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92 lines (62 loc) · 2.89 KB

Run WebsiteArchiver Validate Bicep files Deploy to GitHub Pages

This repository contains both the source and build files for my personal website, which is hosted via GitHub Pages and accessible at

Pull the necessary submodule(s)

Within your terminal, run:

git submodule update --init --recursive

How to update the theme submodule to the latest commit

Within your terminal, run:

git submodule update --remote --merge

You will then need to git add the theme submodule directory, and git commit this staged change.

How to run

To run the server, simply execute the following command in your terminal:

hugo server

How to build

To build an up-to-date copy of the static files necessary for publishing the site, execute the following command in your terminal:


If successful, this will re-populate the public directory if it already exists, or create and populate it if not.


This site is deployed via a GitHub Action.

Upon merge of a pull request into the main branch, the GitHub Action will update the gh-pages branch with the latest build of the static files. This branch is then served via GitHub Pages.

GitHub Actions

Website Archiver

Previous versions of the website are archived by triggering an instance of the website-archiver running in Azure.

For this workflow to run successfully, the following repository secrets must be configured:


The AZURE_CREDENTIALS value should be in the following format:

    "clientId":"${{ Azure App Registration Client ID }}",
    "clientSecret":"${{ Azure App Registration Client Secret }}",
    "subscriptionId":"${{ Azure Subscription ID }}",
    "tenantId":"${{ Azure Tenant ID }}"

GitHub Codespaces

This repository contains all of the necessary configuration to run in a GitHub Codespace.

To open the repository in a GitHub Codespace, follow these instructions:

  1. Select the 'Code' dropdown on the repositorys main screen.
  2. Select the 'Open with Codespaces' option.
  3. Select the 'New codespace' option.