Move your locale folder to locale.old
  5. Delete if it exists
  6. Start the server and stop it as soon as it starts
  7. Carefully transfer your old config.yml settings to the Note the new sections.
  8. Move config.yml to config.old
  9. Move to config.yml
  10. Edit the locale files in the locale folder. Note that there is no locale.yml file anymore. You choose your default language in config.yml.
  11. Reset the server
  12. You should be done!

New Features or Improvements

  • Added askyblock.islandfly permission. If a player has this permission, they can fly within their island space. Configure the island fly settings in config.yml.
  • Option to show fancy island level values, e.g., 12K instead of 12,203.
  • Island settings: added extra island settings.
  • Island spawn settings are made by the GUI.
  • Clicking on a player head in the top ten will warp you to that island if a warp is available
  • Nether trees can be selected for normal nether
  • Players can see how many points they need to attain the next island level and obtain an estimated value for the block in their hand. /is value.
  • Added general entity spawn limiting. See config.yml.
  • Removed complicated settings in config.yml around island protection. Now settings are automatic.
  • Added default locale setting to config.yml and removed the locale.yml file.
  • Admins can remove languages just be deleting them from the locale folder. To regenerate locale files, remove the locale folder completely and restart.
  • Updated PT-BR file for locale. Credit - eBaldino
  • Added Russian locale file. Credit - k-egor-smirnov
  • Added new strings to locale files in English to help indicate what needs to be translated.
  • Temporary permissions - players can have a set of permissions when they are on their island that will be removed when they leave their island.
  • Added option so that only leader can coop.
  • Option to only allow magic cobble generation at spawn.
  • Changed how teleporting works when getting a new island. It will not teleport to spawn unless the player is too close to the new island location. This helps avoid client cache issues and "invisible block" syndrome.
  • /is leave now requires confirmation.
  • Added config options to fully protect against acid rain if wearing a helmet and acid water if wearing a full set of armor.
  • (11.1+) Added option for island enter/exit strings to show up in the Action Bar. No color supported.
  • Added protection against the team kick/leave exploit to obtain free islands. Players with zero resets left cannot make islands any more!
  • If the admin changes the resets left setting in config.yml it will be applied instantly to all players. Previously it required the admin to reset player by player.
  • Added perms for spawn and reset commands.
  • Admins can globally reset a challenge for every player in the game. The reset can also repeat periodically every few minutes, hours or days.
  • Improved admin cobblestats command to show stats for different island levels.
  • API: Coop events can be canceled.

Bug / Exploit Fixes

[Exploit] Made challenges not reset on leaving a team to stop players receiving multiple rewards
[Exploit] Changed how askyblock.island.range.# works. The island range can now go down as well as up. This prevents players with a large range giving an island to those with a lower range. The range will change at the time of handover, or if the new owner is offline, when the new leader logs in.
[Medium] Challenges would not work correctly if there were no challenge levels defined
[Medium] Some blocks could not be placed at spawn even if the place-blocks setting was allowed
[Medium] Fixed long standing bug in calculate island level API.
[Medium] Portal use was not allowed for island owners if it was disabled for visitors.
[Minor] Schematics - mushroom soup was unsupported
[Minor] Falling into the void while trying to hit a block caused a console error
[Minor] Added missing 1.11 blocks to blockvalues.yml
[Minor] Total island villager count was not shown correctly for teams.
[Minor] Badly formatted filenames in the locale folder were causing bugs
[Minor] Removed WARN in console for "Problem removing no push from scoreboard."
[Minor] Schematics - pasting a chest sometimes caused an error.
[Minor] Next and Previous could not have color codes for the Warp Panel.
[Minor] Due to name changing, it is possible for two players to temporarily have the same name in the game. Admin commands could use the old UUID instead of the new UUID.
[Minor] Island teleporting was not checking the askyblock.island.go permission.

3.0.6 block

27 Feb 06:31
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3.0.6 block Pre-release

This is a test version with code to force block setting.

3.0.6 with NMS for 1.8.3

27 Feb 06:30
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This is a test build with changed NMS code for 1.8.3.

3.0.6 Release

27 Jan 20:57
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3.0.6 Release Pre-release

Work in progress.

Bug fixes

10 Jan 03:21
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Bug fixes Pre-release

Bug fixes

  1. Restores {ISLAND_LEVEL} functionality for (poorly-written) chat plugins like SimplePrefix. #454

Release Candidate for testing

28 Dec 06:29
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Bug Fixes
[Minor] Adds debug to the admin topten command to show the file name if a player file cannot be loaded due to bad YAML or some other reason.
[Major] Fixes Culinary Artist reward of Mooshroom spawn egg on 1.11 servers. Also fixes Zombie Pigman spawn eggs.
[Minor] Improved schematic compatibility.
[Minor] Added protection against errors if the block values required for an island level was set to zero in blockvalues.yml
[Medium] Updated Bukkit updater to work with latest Curse site.
[Medium] Make skeleton spawners in the island Nether spawn Wither Skeletons again every so often. This fixes a Vanilla limitation in 1.11.

Bug fixes

17 Dec 20:00
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Bug fixes Pre-release

Bug Fixes

[Minor] Adds debug to the admin topten command to show the file name if a player file cannot be loaded due to bad YAML or some other reason.
[Major] Fixes Culinary Artist reward of Mooshroom spawn egg on 1.11 servers. Also fixes Zombie Pigman spawn eggs.

Top Ten fix and other bug fixes RC

17 Dec 17:51
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Bug fixes
[Major] Top ten not updating when player does /island level.
[Medium] No push option (1.9+) was causing a large scoreboard team to grow over time taking up memory.
[Minor] Mushroom soup not supported in schematics.
[Minor] Console error caused when a player with no safe spot on their own island falls to their death in the void as a visitor when visitor protection is on.

WIP The Language Update

07 Dec 02:08
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This is a WIP. Theme will be upgrades to the locale system. Other features will also be added as per the issues list tagging.


  1. [WIP] API events made cancellable: Team Join/Leave, Coop Join/Leave - needs testing.

Release candidate

06 Dec 22:31
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Release candidate Pre-release

== Improvements ==

  1. Added mob-spawning on/off toggle to settings for players
  2. Multi-level magic ore gen - islands of different levels can get better ore probabilities!
  3. Config option to enable invincible visitors with various customizable settings.
  4. Config option to disable redstone action if island players are offline. The aim is to help reduce lag.
  5. New command to list who is banned from an island /is banlist
  6. New permission to bypass a ban: askblock.admin.noban
  7. New admin command to extend or reduce an island's protection distance - /asadmin addrange
  8. Updated locales for new strings (English, German, French)
  9. Better tab-complete for some commands

== Bug fixes ==

  1. [Minor] Schematics with a cost of 0 could be refused if a player had a negative balance.
  2. [Minor] Llamas could not be the global default companion.
  3. [Minor] Max health, when affected by acid damage was limited to 20, but potions could enable higher values.
  4. [Minor] Prevents drop damage when teleporting to a new island
  5. [Minor] Added protection against indefinite falling into the void if /spawn doesn't work.
  6. [Major] Visitors could open shulker boxes
  7. [Minor] Chorus Fruit setting could not be toggled.
  8. [Minor] The locale string for the ban failure message was not working.
  9. [Major] MagicCobbleGen was working across all worlds, not just the island worlds.
  10. [Minor] config.yml did not list all the settings permissions.