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Stencila Hub Python Client

PyPI version

This Python package provides a client for the Stencila Hub API. It is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator from our OpenAPI Schema.


Python 3.4+

This package may work with Python 2.7 but only recent versions of Python are supported.


Install from PyPI using:

pip3 install stencila.hub

You may need to run pip3 with root permission: sudo pip3 install ...

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

from pprint import pprint

import stencila.hub
from import ApiException

configuration = stencila.hub.Configuration(
    api_key={'Token': 'YOUR_API_TOKEN'},
    api_key_prefix={'Token': 'Token'}
with stencila.hub.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    api_instance = stencila.hub.ProjectsApi(api_client)
        api_response = api_instance.projects_list(
            account = 56, # The integer of the id of the account that the project belongs to
            role = 'author+', # The role that the currently authenticated user has on the project
            public = True, # Whether or not the project is public.
            search = 'foo', # A string to search for in the project `name`, `title` or `description`. (optional)
    except ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling ProjectsApi.projects_list: %s\n" % e)


Generating client

The generation of the client requires a local instance of the manager service to be running. To start that, at the top level of this repo, run

make -C manager run

To regenerate the client, at the top level of this repo, run

make -C clients python

This will also generate Markdown documentation in the docs folder.

There are two primary options for customizing the files this package:

  1. Override the Mustache templates and place them in the templates folder

  2. Turn off generation by adding the file to .openapi-generator-ignore.

Running tests

First generate the client code files as described above, and then run:


Continuous deployment

This client package is regenerated on each release and uploaded to PyPI. Tests of this package are currently not run on each release.