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96 lines (67 loc) · 3.25 KB


This is the notary server for the TLSNotary protocol.

It is primarily intended to be run inside a sandboxed AWS EC2 instance ( It can also be run as a regular server (you'll have to start it with --no-sandbox and pass the file public.key to the client).


  • MPC circuits unpack the files
  • Node 16.14
  • CMake 3.16+
  • GCC 9+
  • Python 3
  • ecdsa 0.18.0 python library


  1. Make sure Node.js 16 LTS is installed in the system.

  2. Install ecdsa>=0.18.0b1 Python library

  3. Clone this repo, then initialize submodules git submodule update --init --recursive

  4. Generate an ECDSA signing key in PEM format and save it to signing.key

    Example: openssl ecparam -name secp256r1 -genkey -noout -out signing.key

  5. Generate keys of desired size

    1. Copy all circuits from ProveThis to some local directory.
    2. Create main circuit of desired size using main_N.circom template. Replace NUMBER_OF_AES_BLOCKS_HERE with a number of AES blocks this circuit should be able to reveal.
    3. Compile the circuits: circom ./path/to/main_N.circom --r1cs --O1 --output .. This will create a main_N.r1cs file.
    4. Generate a proving key (needs snarkjs CLI): snarkjs groth16 setup main_N.r1cs ./path/to/ptau/file.ptau N.zkey. This will create a N.zkey proving key file.
    5. Export a verification key (needs snarkjs CLI): snarkjs zkey export verificationkey N.zkey N.json. This will create a N.json verification key file.
    6. Place N.zkey and N.json into zkey-content directory in your working directory.
    7. Repeat steps 2-6 for every N AES blocks you want to be able to prove, e.g. if you want to prove 1 AES block in one proof, and 4 AES blocks in another proof, you need to repeat those steps with N=1 and N=4
  6. Compile:

    1. cd src/aesmpc, then build server according to README
    2. cd src/softspoken, then build Go wrapper according to README
    3. cd ..
    4. CGO_LDFLAGS="-lcrypto -lssl -ldl -lpthread -laesmpc" go build -o notary
  7. Run on a local machine with: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(pwd)/src/aesmpc:$(pwd)/src/softspoken/pkg ./notary --no-sandbox

Public API endpoints


Returns a list of supported ZK key pair sizes. For proving 1 AES block you need a key pair of size 1, and so on.

Example response:

  "sizes": [1, 2]


Returns a ZK key pair of required size if it exists on the server. The keys must be generated beforehand.

Required query params:

  • size - key pair size - Example: /zkey?size=1

Note: This endpoint uses chunked transfer limited to ~16MB/s

Example response:

  "pk": "base64 string",
  "vk": "base64 string",
  "size": 1,
  "error": "optional, error message"

If a key pair of requested size doesn't exist, the endpoint will return 404 Not Found with an error message in JSON body


Returns tag verification signing key in PEM format.

Content-Type header will be set to application/x-pem-file

Example response:

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----