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A C# based wrapper for the API.


Newtonsoft.Json >= 8.0

.Net Framework >= 4.5

Quick How-To

This API utilizes database. It's great. If that's down, this won't work. The searcher supports async. So, if you really want to, you can await all day everyday.

This simple example retrieves a card from their database:

YugiohPricesSearcher searcher = new YugiohPricesSearcher(); //the class that will allow us to search
Card c = await searcher.GetCardByName("Dark Magician"); //retrieves a card from the database by name
Console.WriteLine(c.Description); //writes the description or effect to the console
The ultimate wizard in terms of attack and defense.

Retrieving Card Price

This simple example retrieves the first card price average from their database:

YugiohPricesSearcher searcher = new YugiohPricesSearcher();
CardPrices prices = await searcher.GetCardPricesByName("Dark Magician"); //alternatively, you can get an array of CardPrices by using GetAllCardPricesByName
Console.WriteLine($"Average price for {prices.Card.Name} in set '{prices.SetName}'"); //look i even give you the card object so you don't have to call GetCardByName again
Console.WriteLine($"- {prices.PriceData.AveragePrice.ToString("C")}");
Average price for Dark Magician in set 'Structure Deck: Spellcaster's Judgment'
- $1.59

i dont wanna use async

You can use this library without async. Omit the await keyword and append .Result to the end of the method, like so:

Card c = searcher.GetCardByName("Dark Magician").Result;

The result is the same. However, the method will not be run asynchronously and will block your UI thread.

Known Limitations

Because is very finicky about casing and symbols and what not, you probably need to enter the card name exactly as it is seen on the card. For example,

Dark Magician 💯

dark magician

Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning 💯

black luster soldier envoy of the beginning